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Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6) - Contents
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    The Visit Of A Former Co-Worker

    On Sabbath afternoon, May 29, Elder G. B. Starr visited Sister White. They had labored together years before, particularly in Australia. She was in her reclining chair, in the bay window of her room, looking out upon the trees and hills about her place. Elder Starr remarked how glad he was to find her amid such pleasant surroundings.6BIO 429.5

    The Review and Herald carried the report of this visit and tells of her gratitude for those pleasant surroundings, stating that they had much improved in the years since she had taken up residence there. In the conversation Ellen White said:6BIO 429.6

    “Oh, how much we need more of the Holy Spirit! There is a great work to be done, and how are we ever to accomplish it?”6BIO 429.7

    To this Elder Starr said: “God is raising up hundreds of strong young men and women through our schools and sanitariums, and is putting His Holy Spirit upon them, and qualifying them to do a great and blessed work; and many of them are devoted, sober, earnest, and successful.”6BIO 429.8

    She replied: “I am so glad to hear that! You could not have told me anything more encouraging. I wish that I might speak again to the people, and help carry the work; but they tell me I must not speak in public now.”—Ibid., July 1, 1915.6BIO 430.1

    As Elder Starr was preparing to leave, he said,6BIO 430.2

    “We are praying daily that God will raise you up and strengthen you to bear another testimony to His people, if that is His will.”

    “Keep on praying,” she answered.—Ibid.6BIO 430.3

    On Sunday, June 27, Elder and Mrs. Starr called again on Ellen White, this time to say goodbye. She told them how pleased she was to have them visit her, and Starr commented on how bright and cheerful she seemed. She replied:6BIO 430.4

    “I am glad that you find me thus. I have not had many mournful days.”6BIO 430.5

    “No,” Brother Starr remarked, “not in all your life.”6BIO 430.6

    “No,” she continued, “the Lord has arranged and led in all these things for me, and I am trusting in Him. He knows when it will all end.”6BIO 430.7

    Yes,” they replied, “it will soon end and we shall meet you in the kingdom of God, and we will ‘talk it all over there together,’ as you wrote us in one of your last letters.”6BIO 430.8

    “Oh, yes,” she replied. “It seems almost too good to be true, but it is true!”—WCW to “Friends,” June 27, 1915.6BIO 430.9

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