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    April 22, 1897

    “Possible by Faith” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    The great sea-eagle of the tropics, and sub-tropics, has so strong and swift a flight, that, it is said, it can follow the sun from continent to continent, and, high in the purity of the upper air, cross the oceans from land to land by the light of day, if it so choose.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.1

    No one who has watched this bird from the vessel's deck, in tropical seas, can but have marvelled at the wondrous ease with which, sweeping in vast and widening circles, it is supported, apparently without effort, on seemingly motionless pinions. Its home is the air, it lives and abides in the air. So, as this bird lives in the air, surrounded by it, supported by it, itself buoyant with it, the very bone and marrow, and every quill of its wide-stretched wings, filled with it, so must we live and abide in Christ, and He in us.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.2

    Then, as this wonderful bird soars with ease the ethereal heights, and views unmoved the turmoil of the seas, and the storm and war-swept continents, beneath him, so may we, in peace, from the spiritual heights to which Christ will up-bear us, look upon the terrors of this sin-cursed world, unmoved by any aIarms, and untouched by any taint. And so the Apostle said, “As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk ye in Him.” Colossians 2:6.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.3

    Then, as this marvellous bird, from its vantage ground in the upper air, marks the coming storm and rises above the clouds into the eternal quiet of the calm deeps of the heavens, so we, surrounded by the atmosphere of Divine love and care, may dwell in eternal peace. The only requisite is that we keep His commandments and so abide in the atmosphere of His love. “If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love.” John 15:10.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.4

    Above the dark and troubled clouds the bird wings its lofty and untroubled flight ever in the unveiled view of the eye of day,-thus it is given to those who abide in Him, and He in them, to walk always in the Light of the world. “I am the Light of the world, he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.5

    This is no theory or fanciful fiction, it is fact. It is the daily experience of the Christian life, just as the aerial abode of the bird, with all its majestic grandeur and wonder, and beauty, is part of its daily experience. It is true that science cannot demonstrate it, but faith does daily. Had mankind never seen the problem of flight practically demonstrated by the bird in the air, the scientists would smile at the idea as a notion no less wild than that of perpetual motion. But the bird, untroubled by doubt, obedient to the Word which created it, commits itself, in faith, to the air, and rises to the sky on swift and easy wing. The obedience and trust of the bird is the same as the faith and confidence of the little child, and Christ has said that without that we cannot enter the kingdom above; but with that childlike, loving obedience and faith all, things are possible.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.6

    “Current Literature” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    Current Literature .—Drawing his conclusion from the current literature of France, Germany, Italy, and Scandinavia, a popular writer thinks that if the character of their literature indicates the opinion of the educated on the subject of religion, then, “one would say that religion, in the old sense, had almost died out of Europe.” If this is true it is because the Bible, overwhelmed in a mass of commentaries and criticisms, has became ancient literature, and is no longer current. But the Bible, whether it be current among the so-called educated or not, is in fact ever modern and up to date, deaIing with current events, and those who give to it and its prophecies the most intelligent, faithful, and prayerful study will be the ones who will not be taken by surprise in any of the world crises which the nations must soon meet.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.7

    “Protestants and Politics” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    When the Protestant missionaries are persecuted by Jesuit influences in Madagascar they appeal to the British Government which announces that it is making representations to the French Government. No surer way could be taken to defeat the cause of Protestantism than to identify it with political interests. It is because of this action on the part of missionaries that the cause of foreign mission is not the moral force it was a few years ago.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 242.8

    “A Lesson that Man Needs to Learn. What Is Man?” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.1

    Thus spoke the Psalmist, and thus must every one feel who has any just sense of the works of God. It is common for men to have a high opinion of themselves and of their merits; so much so that they forget their dependence upon God.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.2


