“North Pacific Conference” The Signs of the Times 3, 44, p. 352.
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November 15, 1877
“North Pacific Conference” The Signs of the Times 3, 44, p. 352.
THE first annual session of the North Pacific Conference of Seventh-day Adventists was held at Walla Walla, W. T., October 28, 29, 1877,SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.1
The session was opened by Elder I. D. Van Horn reading from the SIGNS OF THE TIMES the call for the meeting:SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.2
Voted and resolved, That Elder J. N. Loughborough be assigned as the representative of the General Conference, and that he be elected chairman of all meetings which shall be held in connection with this Conference; carried unanimously. Elder Loughborough took the chair.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.3
Voted and resolved, That Alonzo T. Jones be elected secretary pro tem; carried unanimously.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.4
Credentials of delegates being called for, the following were presented: Walla Walla, W. T., S. Maxson, J. F. Wood, George Savage, T. Chabot, Milton, Oregon, Wm. Russell, Wm. Goodwin; Dayton, W. T., Albert Woodman, H. Davis; Salem, Oregon, T. H. Starbuck, Wm. L. Raymond; Eola Oregon, A. G. Roberts. For organized bodies of Sabbath keepers in Portland, East Portland and Beaverton, Oregon, Alonzo T. Jones.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.5
Adjourned to 9 A. M., October 26.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.6
The session was opened with prayer by Elder Van Horn.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.7
All members in good standing of the churches within the limits of the Conference were invited to take part in all the deliberations except in voting.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.8
The following constitution was read and adopted as a whole:SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.9
SECTION I. This Association shall be known as the North Pacific Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and shall be composed of all ministers in good standing, and delegates from organized churches in the State of Oregon and in Washington Territory.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.10
SEC. 2. When Sabbath-keepers, in any place, have enrolled their names under a covenant to keep God’s commandments, appointed a leader and organized systematic benevolence, they shall be entitled to delegates to the sessions of this Conference to the same extent as though fully organized.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.11
SEC. 3. It is the privilege of the Conference to invite all members in good standing in our churches who may be present to take part in the deliberations of the meetings, but not in the voting.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.12
SECTION I. The officers of this Conference shall be a president, secretary, treasurer, and executive committee of three, of whom the president shall be one, and they shall be elected annually.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.13
SEC. 2. The duties of th president and secretary shall be such as usually pertain to those officers respectively; and it shall further be the duty of the secretary to furnish the General Conference, by delegate or by letter, statistics specifying the number of ministers and licentiates belonging to this Conference, the number of churches and membership, the total amounts of S. B. fund, etc.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.14
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep an account of the receipts and disbursements of the Conference funds, to pay out the same under the directions of the executive committee, and to make a report thereof annually at the Conference.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.15
SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the executive committee to appoint, through the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, the time and place of the annual meetings, and to call special meetings whenever in their judgment it may be needful so to do; to call on the churches and scattered brethren for means when needed, and to disburse the same; to take the general supervision of all tent operations and property belonging to the Conference; to audit and settle accounts with ministers and others in the employ of the Conference, and to exercise a general watchcare over all matters pertaining to the interests of the cause within the bounds of the Conference.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.16
SEC. 5. If shall be the duty of the Conference, at its regular session, to choose an auditing committee, of six laymen to act with the executive committee in the settlement of the accounts with ministers for the preceding years.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.17
SECTION I. Conference funds shall be raised from proceeds of systematic benevolence, and by gifts and donations.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.18
SEC. 2. We recommend that all churches belonging to this Conference adopt the plan of systematic benevolence on the tithing principle, as set forth in the tract published by S. D. Adventists on the subject of systematic benevolence.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.19
SEC. 3. The churches and scattered brethren within the bounds of this Conference will be expected to pledge to the executive committee the amount they will give during the Conference year for the support of the ministers and tent operations, and for such other purposes as may be necessary for the advancement of the cause; said sums to be paid to the treasurer at the commencement of each quarter, viz., on the first of January, April, July, and October.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.20
SEC. 4. All moneys drawn from the State treasury shall be by an order signed by the executive committee.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.21
