- Preface to Reprinted Edition
- Spiritual Gifts
- Chapter 1—The Fall of Satan
- Chapter 2—The Fall of Man
- Chapter 3—The Plan of Salvation
- Chapter 4—The First Advent of Christ
- Chapter 5—The Ministry of Christ
- Chapter 6—The Transfiguration
- Chapter 7—The Betrayal of Christ
- Chapter 8—The Trial of Christ
- Chapter 9—The Crucifixion of Christ
- Chapter 10—The Resurrection of Christ
- Chapter 11—The Ascension of Christ
- Chapter 12—The Disciples of Christ
- Chapter 13—The Death of Stephen
- Chapter 14—The Conversion of Saul
- Chapter 15—The Jews Decided to Kill Paul
- Chapter 16—Paul Visited Jerusalem
- Chapter 17—The Great Apostasy
- Chapter 18—Mystery of Iniquity
- Chapter 19—Death, Not Eternal Life in Misery
- Chapter 20—The Reformation
- Chapter 21—The Church and World United
- Chapter 22—William Miller
- Chapter 23—The First Angel's Message
- Chapter 24—The Second Angel's Message
- Chapter 25—Advent Movement Illustrated
- Chapter 26—Another Illustration
- Chapter 27—The Sanctuary
- Chapter 28—The Third Angel's Message
- Chapter 29—A Firm Platform
- Chapter 30—Spiritualism
- Chapter 31—Covetousness
- Chapter 32—The Shaking
- Chapter 33—The Sins of Babylon
- Chapter 34—The Loud Cry
- Chapter 35—The Third Message Closed
- Chapter 36—The Time of Jacob's Trouble
- Chapter 37—Deliverance of the Saints
- Chapter 38—The Saints’ Reward
- Chapter 39—The Earth Desolated
- Chapter 40—The Second Resurrection
- Chapter 41—The Second Death
Chapter 13—The Death of Stephen
Disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. The word of God increased, and many of the priests were obedient unto the faith. Stephen full of faith was doing great wonders and miracles among the people. Many were angry; for the priests were turning from their traditions, and from the sacrifices and offerings, and were accepting Jesus as the great sacrifice. Stephen, with power from on high, reproved the priests and elders, and exalted Jesus before them. They could not withstand the wisdom and power by which he spoke, and as they found that they could prevail nothing against him, they hired men to falsely swear that they had heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God. They stirred up the people, and took Stephen, and, through false witnesses, accused him of speaking against the temple and the law. They testified that they had heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth would destroy the customs which Moses gave them.1SG 87.1
All who sat in judgment against Stephen saw the light of the glory of God in his countenance. His countenance was lighted up like the face of an angel. He stood up full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and, beginning at the prophets, he brought them down to the advent of Jesus, his crucifixion, his resurrection and ascension, and showed them that the Lord dwelt not in temples made with hands. They worshiped the temple. Anything spoken against the temple filled them with greater indignation than if spoken against God. The spirit of Stephen was stirred with heavenly indignation as he cried out against them for being wicked, and uncircumcised in heart. Ye do always resist the Holy Spirit. They observed the outward ordinances, while their hearts were corrupt, and full of deadly evil. Stephen referred them to the cruelty of their fathers in persecuting the prophets, saying, Ye have slain them which shewed before the coming of the Just One, of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers.1SG 88.1
The chief priests and the rulers were enraged as the plain, cutting truths were spoken; and they rushed upon Stephen. The light of heaven shone upon him, and as he looked up steadfastly into heaven, a vision of God's glory was given him, and angels hovered around him. He cried out, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. The people would not hear him. They cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, and cast him out of the city, and stoned him. And Stephen kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.1SG 88.2
I saw that Stephen was a mighty man of God, especially raised up to fill an important place in the church. Satan exulted as he was stoned to death; for he knew that the disciples would greatly feel his loss. But Satan's triumph was short; for there was one standing in that company, witnessing the death of Stephen, to whom Jesus was to reveal himself. Although he took no part in casting the stones at Stephen yet he consented to his death. Saul was zealous in persecuting the church of God, hunting them, seizing them in their houses, and delivering them to those who would slay them. Satan was using Saul effectually. But God can break the Devil's power, and set free those who are led captive by him. Saul was a learned man, and Satan was triumphantly employing his talents to help carry out his rebellion against the Son of God, and those who believed in him. But Jesus selected Saul as a chosen vessel to preach his name, to strengthen the disciples in their work, and more than fill the place of Stephen. Saul was greatly esteemed by the Jews. His zeal and his learning pleased them, and terrified many of the disciples.1SG 89.1