    The drift of men's minds is aptly described by the historian Gibbon when he says of the ancient philosophers, that in the sublime inquiry concerning human nature their reason had been often guided by their imagination, and that their imagination had been prompted by their vanity. When they viewed with complacency the extent of their own mental powers; when they exercised the various faculties of memory, of fancy, and of judgment, in the most profound speculations, or the most important labours; and when they reflected upon the desire of fame, which transported them into future ages, far beyond the bounds of death and of the grave, they were unwilling to confound themselves with the beasts of the field, or to suppose that a being for whose dignity they entertained the most sincere admiration could be limited to a spot of earth, and to a few years of duration.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.3

    Even so are they described by the Apostle Paul, “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like unto birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.” Such was their pride and self-conceit that “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge.” Romans 1:21-28.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.4

    Far different is that disposition of one who is truly wise. King David also carried on some investigations in human nature, but from a different point of view. His desire was to know what God would say of him. “My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue, Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is that I may know how frail I am. Behold, Thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before Thee: verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity.” Psalm 39:3-5.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.5

    Again, considering the pit which the heathen had made for themselves, and into which they had sunk; and how they were boasting against God; he prayed, “Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” Psalm 9:20. Just think of it! “But men!” The nations would make their boast in the fact that they were men, and would consider themselves competent to dispense with God altogether; but God's Word says that they are only men. Man is nothing in himself, and can be; nothing only as God gives him opportunity and power.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.6


    Let us read what the Scripture says of the origin of man. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our Iikeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:26, 27. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul [living creature].” Genesis 2:7.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.7

    Like the beasts, he was taken from the ground. He is but “dust and ashes.” He cannot boast at all, not even over the beasts that are placed under him; for it is simply by the power of God, who made of the same clay a vessel unto honour and one unto dishonour, that he is any different from them. The earth is the source whence all animate all animate creatures spring. “All are of the dust, to dust again.” Ecclesiastes 3:20. After death and decomposition the dust of the prince cannot be distinguished from the dust of the pauper, nor even from that of his dog. If at last he does not share the fate of beasts, and go into oblivion, it is only because he has had humility enough to accept the wisdom that comes from God; for “man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.” Psalm 49:20. “Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.8


    Man is made from the dust, that he may remember that he is nothing in himself; but also in the image of God, that he may know the infinite possibilities before him-association with God Himself; of himself, having no more might than the dust upon which he walks, but capable of the greatest things through the power and goodness of God. And, strange as it may seem, his capabilities are the greaest when he is most sensible of his weakness. “When I am weak, then am I strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.9

    “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Not even here can men claim superiority. The beasts of the field breathe the same air that he does, the same “breath of the spirit of life.” Genesis 7:22, margin. Every living creature is “a living soul.” Revelation 16:3. It is also to them, the same as to him, the gift of God. Indeed, the very fact that his breath is in his nostrils is a proof of his frailty. “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” Isaiah 2:22. It is the breath of life which God has given him, but how feeble a hold he has of it. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.10

    How can this be, since the life was given him from God? It is not that life from God is a slight thing, but because man has so slight a tenure of it. In the hand of God is the breath of every living thing, and at His pleasure He can take it to Himself. “If He set His heart upon man, if He gather unto Himself his spirit and his breath; all flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.” Job 34:14, 16. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. Not yet have we found anything in which man can boast.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 243.11

    How natural it is for men in extremity to turn for help to some other man, or to human power. And yet no man on earth has the power to make any change in his own physical condition. He cannot change the colour of his hair, nor add an inch to his stature. “They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches: none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.” Psalm 49:6, 7. Therefore the exhortation comes, “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Psalm 146:3, 4.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.1

    1 TIMOTHY 6:16

    There is no life but from God. “For with Thee is the fountain of life.” Psalm 26:9. But life is righteousness; “for to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6. Sin is death, and is from Satan, and the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Sin is at last to be utterly blotted from the universe, and of necessity those whose lives are still sin must be blotted out with it. If they cling to their sinful lives they must be destroyed with sin. Christ is the righteousness of God; for God alone is good, and in Christ is all the fulness of God. Therefore only those who have Christ can have any hope of life hereafter. In fact, they have no real life now. “This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:11, 12. Nay, more than this: “He that believeth not the Son shall not see life.” John 1:36.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.2