SEC. 5. The churches will be expected to make a report to the secretary at the end of each quarter, of the amount they have paid to the treasurer during said quarter.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.22
SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of ministers to report to the secretary, at the end of each quarter, the amount they have received and expended during the quarter; and at the end of each year they shall make a written report to the regular meetings of the entire amount of their receipts and expenditures during such Conference year.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.23
SECTION I. When any church or scattered brethren wish ministerial labor in their vicinity, their call shall be made to the executive committee.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.24
SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the churches in this Conference to send a written report to the regular meetings of their standing, their losses and additions during the year, also the yearly amount of their S. B. fund.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.25
SECTION I. It shall be the duty of the Conference to determine who are the approved ministers within the bounds thereof, to grant suitable credentials to the same at each regular meeting; and during the interval of such meeting the executive committee shall perform such duties.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.26
SEC. 2. Those who feel it their duty to improve their gifts, as messengers or preachers, shall first lay their exercises of mind before the Conference committee, to receive a license from them, if the committee consider them qualified.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.27
SECTION I. It shall be the duty of the ministers of this Conference to make a written report to each annual meeting thereof, of each day’s occupation during the conference year.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.28
SECTION I. The delegates to this Conference shall be elected according to the following ratio: Each church, to the number of twenty members, or under, shall be entitled to one delegate, and one delegate for every additional fifteen members.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.29
SEC. 2. In case all the delegates to which any church is entitled do not attend the Conference the delegates attending may cast the full number of votes to which said church is entitled.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.30
SECTION I. This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two third vote of the members present, provided such amendment shall not conflict with the constitution of the General Conference.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.31
The Walla Walla church was voted into the Conference. Number of members, 61; S. B. about $200; Sabbath-school scholars, 18.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.32
The Milton church, with 24 members, $153 S. B., 15 Sabbath-school scholars was received by vote.SITI November 15, 1877, page 352.33
The Dayton church, with 19 members, $75 S. B., and 7 Sabbath-school scholars was received.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.1
The Salem church, with 35 members, $235 S. B., and 15 Sabbath-school scholars was received.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.2
The Eola church, with 8 members, and $118.60 S. B., was received.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.3
Voted, That the following unorganized companies of Sabbath-keepers be taken under the watchcare of the Conference:SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.4
Jefferson, Marion county, Oregon, 12 Sabbath-keepers, Silverton, Marion county, Oregon, 5 Sabbath-keepers; Beaverton, Washington county, Oregon, 7 Sabbath-keepers; Portland and East Portland, 29 Sabbath-keepers; Oregon city, Clackamas county, Oregon, 4 Sabbath-keepers; Carrollton, Cowlitz county, Washington Territory, 5 Sabbath-keepers; the last of whom represented themselves to the Conference by letter.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.5
Voted unanimously, that the chairman be empowered to appoint all committees. The following were announced: Committee on nominations, J. F. Wood, chairman, Wm. L. Raymond, Wm. Russell, committee on credentials and licenses, Geo. Savage, chairman, Aaron Miller, James C. Bunch; committee on resolutions, I. D. Van Horn, chairman, Stephen Maxon, Alonzo T. Jones; committee on auditing, S. Maxson, chairman, Wm. Goodwin, Wm. Russell, Wm Nichols, T. H. Starbuck, A. G. Roberts.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.6
The president called for written reports of ministers, and reports were presented by Elder I. D. Van Horn and Alonzo T. Jones.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.7
Adjournment till immediately after the 2 P. M. service.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.8
The reports of committees being in order, the committee on nominations reported as follows: For president, Elder I. D. Van Horn; secretary, Mrs. A. P. Van Horn; treasurer, Alonzo T. Jones; Conference committee, Stephen Maxson, T. H. Starbuck. The report of the committee was adopted, and the nominees declared elected.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.9
The committee on resolutions presented the following, which were unanimously adopted by the Conference, and then by the whole congregation:SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.10
Whereas, We learn by reports received through the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, that the Lord is abundantly blessed the efforts of his servants for the advancement of the truth, thereforeSITI November 15, 1877, page 351.11
Resolved, That our thanksgiving and praise are due to the Author of all good for the great blessings upon us.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.12
