- Foreword
- Lifting the Veil on the Future
- Miller Finds a Friend
- Personal Coming of Christ
- Scripture and Chronology
- Discovering the Prophetic Timetable
- Two Time Periods Begin Together
- The Gospel Given to the World
- Startling Conclusion
- “Go and Tell It to the World”
- “The Stars Shall Fall”
- Prediction Fulfilled
- Interest and Unbelief
- Skeptics and Unbelievers
- Appendix
Luther Before the Assembly Again
When Luther was again ushered into the assembly, he was calm and peaceful, yet brave and noble, as God's witness among the great ones of earth. The imperial officer now demanded his decision. Did he desire to retract? Luther made his answer in a humble tone, without violence or passion. His demeanor was modest and respectful, yet he showed a confidence and joy that surprised the assembly.LF 68.7
“Most serene emperor, illustrious princes, gracious lords,” said Luther, “I appear before you this day to comply with the order given me yesterday. If, through ignorance, I might violate the customs and forms of courts, I ask you to pardon me, for I was not brought up in the palaces of kings, but in the seclusion of a convent.”18J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, book 7, chapter 8.LF 69.1
Then he stated that in some of his published works he had written of faith and good works, and even his enemies said they were beneficial. To retract these would condemn truths that all accepted. The second class consisted of writings exposing the corruptions and abuses of the papacy. To revoke these would strengthen the tyranny of Rome and open a wider door to great sacrilege. In the third class he had attacked individuals who defended existing evils. Concerning these he freely admitted that he had been more violent than was proper. But even these books he could not revoke, for the enemies of truth would then take the opportunity to curse God's people with still greater cruelty.LF 69.2
He continued, “I will defend myself as Christ did: ‘If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil.’ ... By the mercy of God, I appeal to you, most serene emperor, and you, most illustrious princes, and all men of every degree, to prove from the writings of the prophets and apostles that I have been wrong. As soon as I am convinced of this, I will retract every error and be the first to lay hold of my books and throw them into the fire....LF 69.3
“Far from being dismayed, I rejoice to see that the gospel is now, as in former times, a cause of trouble and dissension. This is the character, this is the destiny, of the word of God. ‘I came not to send peace on earth, but a sword,’ said Jesus Christ.... Beware lest, by presuming to put a stop to dissensions, you persecute the holy word of God and draw down on yourselves a frightful flood of insurmountable dangers, of present disasters, and eternal desolation.”19J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, book 7, chapter 8.LF 69.4
Luther had spoken in German; he was now requested to repeat the same words in Latin. He again delivered his speech with the same clearness as before. God's guidance directed in this. Error and superstition had so blinded many of the princes that at first they did not see the force of Luther's reasoning, but the repetition enabled them to understand clearly the points he presented.LF 69.5
Those who stubbornly closed their eyes to the light were enraged over the power of Luther's words. The spokesman of the assembly said angrily: “You have not answered the question put to you.... You are required to give a clear and precise answer.... Will you, or will you not, retract?”LF 69.6
The Reformer answered: “Since your most serene majesty and your high mightinesses require from me a clear, simple, and precise answer, I will give you one, and it is this: I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or the councils, because it is clear as the day that they have frequently erred and contradicted each other. Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of the Scripture.... I cannot and I will not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. May God help me. Amen.”20J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, book 7, chapter 8.LF 69.7
Thus stood this righteous man. His greatness and purity of character, his peace and joy of heart, were clear to all as he witnessed to the superiority of the faith that overcomes the world.LF 70.1
At his first answer Luther had spoken with a respectful, almost submissive bearing. The pope's followers thought the request for delay was just the first step toward recanting his faith. Charles himself, noting with some contempt the monk's worn body, his plain clothing, and the simplicity of his speech, had declared, “This monk will never make a heretic of me.” The courage and firmness that he now displayed, the power of his reasoning, filled everyone with surprise. The emperor exclaimed in admiration, “This monk speaks with a brave heart and unshaken courage.”LF 70.2
The supporters of Rome had lost the controversy. They tried to maintain their power, not by appealing to Scripture, but by threats—Rome's unfailing argument. The spokesman of the assembly said, “If you do not retract, the emperor and the states of the empire will consult what course to adopt against an unreformable heretic.”LF 70.3
Luther said calmly, “May God be my helper, for I can retract nothing.”21J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, book 7, chapter 8.LF 70.4
He was told to step out while the princes consulted together. Luther's persistent refusal to submit could affect the history of the church for ages. They decided to give him one more opportunity to retract. Again the question came to him: Would he renounce his doctrines? “I have no other reply to make,” he said, “than the one I have already made.”LF 70.5
The papal leaders were chagrined that their power did not intimidate a humble monk. Luther had spoken to all with Christian dignity and calmness, and his words were free from passion and misrepresentation. He had lost sight of himself and felt only that he was in the presence of One infinitely superior to popes, kings, and emperors. The Spirit of God had been present, impressing the hearts of the chiefs of the empire.LF 70.6
Several princes boldly acknowledged that Luther's cause was just. Another group did not express their convictions then, but at a future time they became fearless supporters of the Reformation.LF 70.7
The elector Frederick had listened to Luther's speech with deep emotion. With joy and pride he witnessed the doctor's courage and calmness, and he determined to stand more firmly in Luther's defense. He saw that the power of truth had defeated the wisdom of popes, kings, and church dignitaries.LF 70.8
As the pope's representative saw the effect that Luther's speech produced, he resolved to use every means at his command to bring about the Reformer's overthrow. With eloquence and diplomatic skill he presented to the young emperor the danger of sacrificing the friendship and support of Rome for the cause of an insignificant monk.LF 70.9
The day after Luther's answer, Charles announced to the assembly his determination to uphold and protect the Catholic religion. He intended to use vigorous measures against Luther and the heresies he taught: “I will sacrifice my kingdoms, my treasures, my friends, my body, my blood, my soul, and my life.... I will ... proceed against him and his followers as obstinate heretics, by excommunication, by official ban, and by every means calculated to destroy them.”22J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, book 7, chapter 9. Nevertheless, the emperor declared, Luther's safe-conduct must be respected. He must be allowed to reach his home safely.LF 71.1