    It is true that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust, but only the righteous will be raised to life; they that have done evil come forth from their graves to the resurrection of damnation. John 5:28, 29. Their lot will be to “be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power.” 2 Thessalonians 1:9. Since they have not the righteousness which alone is life, there is nothing by which their existence can be continued.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.3


    All this is to teach men that there is hope only in God; that He is supreme, and that power belongs alone to Him. Not only a single man, but “all nations before Him are as nothing; and they are counted to Him less than nothing, and vanity.” Isaiah 40:17. But while this should make man humble, it should in no wise discourage him. Indeed, it is for our encouragement, that God made the universe from nothing, and so He can take the man who trusts Him, and make of him what He will. To the end “that no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus; who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:29-31. Surely man should not be ashamed to acknowledge his lowly origin, since through Christ he may do all things.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.4

    One more lesson of encouragement may be learned from the frailty of man, which shows that only in humility is true exaltation found. Since all things come from God, man can be at his highest state only when he gladly acknowledges that he is nothing, and yields to the loving power of God. The fortieth chapter of Isaiah contains the message which is to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord in glory. It is a message of comfort, because it tells of the power of God. Here is the message:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.5

    “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:1-8.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.6

    That which is to prepare men for the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ when He comes to reward every man according as his work shall be, is the full acceptance of the message that man is nothing, and that God is everything. His alone is the power, and His word works effectually for every one that believeth. The works that will stand that test of the judgment are the works that are wrought in God.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.7

    “All flesh is grass;” but the power of God is most wonderfully, shown in the grass. It was the word of God that said, “Let the earth bring forth grass,“ and it is the word which liveth and abideth for ever, and which is by the Gospel preached unto us. The power of that word causes the tiny blade of grass to push its way to the surface and the light, in spite of the heavy clods that would hold it down. Infinite power is exhibited in the frail thing. Even so does the word of power work in those who heartily believe it. He who acknowledges himself to be nothing-frail and helpless-as the grass will be strengthened to do mighty deeds, and will be lifted above the clods of earth, into the sunlight of the presence of God.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.8

    “Christ's Letters to Young Men” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    The instruction of Paul to Timothy is the highest model of the advice and counsel of an able, noble-hearted, Christian man to a youth who is very dear to him. Timothy had been known to Paul from his childhood. It is evident that his mother and his grandmother had been personal friends of Paul’s, for he knew, and testifies, of the good spirit that dwelt first in them, and which he looks to see renewed in this young man, the child of many prayers. He thanks God that Timothy possesses this same “unfeigned faith.” Because of this he desires continually to put him in remembrance that he should stir up to activity and use the gift of God which is in him.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.9

    The testimony of the Lord, given him to present to men, is a great thing and nothing to be ashamed of, for it is not a spirit of fear which God has given to His servants, but, the spirit of power coupled with a sound mind.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.10

    Calm judgment and sober sound-mindedness, intellectual vigour and a strong manliness, these were qualities which Paul appreciated and desired that this young man whom he loved, and for whom he prayed night and day, might possess. That thus being filled with these gifts, and with faith, he might not only be able to hold fast the sound words of teaching which he had heard, but be able to give them to others who should be able to teach others also.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 244.11

    It is very evident that this Timothy was a young man of promise. He had gifts; Paul urges him more than once to make the most of them, neglecting none. The Apostle hoped and believed that upon this youthful disciple was to fall his mantle. So, out of his love and his hope, and his enthusiasm for the ministry of his Master, which he was about to lay down, and which he looked to Timothy to take up and carry on in the same spirit which had characterised himself, these two letters to Timothy were written.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.1

    These are the grandest, noblest, most loving letters that ever were written. It could not well be otherwise considering to whom they were written, and from whom, and their purpose, and by whose inspiration.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.2

    How favoured was this young man Timothy to have received two letters from God, through his most noble servant and Apostle Paul! But these letters were not written alone to Timothy. They are personally addressed to every young man who professes the truth of God.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.3

