- Ellen White Announces Her Positive Stand
- Kellogg Attempts to Hold the Line
- Strong Sentiments Against the Spirit of Prophecy
- The Question—Shall We Publish?
- Announced Plans for the “University” in Battle Creek
- First General Conference Medical Missionary Convention
- Mid-December Week of Prayer Meetings in Battle Creek
- Arrival of the Promised Testimonies
- A Marked Confidence-Confirming Experience
- Daniells Restates His Faith and Loyalty
- Dr. Kellogg Unmoved
- E. G. White Publishes Two Pamphlets
- Confirming Evidence to the Lord's Messenger
- Meeting Direct Attacks
- To Southern California Again
- A Vision of Coming Destruction
- News of the San Francisco Earthquake
- At Paradise Valley Sanitarium, and the Trip Home
- The Tour of Ravaged San Francisco
- Consuming Fire that Followed the Earthquake
- Martial Law
- Destruction in the Central City
- Adventists and Adventist Properties
- The Earthquake Special of the Signs
- The Trip Home to Elmshaven
- Circumstances at Elmshaven
- Questions Calling for Careful Answers
- Response to Specific Questions
- An Array of Questions from One Physician
- Involvements in Answering Questions
- Answer Regarding Chicago Buildings
- Whether Past or Future She Did Not Always Know
- Who Manipulated Her Writings?
- Care Required in Answering Questions and Charges
- The Oakland Camp Meeting (July 19-29)
- The Pacific Press Fire
- The Friday-Night Vision
- Continued Camp Meeting Ministry
- Plans for a Continuing Evangelistic Thrust
- Ellen White to Participate
- Evangelist Simpson's Effective Ministry
- More Than One Right Way To Work
- Loma Linda Interests Again
- Her Correspondence
- Rebuilding the Pacific Press
- A Second Granddaughter Marries
- Ellen White Begins to Await Her “Summons”
- The Receiving and the Acceptance of Personal Testimonies
- The President Reelected
- The Response to Earnest Testimonies
- The Old Question—Who Told Sister White?
- The Other Question—Proper Relationships
- First Resistance, Then a Heartfelt Response
- Ellen White Rejoices in the Victory Gained
- Elder Reaser Needed in God's Cause
- Chapter 18—America's Cities—The Great Unworked Field
- A Review of What Was Done to the Book
- Paraphrased and Quoted Materials in The Great Controversy
- Statements Regarding the Papacy
- Changes Affecting the Sense
- “The Great Bell of the Palace”
- Inspiration and Details of History
- The Appendix Notes
- Did Church Leaders and Scholars Interfere?
- E. G. White Authority to Change Her Published Writings
- Ellen White's Letter of Approval
- The Future Custody of Her Writings
- At Work Through 1912
- Correspondence and Interest in Correspondence
- A Quiet, Uninterrupted Visit with His Mother
- The Spring Trip to Southern California
- The Vision Concerning Recreation
- Not an Isolated Situation
- Elmshaven in September
- Book Preparation
- Ellen White's Last Visit to Loma Linda
- Later Life Brought No Despondency
- The Question of Another Prophet
- The Visit From James Edson White
- A Slight Stroke in Early Summer
- Ellen White Writes A Comforting Letter—Her Last
- Reading and Approving Chapters and Articles
- Her Eighty-Seventh Birthday
- Review and Signs Articles
- Advance! Advance! Advance!
- Simplicity of Faith and Confidence
- The Report to Elder Haskell
Continued Camp Meeting Ministry
From day to day Ellen White filled speaking appointments. One was in the young people's tent. In spite of the fact that it was crowded with young men and young women, when some of the older folks on the grounds discerned that she was speaking there, they tried to crowd in. The Saviour seemed close to her and she spoke with freedom on the Christian experience to be gained from the ministration of the Holy Spirit.6BIO 108.6
The last Sabbath was the high day of the feast. Again Ellen White was the Sabbath-morning speaker. The tent was packed. Drawing lessons from the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Colossians, she set forth for forty-five minutes the privileges and responsibilities of the Christian life. She appealed to the church members to “rise to their opportunities” (The Review and Herald, October 4, 1906).6BIO 108.7
Elder G. B. Thompson followed her address and appeal by a call for “the unconverted and the backslidden,” and all who had not made a full surrender, to come forward. There was a most gratifying response.6BIO 109.1
The next day there was a baptism. Sixty-five were added to the church. For Ellen White personally, it seemed that a new day had dawned. As the camp meeting neared its close, she declared:6BIO 109.2
I look upon this chapter in my experience in my seventy-eighth year as a miracle of Christ's working. We shall have peace and thanksgiving for the lines of work that were carried forward at this camp meeting. My soul is thankful, and I praise God with all my heart.—Letter 306, 1906.6BIO 109.3
Some time later, in a letter to Edson, she referred to the camp meeting experience in 1876 at Groveland, Massachusetts, when she spoke on a Sunday to an estimated 20,000 people (The Signs of the Times, September 14, 1876 [MR, p. 114]): “The Lord was with us then,” she wrote, “but, Edson, I felt the power of God just as decidedly on the campground in Oakland, as I did in the earlier days of the message. The sweet peace of God was upon me, and I felt refreshed rather than wearied.”—Letter 288, 1906.6BIO 109.4