- The Times of Volume Two
- Introduction
- Chapter 1—Sketch of Experience
- Chapter 2—Doing for Christ
- Chapter 3—Selling the Birthright
- Chapter 4—Evilspeaking
- Chapter 5—Selfishness and World Loving
- Chapter 6—Flesh Meats and Stimulants
- Chapter 7—Neglect of Health Reform
- Chapter 8—Love for the Erring
- Chapter 9—Everyday Religion
- Chapter 10—Reform at Home
- Chapter 11—A Violated Conscience
- Chapter 12—Warnings and Reproofs
- Chapter 13—Object of Personal Testimonies
- Chapter 14—Moving to Battle Creek
- Chapter 15—Caution to Ministers
- Chapter 16—Look to Jesus
- Chapter 17—Separation From the World
- Chapter 18—True Love
- Chapter 19—Amusements at the Institute
- Chapter 20—Neglect of Hannah More
- Chapter 21—Prayer for the Sick
- Chapter 22—Courage in the Minister
- Chapter 23—Closeness in Deal
- Chapter 24—Oppressing the Hireling
- Chapter 26—Burden Bearers in the Church
- Chapter 27—Pride in the Young
- Chapter 28—Worldliness in the Church
- Chapter 29—The Sufferings of Christ
- Chapter 30—Warnings to the Church
- Chapter 31—Contemplating Marriage
- Chapter 32—Danger of Riches
- Chapter 33—Christian Zeal
- Chapter 34—Responsibilities of the Young
- Chapter 35—Servants of Mammon
- Chapter 36—Sentimentalism and Matchmaking
- Chapter 37—Severity in Family Government
- Chapter 38—A Birthday Letter
- Chapter 39—Deceitfulness of Riches
- Chapter 40—Self-Deceived Youth
- Chapter 41—True Conversion
- Chapter 43—Letter to an Orphan Boy
- Chapter 44—The Unruly Member
- Chapter 45—Comfort in Affliction
- Chapter 46—A Self-Caring, Dictatorial Spirit
- Chapter 47—A Forgetful Hearer
- Chapter 48—Remedy for Sentimentalism
- Chapter 49—Duty to Orphans
- Chapter 50—Appeal to Ministers
- Chapter 51—Moral Pollution
- Chapter 52—Christian Temperance
- Chapter 53—Extremes in Health Reform
- Chapter 54—Sensuality in the Young
- Chapter 56—Importance of Self-Government
- Chapter 57—Industry and Economy
- Chapter 58—Stirring Up Opposition
- Chapter 59—An Appeal to the Church
- Chapter 60—A Cross in Accepting the Truth
- Chapter 70—Social Meetings
- Chapter 71—How Shall We keep the Sabbath?
- Chapter 72—Christian Recreation
- Chapter 73—An Impressive Dream
- Chapter 74—Our Camp Meetings
- Chapter 75—A Solemn Dream
- Chapter 76—Manners and Dress of Ministers
- Chapter 77—Love of Gain
- Chapter 78—The Cause in Vermont
- Chapter 79—Transferring Earthly Treasure
- Chapter 80—No Probation After Christ Comes
- Chapter 81—Accountability for Light Received
- Appendix
Chapter 71—How Shall We keep the Sabbath?
God is merciful. His requirements are reasonable, in accordance with the goodness and benevolence of His character. The object of the Sabbath was that all mankind might be benefited. Man was not made to fit the Sabbath; for the Sabbath was made after the creation of man, to meet his necessities. After God had made the world in six days, He rested and sanctified and blessed the day upon which He rested from all His work which He had created and made. He set apart that special day for man to rest from his labor, that, as he should look upon the earth beneath and the heavens above, he might reflect that God made all these in six days and rested upon the seventh; and that, as he should behold the tangible proofs of God's infinite wisdom, his heart might be filled with love and reverence for his Maker.2T 582.3
In order to keep the Sabbath holy, it is not necessary that we enclose ourselves in walls, shut away from the beautiful scenes of nature and from the free, invigorating air of heaven. We should in no case allow burdens and business transactions to divert our minds upon the Sabbath of the Lord, which He has sanctified. We should not allow our minds to dwell upon things of a worldly character even. But the mind cannot be refreshed, enlivened, and elevated by being confined nearly all the Sabbath hours within walls, listening to long sermons and tedious, formal prayers. The Sabbath of the Lord is put to a wrong use if thus celebrated. The object for which it was instituted is not attained. The Sabbath was made for man, to be a blessing to him by calling his mind from secular labor to contemplate the goodness and glory of God. It is necessary that the people of God assemble to talk of Him, to interchange thoughts and ideas in regard to the truths contained in His word, and to devote a portion of time to appropriate prayer. But these seasons, even upon the Sabbath, should not be made tedious by their length and lack of interest.2T 583.1
During a portion of the day, all should have an opportunity to be out of doors. How can children receive a more correct knowledge of God, and their minds be better impressed, than in spending a portion of their time out of doors, not in play, but in company with their parents? Let their young minds be associated with God in the beautiful scenery of nature, let their attention be called to the tokens of His love to man in His created works, and they will be attracted and interested. They will not be in danger of associating the character of God with everything that is stern and severe; but as they view the beautiful things which He has created for the happiness of man, they will be led to regard Him as a tender, loving Father. They will see that His prohibitions and injunctions are not made merely to show His power and authority, but that He has the happiness of His children in view. As the character of God puts on the aspect of love, benevolence, beauty, and attraction, they are drawn to love Him. You can direct their minds to the lovely birds making the air musical with their happy songs, to the spires of grass, and the gloriously tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air. All these proclaim the love and skill of the heavenly Artist, and show forth the glory of God.2T 583.2
Parents, why not make use of the precious lessons which God has given us in the book of nature, to give our children a correct idea of His character? Those who sacrifice simplicity to fashion, and shut themselves away from the beauties of nature, cannot be spiritually minded. They cannot understand the skill and power of God as revealed in His created works; therefore their hearts do not quicken and throb with new love and interest, and they are not filled with awe and reverence as they see God in nature.2T 584.1
All who love God should do what they can to make the Sabbath a delight, holy and honorable. They cannot do this by seeking their own pleasure in sinful, forbidden amusements. Yet they can do much to exalt the Sabbath in their families and make it the most interesting day of the week. We should devote time to interesting our children. A change will have a happy influence upon them. We can walk out with them in the open air; we can sit with them in the groves and in the bright sunshine, and give their restless minds something to feed upon by conversing with them upon the works of God, and can inspire them with love and reverence by calling their attention to the beautiful objects in nature.2T 584.2
The Sabbath should be made so interesting to our families that its weekly return will be hailed with joy. In no better way can parents exalt and honor the Sabbath than by devising means to impart proper instruction to their families and interesting them in spiritual things, giving them correct views of the character of God and what He requires of us in order to perfect Christian characters and attain to eternal life. Parents, make the Sabbath a delight, that your children may look forward to it and have a welcome in their hearts for it.2T 585.1