    Let every man study them, thinking how they must have appealed to Timothy when he first read them, and as he continued to study them and draw instruction and inspiration from them for his life work, and so realise now the force and value to-day of every word of information, counsel, exhortation. Though written by Paul to Timothy, they are in reality Christ's letters to young men.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.4

    “Islam's Wealth” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    Islam's Wealth .—“The glorious mosque of St. Sophia in Constantinople is,“ says a newspaper; “the richest in the world-richer than St. Peter’s. The richest clergy in the world are the Turkish Mohammedans. More accurately speaking, they would be the richest that ever existed if only their lands, forests, house and other property were cared for and brought up to the market value which it would reach in ordinary circumstances in Western Europe. It is estimated that a full third of the land of the Turkish Empire is the property of the Church, or, let us say, of the mosques, because in Turkey there is no Church and no clergy, in the European sense of the words. In fact there is a remarkable resemblance between the territorial riches and decay of the Mohammedan Church and those of the monasteries in England just before the dissolution.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.5

    “Mingling Darkness with Light. The Easter Festival” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    The Roman Church has always charged Protestants with inconsistency in choosing to follow some of the traditions of the Catholic Church whilst rejecting others. Thus, in asserting that Rome's authority alone has established the Sunday in preference to the Sabbath, the “Catholic Christian Instructed,“ an authorised Catholic Catechism, says:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.6

    Therefore those who pretend to be so religious observers of the Sunday, whilst they take no notice of other festivals ordained by the same church authority; show that they act by humour, and not by reason and religion; since Sundays and holy days all stand upon the same foundation, viz., the ordinance of the Church.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.7

    But the Romanists have reason for their expressions of hopefulness in the attitude of a large portion of the Protestant world at the present time. Every year there is more attention paid to these other festivals, and the Easter festival, specially, has become a high day amongst Protestants. Pagan influence in the church at a very early period is shown by this festival, since it was in the second century that the celebrated controversy concerning it occurred.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.8

    Of the name itself and the origin of the festival a London daily paper—the Echo—very truly observed the other day:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.9

    The name Easter is derived from the heathen goddess Eostre, to whom our forefathers, and those of other Northern nations, sacrificed in the month of April. This season of the year has always been signalised by a festival among all the peoples of the earth, in all ages. The Persians, Egyptians, Chaldeans were all sun worshippers, and in April celebrated the entrance of the sun into that division of the Zodiac known as Aries, and sacred to the Eastern goddess Astarte.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.10

    It is not the continuation of the Jewish Passover, and has no manner of connection with that feast. In Acts 12:4, the translators of our common version have given us the word Easter instead of Passover, but it is correctly rendered in the Revised Version. The word Easter is not found in the Bible. The controversy concerning this festival was on this wise:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.11

    In the East we find the churches in the second century keeping a festival which corresponded in point of time to the Jewish Passover. It is supposed that this was in memory of the death of Christ, although there was never any instruction given to the church to celebrate the death of Christ in any such way. The festival was doubtless simply a concession to the prejudices of the Jews, who were more numerous in Asia, just as where the pagans were more numerous; the church adopted pagan festivals, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to make them more willing to profess Christianity. But unity of practice was greatly desired in all the churches, and Rome's arrogance had already gone to such a length that one assumed the right to fix the standard of unity. She was the chief city and capital of the world, and why should she not set the fashion in matters of religion as well as in other things?PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.12

    Now the Roman church was mostly composed of pagans, and heathen influences surrounded it. Consequently it had no care to conciliate the Jews. But found it expedient to lean towards paganism; and the pagans had a festival which they celebrated in honour of the return of spring, about the time of the vernal equinox. This was adopted by the church of Rome and the churches which it influenced. The Bishop of Rome commanded the Eastern churches to celebrate their spring festival at the same time that he did. They refused. But Jewish influence could not prevail against the great body of pagans, and at the Council of Nice, A.D. 325, the Roman custom was made universal. Easter was henceforth celebrated by all the churches. The time was fixed, as now, to the first Sunday after the full moon which followed the twenty-first of March.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.13

