- At the McDearmon Home
- The Plano Camp Meeting
- The Fluctuating Plans of James and Ellen White
- Working at Home in Denison, Texas
- Miss Marian Davis Joins the White Forces
- The Home Situation
- Outreach in Missionary Endeavor
- Evangelism in Nearby Communities
- Texas, a Needy Field of Labor
- Preparing for the Exodus from Texas
- A New President for Battle Creek College
- The College Problems Enumerated
- New Schools in the East and the West
- The Healdsburg School
- Ellen White Finds a Home Base
- The Battle Creek Church, Uriah Smith, and the Testimonies
- The Fourth of July Picnic
- The E. G. White Home in the Town of Healdsburg
- Healed at the Camp Meeting
- Early Writings of Ellen G. White
- New Year's Day, 1883
- Holiday Articles in the Review and Signs
- Practical Gift Suggestions
- Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4
- Instructed to Trace the History of the Controversy
- Chapters Published in Signs of the Times
- The Relation of Ellen White's Articles to D'Aubigne
- Sketches from the Life of Paul
- The Call for an Ellen G. White Lesson Help
- Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 1 to 4
- The General Conference on Record Regarding Inspiration
- The Meetings in Sweden
- The Conference Session
- The Two Weeks in Christiania
- Dealing Carefully and Firmly with the Church Situation
- The Week in Denmark
- The European Missionary Council
- The Week-Long Council Meeting
- Evangelistic Labor in Nimes, France
- The Visit to the Watch Factory
- The Third Visit to Italy
- News of D. M. Canright's Final Defection
- Writing Letters and Preparing Book Manuscript
- Visit to Zurich
- Starting on the Long Journey Home
- Meetings at Vohwinkel
- The Meetings in Copenhagen
- First European Camp Meeting at Moss, Norway
- The Fifth Session of the European Council
- The Well-Attended Meetings in Sweden
- On to the British Mission
- The Illness of Mary K. White
- Across the Atlantic on the City of Rome
- The Law in Galatians at Last Introduced
- Satan's Diverting Strategy
- The Landmarks and the Pillars
- Ellen White's Objective
- A Heart-Searching Appeal
- The Conference Session Closes on the Upbeat
- W. C. White's Appraisal
- W. C. White Acting General Conference President
- The Story that Contemporary Records Tell
- Righteousness by Faith Defined
- A Personal and Frail Experience
- Her Resume of Labors Through 1889
- Michigan State Meeting at Potterville
- Ellen White's Sixty-First Birthday
- The Remarkable Revival in Battle Creek
- The Revival at South Lancaster
- Revivals Across the Land
- The Williamsport Camp Meeting
- The 1889 General Conference Session
- E. G. White Review Articles Tell The Story
- Attention Turned to the Great Controversy
- An Enlightening Experience
- Experience in Europe Benefited the Book
- Enlargement of Chapter on Huss
- Deletion of Materials Especially Intended for Adventists
- The Great Controversy Finished at Healdsburg
- Materials Quoted from Historians
- Patriarchs and Prophets
- Life Sketches of James and Ellen G. White
- Testimonies for the Church,
- Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene
- Consolidation of Denominational Interests
- Opening the Way for the Enemy to Control
- Reading and Working in Battle Creek
- Schools for Ministers
- Early-Morning Devotionals Drew Large Attendance
- Ellen White's Bold Testimony Bears Fruit
- The Backbone of Rebellion Broken
- The Spirit of Prophecy the Real Issue
- A Statement Clarifying Issues
- What is the Evidence?
- The 1891 General Conference Session
- Religious Interest at a High Point
- References to the Salamanca Vision
- Instructed to Tell what She Saw at Salamanca
- Ellen White's Report
- An Abundance of Testimony
- The Experience Brought Unity
- General Conference Business
- Uriah Smith's Spirit of Prophecy Sermon
- Ellen White Asks for Time
- The Question of Consolidation
- Cheering, Positive Attitudes
- Ellen G. White Following the Session
- Ellen White Shared in Carriage Accident
- To Go or Not To Go
The Fourth of July Picnic
On Monday, July 3, Ellen White broke away from Oakland to make a quick trip to Healdsburg to gather up some of her writings needed in connection with what she was preparing for publication. Just before noon on Tuesday, the fourth of July, a man with a carriage came to the home and urged her to accompany him to the grove in the redwoods about six miles away where about fifty of the Healdsburg believers and some church officers and members of the school board had assembled for a picnic. She had already turned down an invitation, explaining that she was too pressed with work to attend. Now the word was that she would not be excused, but must come. “So, as usual,” she explained in a letter, “I had no heart to say No, and I went.”—Letter 30, 1882.3BIO 201.2
Refreshments were placed upon the table linen which was spread upon the grass. Thanksgiving was offered to the gracious Giver of all our mercies, and then the hungry company ate with relish the good food abundantly prepared to supply a much larger number. After this was the exercise of singing, and intercession was made to God for His blessing.—Ibid3BIO 201.3
Ellen White then described a unique and most encouraging experience, one that must have cheered her heart as she was wrestling with the problems at Battle Creek.3BIO 202.1
While seated in this beautiful retired park, free from all confusion and bustle, a sweet peace came over my spirits. I seemed to be taken away from myself, and the bright home of the saints was presented vividly before me. In imagination I gathered with the saints around the wide-spreading tree of life. Friends and dear home relatives who had been separated from us by death were gathered there. The redeemed, white-robed multitude, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, were there. No flaming guard stood around the tree of life, barring our approach. With happy, joyous songs of praise, the voices were blended in perfect harmony as we plucked of the fruit from the tree of life.3BIO 202.2
For a time I lost all thought of time, of place, of occasion—of everything earthly. Heaven was the subject of my contemplation—heaven, the much-longed-for heaven. I seemed to be there, where all was peace, where no stormy conflicts of earth could ever come.—Ibid.3BIO 202.3
“No gloom of doubt casts its baleful shadow upon its happy inhabitants,” she noted as she continued the description. “No voices of contention mar the sweet and perfect peace of heaven.... All is in perfect harmony, in perfect order and perfect bliss.... Love reigns there. There are no jarring elements, no discord or contentions or war of words.”—Ibid.3BIO 202.4
A day or two after the picnic she returned to Oakland to continue in getting the messages from the God of heaven before the church, and particularly the church in trouble in Battle Creek. During July she wrote five hundred pages of manuscript, traveled considerably, and preached ten times in nearby churches. It was a heavy strain, but she was pressing to get out Testimony No. 31.3BIO 202.5