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Manuscript Releases, vol. 5 [Nos. 260-346] - Contents
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    MR No. 272—Miscellaneous Manuscript Materials

    Ellen White's Visit to Canada

    Arrived at Battle Creek about noon, then commenced to prepare or have others prepare for the journey to Canada. Could get no one to go with me and Father, and I went alone. I had not been able to eat anything from Sunday noon until Tuesday noon and then only a very little. The journey on Grand Trunk was much easier than anticipated. We arrived at Montreal about eleven o'clock, stopped at a hotel that night. Next day at about noon arrived at Sherbrook. We here took the stage for Magog, sixteen miles. Oh, what a barren rocky country. Poverty, poverty reigning everywhere. We reached the campground about two hours before sundown.5MR 57.1

    The meeting was small, about one hundred tents on the ground. There is excellent material here, and we think a good work can be done with proper efforts put forth. Nearly all are poor who have embraced the truth.5MR 57.2

    I spoke Sabbath afternoon and Sunday to a large crowd that came from Waterloo on special trains and also on boats. I had great freedom in speaking to the people, and all seemed to be highly gratified. There had been a strong effort made to pass the prohibition law, but failed. Their head man said, “If Mrs. White could have spoken in the cities when a few weeks ago the question was agitated, they would have carried the day.” They said they never heard anything by any speaker equal to that discourse on temperance. The Bourdeaus say that a great victory has been gained to them in Canada in favor of the truth. Had we not attended their camp meeting, it would have been a fearful discouragement upon the cause and work in Canada. I never saw a people so grateful for our labors as in this place.5MR 57.3

    Tuesday morning we rode in stage sixteen miles to Sherbrook, took cars for Portland. I was sick all day, but my cold is better now. Father is now having this cold and is almost used up.5MR 58.1

    We reached Waterville [Maine] Wednesday noon. This gives me a little time to write, but my poor heart forbids my doing much. We think our Canada meeting was a very important one.—Letter 39, 1880, pp. 2, 3. (To “Dear Children,” August 19, 1880.)5MR 58.2

    We wait here [Stillwell Junction] until half past nine o'clock. Get upon the ground about midnight. I am sure the Lord has heard and answered my prayers. I left the Alma camp meeting sick. I had a high fever all night and all day Monday. Yet we went to B. C. and the doctor told me it was certainly not my duty to go to Magog. He said much now depended on me and I should feel that the cause of God demanded that I should keep myself in the very best condition for labor. He made so urgent a plea I really was on the point of giving up going, but I thought I might have fully as wearing labor to remain, as Father was anxious to go. We were two days and two nights on this trip. We had to wait several hours at Sherbrook, for the stage. They loaded on a very large barrel of alcohol, several boxes and any amount of bundles. Our two large trunks and hand baggage and we stowed ourselves in amid all these and rode sixteen miles to Magog. When we came upon the ground the meeting was in session, but they gave a loud shout of victory. There was a joyous welcome for us.5MR 58.3

    We found our tent well furnished, floor and carpet, upholstered chairs, washstand and two beds, one for Elder Butler, one for Father and me. This was an excellent meeting. I was not well any of the time. My cold was very severe. The discharges from my head were fearful, yet I labored carefully and did not break down. I had very great freedom in speaking. The Lord has sustained me.5MR 59.1

    On Sunday there was a large company assembled, and I was never more free than upon this occasion. Those who came to hear were enthusiastic over it. They had been making an effort to put down the licensing of liquor selling. They failed. They said, If Mrs. White had come there a week before and spoken in their cities they should have succeeded in putting down the sale of liquor. They said they would have given her $25.00 a night. I found here it would have been a terrible disappointment if I had failed here. I feel sure this was my duty. We gave great encouragement to the Bourdeaus.5MR 59.2

    The man who owned the ground was out to hear. His mother was out to all our meetings and will, we think, keep the Sabbath. She gave me half a dollar. She sent one dollar to Sister Olmstead, Brother Kellogg's wife's cousin, for sending her the Signs. She said she had not felt that she could have much interest in the Old Testament, but the articles coming through the Signs had made dark things so plain, she was interested and sees a new beauty in the Old Testament she has never seen before. She had considerable to say in reference to our faith. She seemed to be one in spirit with us. Her son is the wealthiest man in Magog.5MR 59.3

    We had to here meet a party, true immersionists and a party of these spasmodic ones who consider that religion consists in a noise. They shout and bellow and foam and act like men bereft of their reason. This was called the power, but I told them there was no religion in it. It was a spurious article. This is modern sanctification, but it is as opposite to genuine sanctification as light is in contrast with darkness.5MR 59.4

    We had the privilege of presenting the true sanctification before them. Our testimony on these points was very much needed. Satan will be willing a people who profess to be keeping the law of God should represent themselves before the world in words and deportment as fanatics, for this disgusts unbelievers; and they cast the truth and the fanaticism in the same scale and count it of the same value. The Lord keep His dear people from fanaticism and heresies that are so prevalent everywhere.—Letter 42, 1880, pp. 1-4. (To “Dear Children, Willie and Mary,” September 22, 1880.)5MR 60.1

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