    Dr. Schaff is very free to note the adoption of heathen festivals by the church because he does not think that the practice is to be condemned. He says (“Church History”):—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.14

    The English Easter, Anglo-Saxon Oster. German Ostern, is at all events connected with East and sunrise, and is akin to eos oriens, aurora. The comparison of sunrise and the natural spring with the new moral creation in the resurrection of Chrirst, and the transfer of the celebration of Ostara, the old German divinity of the rising health-bringing light, to the Christian Easter festival, was the easier, because all nature is a symbol of spirit, and the heathen myths are dim presentiments and carnal anticipations of Christian truths.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 245.15

    The word Easter, from Eostre or Ostara, is by some traced to Ishtar, or Astarte, the Assyrian counterpart of Baal, the sungod, corresponding to the Latin Venus. Sacred eggs were connected with her worship. But whether Easter may or may not be traced to Astarte, with her licentious worship, it is certain that it is nothing but a relic of sun-worship.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.1

    All we care for in the above is the admission that Easter is only a relic of nature-worship. We do not accept the suggestion of the identity of Christianity and pagan nature-worship; but we note with sorrow that the pagan-worship of the creature rather than the Creator very early corrupted the Christian church. The reader will not fail to note that it was sun-worship, and that alone, that fixed the time of the Easter festival, and that in this concession to heathenism there was a long step taken toward the exaltation of “the venerable day of the sun,“-the weekly sun-festival, Sunday.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.2


    “But,“ some one may ask, “do you not think that the resurrection of Christ is of sufficient importance to be celebrated? ought we not by some means to commemorate so wonderful and glorious an event?” Most certainly; and just because the resurrection of Christ is so overwhelmingly important, it is of the utmost consequence that it be properly celebrated. To profess to celebrate that grand occurrence, without once giving a thought to whether or not the celebration has any connection with the event, shows that the resurrection itself has never made any real impression on the mind and heart. If the Lord had anywhere or at any time indicated that we should keep one day in the year in memory of His resurrection, that would of course settle the matter; but the fact that He has not given even the remotest hint of such a thing is in itself sufficient reason for not keeping “Easter Sunday.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.3

    Just as truly as light has no communion with darkness, and Christ no concord with Belial, nor the temple of God any agreement with idols (2 Corinthians 6:11-16), so surely has “the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4), not the remotest connection with the darkness of heathen. True Christianity is not indebted to paganism for anything. Christ did not place His Gospel as a patch upon pagan systems of religion, but introduced sunlight where before was darkness. Christianity does not piece out paganism, but supplants it, just as the Christian life is not the filling out of the old life of sin, but the substitution of an entirely new life.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.4

    This new life, without which there is no true Christianity, is the real celebration of the resurrection of Christ. For the resurrection of Christ is not a mere historical fact of a day, but an eternal, living reality. Those who truly believe in Jesus “are buried with Him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Romans 6:4, 5.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.5

    In like manner also we read of those who are made “complete in Him,“ that they are “buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead;” and then follows the exhortation: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 2:12; 3:1-3.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.6

    It must be evident to everybody, that nobody can really celebrate the resurrection of Christ if he does not know what the resurrection is, and what it means; and it is equally true that no one can know what the resurrection is, nor what it means, unless he himself is risen with Christ, and has thus experienced the power of the resurrection. Such and only such ones can celebrate the resurrection of Christ, by the Lord's own appointed symbol,-baptism,-and by yielding themselves to Christ, that He may live in them His resurrection life. Thus the true and only celebration of Christ's resurrection is not a thing of one day in the year, but a lifetime, beginning with one's acceptance of Christ, and continuing throughout eternity.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.7

    The promise of the Lord is, “Unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2. Those who have this blessed experience can say, with the joy of positive knowledge, “Christ is risen;” and this glad announcement will no more be limited to one day in the year than will their breathing, for Christ is their life, and the life itself celebrates, as it demonstrates, the resurrection.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.8

