July 10, 1899
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EGW Extras
July 10, 1899
“The Son of Man” The Bible Echo 14, 28, pp. 227, 228.
ADAM “was the son of God.” Luke 1:38.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.1
As the son of God, he was endowed to perfection with every faculty and every power that the Creator could bestow upon him.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.2
As the son of God, he was favoured with every advantage of nature. There perfection was before him on every hand; everything reflected the glory of God, and spoke to him of the wisdom of God.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.3
Yet, endowed with all these powers, and surrounded with all these advantages, Adam, the son of God, failed.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.4
He sinned; and so brought the world under the curse, and filled the world with woe.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.5
With the tide of sin steadily flowing for four thousand years, the sons of man had reached such a point in degeneracy and wickedness that neither demons nor men, nor even angels, could see any way but that God must inevitably let loose His justice, and at once blot out the whole.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.6
And just as that point Christ became the Son of MAN.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.7
He became the Son of man as MAN WAS at that point.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.8
As the Son of MAN, He was subject to all the weaknesses that had been entailed upon the race through the degeneracy, personal and hereditary, of the successive generations of evil-doers.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.9
As the Son of man He was also surrounded, and opposed on every hand, by all the disadvantages of a world laden with the ever-increasing curse.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.10
As the Son of MAN, in addition to all this, there was “laid on Him the iniquity of us all;” He “took our infirmities, and bear our sicknesses;” He was “made a curse for us.”BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.11
Thus, under all the disadvantages of the curse, and under the curse Himself, laden with the weaknesses, the degeneracy, and the sins of the race when at the brink of ruin, Christ, The Son of MAN, triumphed, just where, with all the advantages of the unhindered blessing of God, with all the advantages of open and full communion with angels, and even with the Lord Himself, and with all the advantages of perfection in himself and in all creation about him, Adam, the son of God, FAILED.BEST July 10, 1899, page 227.12
And in this triumph, Christ, the Son of MAN, brought this same triumph to ever other son of man in the world. Bless the Lord!BEST July 10, 1899, page 228.1
O believe Him, O receive Him.BEST July 10, 1899, page 228.2
“The Lion of JudahBEST July 10, 1899, page 228.3
Can break every chainBEST July 10, 1899, page 228.4
And give us the victory,BEST July 10, 1899, page 228.5
Again and again.”BEST July 10, 1899, page 228.6
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” of Christ to be “the Son of man.”BEST July 10, 1899, page 228.7