Resolved, That we hereby express our confidence in those means and agencies, including the gifts of the Spirit which God has connected with this cause; and we see increasing evidences every week that, through these agencies, a people is being brought to the unity of the faith.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.13
Resolved, That we hereby express our gratitude to the General Conference for sending Elder I. D. Van Horn, to open a mission in Oregon and Washington Territory, and also for their kindness in furnishing us other laborers.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.14
Resolved, That we endorse the Conference address delivered by Elder Van Horn, and request him to furnish the SIGNS OF THE TIMES with a copy for publication.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.15
Adjourned to call of the chair.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.16
The committee on credentials and licenses reported as follows: that credentials be granted to Elder I. D. Van Horn, that Brother Alonzo T. Jones receive ordination and credentials, that licenses be granted to Brethren S. Maxon, Wm. Russel, James C. Bunch and Wm. L. Raymond.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.17
The Conference voted that the credentials of Elder I. D. Van Horn be renewed, that Brother Alonzo T. Jones receive ordination and credentials and that licenses be granted to the four persons above named.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.18
The committee on resolutions reported the following which were adopted unanimously, and the second and third by a vote of the whole congregation:SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.19
Resolved, That we endorse the plan relative to quarterly meetings recommended by the General Conference and request all our churches and missionary districts to adopt and act upon it, and have a quarterly meeting in each church on the first Sabbath and Sunday of each quarter. A district quarterly meeting in each district, the second Sabbath and Sunday in each quarter and a State quarterly meeting on the third Sabbath and Sunday in each quarter.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.20
Resolved, That we will hold a camp-meeting next season near Portland, Oregon, at such time and place as may be appointed by our Conference committee; and we hereby empower said committee to select a camp-meeting committee.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.21
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with Brother White inn his affliction, and we will plead with the Lord to speedily restore him to health, and to sustain him and his companion in their arduous labors for the advancement of the cause.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.22
Resolved, That we hereby express to Brother and Sister White personally our thanks for the interest and tender care they have manifested for this mission, and we request them, if consistent with their health and other duties, to meet with us in our camp-meeting next spring.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.23
Resolved, That we request the General Conference to grant us such help at our coming camp-meeting as may seem best to them for the success of that meeting in this new field.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.24
Resolved, That we will now assume the financial responsibility of this Conference, and we will also pay to Brother Van Horn what may be lacking for his past labors, and we feel and realize, that the pecuniary aid which this mission has received from the General Conference, had laid upon us a debt of gratitude to the one great cause they are laboring so assiduously to spread before nations, tongues, and kings, and we will seek to discharge that debt by contributing of our means for those institutions which the General Conference is seeking to establish and encourage especially upon the Pacific coast.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.25
Resolved, That we will seek to bring up all our churches and members to the plan of systematic benevolence as recommended by the General Conference of S. D. Adventists.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.26
The committee on auditing reported as follows: Elder I. D. Van Horn 1st weeks, forSITI November 15, 1877, page 351.27
The following resolutions were reported by the committee, and unanimously adopted.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.28
Resolved, That we will make an effort to raise in our Conference at least $5,000 in subscriptions to the stock of the Pacific S. D. A. P. Association to be paid on, or before November 1, 1878.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.29
Resolved, That we feel the need of a new 50 ft. tent in this Conference, and we empower the Conference committee to order one for use next season, and that the funds for the purchase of said tent be raised by an assessment on each one, according to the ratio of their S. B. pledges.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.30
Resolved, That the minutes of this Conference be published in the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, and that we order 500 extra copies printed for circulation in this Conference.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.31
Whereas, In the providence of God not one of all our number has been stricken by the hand of death since the establishment of this mission, three years and six months; Therefore,SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.32
Resolved, That we feel to express our heartfelt gratitude and praise to the Great Author of life for his abundant mercies toward us, and we feel called upon to consecrate ourselves, our families, and our means anew to God and his cause.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.33
This last resolution was responded to by a rising vote of the whole house.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.34
Resolved, That we request the General Conference at is next session to receive the North Pacific Conference.SITI November 15, 1877, page 351.35
I. D. VAN HORN, President.
ALONZO T. JONES, Secretary pro tem.