    “Rome, England, and the World” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    In the Catholic Times, of April 9, the Rev. William Barry, D.D. tells the reason why the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church gave permission not only to the laity, but also to the younger clergy, to attend the English Universities. He says:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.9

    It was felt that if we aimed at a wide diffusion of our principles and doctrines among the cultivated classes, we could not anymore stand aloof from them; we must take our place in English society, gain some experience of the men whom we desired to infuence, and no longer stay within the intrenchments that, most serviceable or necessary in their day, had still kept us at a distance from the social life of our fellow-countrymen.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.10

    A little further on in the same article comes the following frank and bold statement of Rome's aims and hopes with regard to England:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.11

    “There are at least one hundred millions of people who speak the English tongue; some three hundred millions more fall under their influence; almost a third of the earth's surface lies within the English sphere; and, as we are proud of reminding one another, ‘Britannia rules the waves.’ In a letter which is now lying before me, signed by one of the most eminent dignitaries in Christendom, I find the conviction set down that ‘the English speaking nations will dominate the world, and that if the Church is to exercise her proper sway in gaining the ear and the heart of the English and American people, her supremacy will be secured.’ Impressive words, which carry with them a high privilege and a momentous duty!PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.12

    “Instead of the imperial Romans, whom Christianity made its own fifteen hundred years ago, have come the world-subduing Britons. Their genius, literature, laws, and methods are peculiar to themselves, but have not a Iittle in common with the medi?val spirit, while they furnish an amazing contrast to the despotic, centralising, pseudo-classical, and altogether illiberal administration of modern States abroad. Rome, as it appeared to me, might well stretch out a hand to England across the deadly NapoIeonic régime that, by the confession of men like M. Taine, is strangling the life out of France and Italy.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.13

    “The very fact that Leo XIII. had recognised through his Legate in America the free Constitution of the United States with eulogy and admiration, was to me a proof of the kinship between the old English and the Catholic way of dealing with men. Could there be anything more desirable than to encourage a genuine understanding between these two powers, one the supreme spiritual power, the other as truly progressive as conservative, and both alike opposed to anarchic revolution no less than to bureaucratic despotism? England was beginning to recover the elements of the Catholic Religion; she had turned her feet into a pathway at the end of which was the Apostles’ shrine. Could not Rome hasten forth to meet her?”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 246.14

    The fact that Rome's agents speak out so plainly is very significant, showing that she is now sure of her ground.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 247.1

    “The Curse of Civilisation in West Africa” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    At a recent meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society a statesman gave some statistics of the growth of the spirit trade in West Africa and commented severely on the results of it on the native population. American traders with rum and German with their beer are the worst offenders, though the local traders and exploiters are equally responsible with those who supply the demand. It is for no good to African natives that Europe is “grabbing” up the Continent, but merely to get out of it all that they possibly can; but in their greedy haste to get rich some traders and companies are always willing to trade upon the lives and morals of the weak tribes who are in parts being slowly but surely killed off by the loathsome vices of the white man. A recent writer on West Central Africa, whose testimony is that of a missionary who has worked to save men from the scourge, he said:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 247.2

    “It is impossible to exaggerate the evil results of the drink traffic on the West Coast, especially in the region of the Niger, the wretched tribes there having reached a depth of degradation that is truly appalling. Towns like Bonny and Brass are almost given over to drinking, gin and rum being sold at every few yards in the open streets. We speak with horror of the slave trade, in which our fathers played so prominent a part, but in this notorious gin trade we have something well worthy of being classed with it. It is idle to talk of civilising the negro, and introducing the blessings of European commerce, while we continue to pour into West Africa incredible quantities of gin, rum, gunpowder, and guns. It is weII nigh impossible to propagate Gospel truths among a people who are generally found in a state of semi-intoxication; and so long as the detested drink traffic exists, the Church of Christ cannot hope for the success she aims at. Commerce, too, suffers from it to a marvellous extent, for it has been found that the natives who care for gin care little for anything else, and have little to give for that which is profitable to us and themselves. Strong drink is simply swallowing up legitimate commerce.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 247.3

