- The Times of Volume Six
- Reaching the Masses
- An Object Lesson
- Securing Attendance
- Attendance of Church Members
- Preparation of Heart
- Business Matters
- Ministerial Help
- All to Be Workers
- Prayer and Counsel
- Needs of the Church
- How to Present the Message
- The Last Warning
- Praise Meetings
- Revival Efforts
- Personal Labor
- Bible Studies
- A Word in Season
- Raising Funds
- Results of Camp Meeting Work
- Chapter 6—Less Preaching, More Teaching
- Chapter 7—Ministerial Institutes
- Chapter 9—The Building of Meetinghouses
- Chapter 10—Children's Meetings and Church Schools
- Chapter 11—The Temperance Work
- Chapter 12—Object Lessons in Health Reform
- Chapter 13—Women to Be Gospel Workers
- Chapter 14—Teaching Home Religion
- Chapter 15—Meeting Opposition
- Chapter 16—Parable of the Straying Sheep
- Chapter 20—Words from a Heavenly Instructor
- Chapter 22—Industrial Reform
- Chapter 26—God's Design in Our Sanitariums
- Chapter 27—The Physician's Work for Souls
- Chapter 28—Unity in our Work
- Chapter 30—The World's Need
- Chapter 33—Our Duty to the World
- Chapter 37—The Reward of Service
- Chapter 43—Showing Hospitality
- Chapter 46—The Importance of Voice Culture
- Chapter 48—Christ in All the Bible
- Chapter 50—God's Word to be Supreme
- Chapter 51—Preparation for the Final Crisis
- Chapter 52—Young Men in the Ministry
- Chapter 53—The Church and the Ministry
- A Warning from the Church of Ephesus
- The Result of Inaction
- Winning Souls the Chief Aim
- Begin With Those Nearest
- The Example of Philip With Nathanael
- The Family a Missionary Field
- Instruct the Church in Missionary Work
- Set the Church Members to Work
- The Uneducated to be Workers
- Arouse the Idlers
- The Youth to be Missionaries
- Let the Churches Awake
- Chapter 55—The Increase of Facilities
- Chapter 56—Help for Mission Fields
- Chapter 57—The Publishing House in Norway
- Chapter 58—Our Danish Sanitarium
- Chapter 60—The Claim of Redemption
The Family a Missionary Field
Our work for Christ is to begin with the family in the home. The education of the youth should be of a different order from that which has been given in the past. Their welfare demands far more labor than has been given them. There is no missionary field more important than this. By precept and example parents are to teach their children to labor for the unconverted. The children should be so educated that they will sympathize with the aged and afflicted and will seek to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and distressed. They should be taught to be diligent in missionary work; and from their earliest years self-denial and sacrifice for the good of others and the advancement of Christ's cause should be inculcated, that they may be laborers together with God.6T 429.1
But if they ever learn to do genuine missionary work for others, they must first learn to labor for those at home, who have a natural right to their offices of love. Every child should be trained to bear his respective share of service in the home. He should never be ashamed to use his hands in lifting home burdens or his feet in running errands. While thus engaged, he will not go into paths of negligence and sin. How many hours are wasted by children and youth which might be spent in taking upon their strong young shoulders, and assisting to lift, the family responsibilities which someone must bear, thus showing a loving interest in father and mother. They are also to be rooted in the true principles of health reform and the care of their own bodies.6T 429.2
Oh, that parents would look prayerfully and carefully after their children's eternal welfare! Let them ask themselves, Have we been careless? Have we neglected this solemn work? Have we allowed our children to become the sport of Satan's temptations? Have we not a solemn account to settle with God because we have permitted our children to use their talents, their time and influence, in working against the truth, against Christ? Have we not neglected our duty as parents and increased the number of the subjects of Satan's kingdom?6T 429.3
By many this home field has been shamefully neglected, and it is time that divine resources and remedies were presented, that this state of evil may be corrected. What excuse can the professed followers of Christ offer for neglecting to train their children to work for Him?6T 430.1
God designs that the families of earth shall be a symbol of the family in heaven. Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God's plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work.6T 430.2
If parents desire to see a different state of things in their families, let them consecrate themselves wholly to God and co-operate with Him in the work whereby a transformation may take place in their households.6T 430.3
When our own homes are what they should be, our children will not be allowed to grow up in idleness and indifference to the claims of God in behalf of the needy all about them. As the Lord's heritage, they will be qualified to take up the work where they are. A light will shine from such homes which will reveal itself in behalf of the ignorant, leading them to the source of all knowledge. An influence will be exerted that will be a power for God and for His truth.6T 430.4