- Foreword
- The Entering Wedge
- The Compassion of Christ Revealed
- Divine Origin
- The Gospel of Health
- The Right Hand of the Gospel
- It Opens Doors
- The Work for Today
- An Early Call to Action—1867
- A Rallying Call in 1902
- The Call Repeated in 1907
- The Call of Today
- Zeal and Perseverance Required
- In Time of Persecution
- The Distinguishing Sign
- Ways Will Open
- Ministering to Body and Soul
- A Door of Entrance to the Cities
- Organize for Harmonious Action
- The Church a Training School
- The Need for Consecrated Nurses
- Serve With Sanctified Understanding
- Medical Missions in Every City
- The City Mission and Training School
- Training Under Competent Leaders
- Laboring as God's Helping Hand
- Self-supporting Workers
- Hygienic Restaurants as Missionary Centers
- To Supply Spiritual Food
- Results of Consecrated Effort
- Extent of the Work
- Educate, Educate, Educate
- Teach Skillfully
- A Continual Reform Essential
- Responsibility of Those Who Have Light
- Thousands Eager to Learn
- The Public to Be Deeply Stirred
- Health Talks to Be Given
- Physiology to Be Taught
- Represented by Advance Principles
- Education Better Than Miraculous Healing
- When Prayer for Healing Is Presumption
- Instruction in Diet by Evangelistic Workers
- A Knowledge of Healthful Cookery
- Simplicity in Cooking
- Decision Without Narrow Conceit
The Call of Today
The purest example of unselfishness is now to be shown by our medical missionary workers. With the knowledge and experience gained by practical work, they are to go out to give treatments to the sick. As they go from house to house, they will find access to many hearts. Many will be reached who otherwise would never have heard the gospel message.—Counsels on Health, 538.CME 11.1
A new element needs to be brought into the work. God's people must receive the warning and work for souls right where they are, for people do not realize their great need and peril. Christ sought the people where they were, and placed before them the great truths in regard to His kingdom. As He went from place to place, He blessed and comforted the suffering and healed the sick. This is our work. God would have us relieve the necessities of the destitute. The reason that the Lord does not manifest His power more decidedly is because there is so little spirituality among those who claim to believe the truth.—Medical Ministry, 319.CME 11.2