    “Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    -To test the efficiency of the fortress of Gibraltar an unexpected alarm signal was fired. Within hell an hour 4,000 gunners and infantry were at their poets.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.1

    -The decrease of several hundred thousand in the number of persons on famine relief works In India would seem to indicate that the distress is not quite so great as a few months ago.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.2

    -Spain is suffering severely from the drain of men and resources to Cuba and the Philippines. In manufacturing districts mills are closed or working half time, and distress prevails.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.3

    -In Mongolia and Siberia tea is often used as currency. It is ground and pressed into hard cubes, and these are steeped for a beverage and used as money when some form of exchange is needed and metal currency runs abort.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.4

    -It is said that a large proportion of the quarry-men of Bethesda, who are striking against Lord Penrhyn, have now found employment in other places. The strike has continued about eight months, and there are no signs of the opening of the Peurhyn quarries.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.5

    -At the trial of the new Hotchkiss gun last week it deported itself very favourably. It requires only to have its trigger pressed back and, as a reporter says, “a continuous expectoration of nickel-plated bullets leaves the muzzle to the number of 600 a minute.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.6

    -The use of horse-flesh for human food is increasing in Belgium. In Antwerp alone nearly 4,000 horses were killed last year for food. Why dogs and oats should not follow the hog and the horse would be difficult to say. All are unclean according to the Scriptures.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.7

    -A shipping journal says that a German steamer arrived a Lorenzo Marques last week with 1,650 cases of war material for the Transvaal, including a battery of heavy guns for Pretoria. There is anything but peaceful talk on both sides in the South African trouble.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.8

    -Italy's dream of conquering Abyssinia, as other nations have conquered African provinces just because they were strong enough to kill those who held them, cost her ?20,000,000 and 8,000 men. And before this expedition Italy was so impoverished that the only hope of thousands was in immigration to the Americas.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.9

    -An “advertisement pillar” has been unearthed in the excavations at Pompeii. It is covered with bills one over another relating to theatrical performances, programmes of the arena, and forthcoming Senatorial elections. The “season” was doubtless promising to the pleasure-seekers when the lava and ashes of Vesuvius buried the city and its awful wickedness out of sight.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.10

    -A recent lecturer on the British Empire compared it to a world-wide Venice with the sea for streets. The population of the empire is 350,000,000, comprising many races and more religions. The toted area is 11,000,000 square miles, the colonies and dependencies being twenty-seven times larger than the Mother Country. The empire under the Colonial Office comprised forty-two distinct and independent Governments.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 254.11

    “Back Page” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    Spiritualism, it is stated, “is advancing by leaps and bounds in Paris.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.1

    An authority on Indian statistics calculates that from 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 people in India scarcely ever lose the sensation of hunger.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.2

    “Every New Year,“ says a Roman journal, speaking of the friendly relations between England and the Vatican, “Leo XIII. writes a letter to the Queen with his own hand, to which he as regularly receives an autographic reply.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.3

    Since the discussion on Anglican “orders” a number of Anglican clergymen have gone over to Rome in profession as they had already been Romanist at heart. From the Catholic Witness it appears that others have secretly joined, but are still working in the English Church. The journal says:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.4

    Over and above those clergymen whose names have been announced in the Press from time to time, several who have entered the Church have begged their names should, at all events for the present, not be made public.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.5

    So they are filling Anglican pulpits as before. Doubtless many who listen to their teaching would be horrified if they knew the teacher was actually a Romanist, but the formal going over to Rome really matters nothing. They preached papal doctrine before, now they do the same; and so long as it is not called Roman their thoughtless hearers are content.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.6

    The partition of Africa, which is now almost as prolific a source of friction between great powers as Europe itself, by no means exhausts the territories waiting to be seized. Baron von Luttwitz, a German military and naval authority, tells why Germany needs a great navy:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.7

