- The Times of Volume Six
- Reaching the Masses
- An Object Lesson
- Securing Attendance
- Attendance of Church Members
- Preparation of Heart
- Business Matters
- Ministerial Help
- All to Be Workers
- Prayer and Counsel
- Needs of the Church
- How to Present the Message
- The Last Warning
- Praise Meetings
- Revival Efforts
- Personal Labor
- Bible Studies
- A Word in Season
- Raising Funds
- Results of Camp Meeting Work
- Chapter 6—Less Preaching, More Teaching
- Chapter 7—Ministerial Institutes
- Chapter 9—The Building of Meetinghouses
- Chapter 10—Children's Meetings and Church Schools
- Chapter 11—The Temperance Work
- Chapter 12—Object Lessons in Health Reform
- Chapter 13—Women to Be Gospel Workers
- Chapter 14—Teaching Home Religion
- Chapter 15—Meeting Opposition
- Chapter 16—Parable of the Straying Sheep
- Chapter 20—Words from a Heavenly Instructor
- Chapter 22—Industrial Reform
- Chapter 26—God's Design in Our Sanitariums
- Chapter 27—The Physician's Work for Souls
- Chapter 28—Unity in our Work
- Chapter 30—The World's Need
- Chapter 33—Our Duty to the World
- Chapter 37—The Reward of Service
- Chapter 43—Showing Hospitality
- Chapter 46—The Importance of Voice Culture
- Chapter 48—Christ in All the Bible
- Chapter 50—God's Word to be Supreme
- Chapter 51—Preparation for the Final Crisis
- Chapter 52—Young Men in the Ministry
- Chapter 53—The Church and the Ministry
- A Warning from the Church of Ephesus
- The Result of Inaction
- Winning Souls the Chief Aim
- Begin With Those Nearest
- The Example of Philip With Nathanael
- The Family a Missionary Field
- Instruct the Church in Missionary Work
- Set the Church Members to Work
- The Uneducated to be Workers
- Arouse the Idlers
- The Youth to be Missionaries
- Let the Churches Awake
- Chapter 55—The Increase of Facilities
- Chapter 56—Help for Mission Fields
- Chapter 57—The Publishing House in Norway
- Chapter 58—Our Danish Sanitarium
- Chapter 60—The Claim of Redemption
The Church Schools
The same principles which, if followed, will bring success and blessing to our training schools and colleges, should govern our plans and work for the church schools. Let all share the expense. Let the church see that those who ought to receive its benefits are attending the school. Poor families should be assisted. We cannot call ourselves true missionaries if we neglect those at our very doors who are at the most critical age and who need our aid to secure knowledge and experience that will fit them for the service of God.6T 216.5
The Lord would have painstaking efforts made in the education of our children. True missionary work done by teachers who are daily taught of God would bring many souls to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, and children thus educated will impart to others the light and knowledge received. Shall the members of the church give means to advance the cause of Christ among others and leave their own children to carry on the work and service of Satan?6T 217.1
As church schools are established, the people of God will find it a valuable education for themselves to learn how to conduct the school on a basis of financial success. If this cannot be done, close the school until, with the help of God, plans can be devised to carry it on without the blot of debt upon it. Men of financial ability should look over the accounts once, twice, or thrice a year, to ascertain the true standing of the school and see that enormous expenses, which will result in the accumulation of indebtedness, do not exist. We should shun debt as we should shun the leprosy.6T 217.2
Many of our youth who desire to obtain an education feel too unconcerned in regard to becoming involved in debt. They look upon a study of books as the principal means of an education. They do not realize the value of a practical business education and are content to be carried through years of study on the means of others rather than to work their own way. They do not look critically at the outcome of this. They do not study from cause to effect.6T 217.3
Often the result of such a course is a disproportionate development of the faculties. The student does not understand the weak points of his character; he does not realize his own deficiencies. By depending on others he loses an experience of practical life that it will be difficult for him to recover. He does not learn self-reliance. He does not learn how to exercise faith. True faith will enable the soul to rise out of an imperfect, undeveloped state and understand what true wisdom is. If students will develop brain, bone, and muscle harmoniously, they will be better able to study and better qualified to cope with the realities of life. But if they follow their own erroneous ideas as to what constitutes education, they will not become self-made, all-round men and women.6T 218.1
“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is everyone that retaineth her.” Proverbs 3:13-18.6T 218.2