    In the last century we were too late to partake of the general partition. But a second partition is forthcoming. We need only consider the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the isolation of China-that new India of the Far East-the unstable condition of many South American States, to see what rich opportunities await us. In order not to miss them this time we require a fleet.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.8

    This spirit of Imperialism, which is now the dominant feature of international politics, can only result in filling the earth with violence.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.9

    Every week that passes makes it more apparent that when once Churchmen, Roman Catholics, and Nonconformists have decided that the State must teach religion there is no rest in the struggle to see whose religion shall receive most patronage. There are said to be 8,000 parishes in England where the only free schools are Church of England schools, assisted or supported by grants. Now a champion of Nonconformity suggests in the Fortnightly Review that Nonconformists combine to establish schools in these parishes and apply for grants. The Christian World says that there is a strong feeling that such a plan should be set going.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.10

    The Greek irregulars prefaced their raid into Macedonia to kill Turks by what the correspondents called “a solemn religious service,“ and called on their kinsmen to rise and lift the standard of revolt against their enemies “in the name of Christ.” It was in quite another spirit that Paul the apostle of Christ went into Macedonia to lift up the banner of Christ. This difference is just the difference between the Christianity of Christ and the “Christianity” of warlike Christendom, which is but heathenism.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.11

    The Catholic Times characterises as pure inventions the stories of the burning of the Bibles in South America, told by a correspondent of a Protestant journal. But only recently one of our own colporteurs had his books burned by enraged Catholics in Brazil. These people are not to be denounced; they know no better. But the spirit that is in the whole system of the Papacy is responsible for developing just such a spirit as obtains in parts of South America where Rome rules the hearts of the people.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.12

    “‘The Way of Peace They Have Not Known’” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    “The Way of Peace They Have Not Known.” -The Arbitration Treaty between Great Britain and the United States, which was to be the beginning of universal peace, does not prosper as such a thing should among peaceably inclined people. In the hands of the United States Senate, the treaty that was to submit all difficulties between the two nations to arbitration, has been toned down so that it reads:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.13

    Any difference which, in the judgment of either party, materially affects its honour or its domestic or foreign policy, shall not be referred to arbitration under this treaty except by special agreement, nor shall any question as to the continuance in force of any treaty which has previously been made. It is further explicitly specified and agreed that all agreements entered into by the contracting parties under this treaty shall be signed by the President of the United States and receive the approval of the Senate by a two-third vote before it becomes binding upon Great Britain or the United States.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.14

    To this the New York Independent ironically, yet very pertinently, suggests the following amendment,—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.15

    Provided that in the remote contingency that any case under this treaty is decided against the United States by an arbitral tribunal, such decision shall be null and void.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.16

    If this treaty were indeed amended, and adopted in accordance with this suggestion, it would have as much force in preserving the peace as it could possibly have in any other form; for no treaty was ever any stronger than the parchment on which it was written. The nation never has existed, and never will exist on this earth, that paid the slightest regard to a treaty of peace when it stood in the way of its self-interest. In this respect nations are as good as the wild beasts by which they are represented in prophecy, they never fight unless they are hungry or are provoked.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.17

    “Evangelisation of the World” The Present Truth, 13, 16.

    E. J. Waggoner

    Evangelisation of the World .—The Executive and Secretaries of the Students’ Volunteer Missionary Union send an appeal to the churches of Britain to recognise God's call to the evangelisation of the world. In urging the possibility of accomplishing so great a work in this generation they truly add:—PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.18

    But before the testimony of the Cross can be everywhere accompanied with the Holy Spirit's power, God must be given complete sovereignty over the lives of His children, that so the promise may be fulfilled: “The nations shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eye.”PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.19

    It is the Lord's word, and He has power to fulfil it. But God also tells us what is the sign of His sanctifying power. “Moreover also I gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them.” At the very beginning of the work which so much needs to be done lies the duty of surrendering the life to God and taking hold of His Sabbath.PTUK April 22, 1897, page 256.20

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