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August 12, 1897
“Lessons From the Book of Hebrews. Subjection to the World to Come” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
In our last study, beginning the second chapter of Hebrews, we learned that the word of salvation, “which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord,“ has been committed to men. Whosoever hears the message is commissioned to give it to others, telling what he has seen and heard with the Lord. This work, although committed to man, is God's work, “for he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God;” and therefore God bears them witness, or, rather, God bears witness with them, “both with signs and wonders, and divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will.”PTUK August 12, 1897, page 498.1
But why is this work committed to men, instead of to the angels, those messengers of God, whom He sends with the speed of the lightnings and the strength of the mighty winds?—The scripture before us in our present lesson gives us the answer:—PTUK August 12, 1897, page 498.2
“For unto the angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak. But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that Thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little lower (or, “for a little while lower”) than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set lum over the works of Thy hands; Thou best hut all things in subjection under his feet. For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him.” Hebrews 2:5-8.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 498.3
“The World to Come.” -What is “the world to come, whereof we speak?” and where has the writer of this Epistle spoken of it?—The answer to the first question is found in 2 Peter 3:13: “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and anew earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” And again: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.” “And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” “He that over cometh shall inherit all things.” Revelation 21:1, 5, 7. The world to come is the new earth, and we have already found a reference to it in Hebrews 1:10-12, where we read that the heavens and the earth shall wax old as doth a garment, and like a vesture shall be folded up and changed, that is, replaced by new. Thus we see that “the world to come, whereof we speak,“ is the new heaven and the new earth, wherein the righteous shall dwell.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 498.4
To Whom Made Subject? -“Unto the angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.” But has God put the world to come in subjection to anyone?—If not, there would be no significance in specifying the angels, as those to whom it has not been made subject. Notice, however, the connection: The apostle is talking about the preaching of the Gospel, the word of salvation; it at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and is committed to those who heard Him, that is to men, because unto the angels He hath not put in subjection the world to come. Thus we see it clearly indicated that the reason why the preaching of the Gospel is committed to men, is that unto men the world to come has been put in subjection. But we are not left to draw conclusions about this matter, for we are told, even in the text before us, justPTUK August 12, 1897, page 498.5
When It Was Done .—“One in a certain place [namely in the eighth Psalm] testified, saying, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that Thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him.” Hebrews 2:6-8. In the beginning, when God made the heavens and the earth, when they were wholly new, He said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26. And God did just as He said, as we read in verse 23, and also in Psalm 8, from which the Apostle quotes: “Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet; all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea.” What was it that was thus so completely put in subjection to man?—It was “the world to come, whereof we speak,“ that is, the new heavens and the new earth, wherein only righteousness dwells.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.1
Perfect Dominion, Perfect Subjection .—It is not for curiosity's sake, but in order that we may know more of the power of the Gospel, and the power with which God wishes all to proclaim it, that we dwell upon the dominion which God in the beginning gave to man. Dominion was given to him; that is, he was made king, and his kingdom was the heavens and the earth that God had just made. Moreover, he was crowned with glory and honour. A crown signifies kingship, and the nature of the crown indicates the nature of the kingdom; therefore man was crowned king of glory. He was made glorious, and was set over a glorious kingdom.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.2
The birds, the beasts, and the fishes, yea, the very earth itself was made subject to man. It is not so now, but traces of it are seen from time to time, and especially do we see it in Christ. He was alone in the desert with the wild beasts (Mark 1:13), yet they did Him no harm. The winds and the waters obeyed Him. Matthew 8:27. The fig-tree was also obedient. Mark 11:13, 14, 20. The unbroken colt bare Him through the crowd that shouted and waved palm-branches, as steadily as the oldest and best-trained beast could have done. Mark 11:1-9. Elijah commanded, and the heavens withheld rain and dew, and again at his word the heavens gave abundance of rain. 1 Kings 17:1; James 5:17, 18. God gave the ravens commandment concerning Elijah, that they should feed him, and twice a day for many days they brought the man of God food, obeying their orders as faithfully as any man could have done. 1 Kings 17:1-6. God spoke to a great fish, and it came and swallowed the truant Jonah, and again at the word of the Lord it set hint on the dry land. Jonah 1:17; 2:10. Daniel in the den of lions was as safe as in his own house. Daniel 6:16-22. In these things we see traces of the perfect dominion that man had in the beginning.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.3
Man God's Representative on Earth .—Some one may say that these cases that we have cited are instances of the power and dominion of the Lord. Exactly, but that does not mean that they have no application to our subject. “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this: that power belongeth unto God.” Psalm 56:11. “There is no power but of God.” Romans 7:1. Although dominion over the works of God's hands was given to him, he could rule only by the power of God. God is king over all; He is “King of kings.” “The kingdom is the Lord’s” (Psalm 22:28), and our daily confession is to be, “Thine is the kingdom.” He did not withdraw from this portion of the universe when He gave dominion to Adam. Far from it. It was His purpose to rule the world through man. “Verily Thou art a God that hidest Thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.” Isaiah 45:15. He is “meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29), and delights more in the welfare of others than in His own. How wonderful! Think of the Maker of the universe, “in honour preferring another,“ and therein finding His highest glory. And yet that is true of God” for He is everything that He expects of us. So God was pleased that in this part of His kingdom He should be represented by men. Not that man was by any means to take God's place, for that is impossible, but that God in man would rule.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.4
The Word Made Flesh .—Christ came to “restore all things.” It is impossible for us to realise the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus” unless we consider “the first man Adam, to whose condition, and even better, we are to be restored in Christ, who came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” All things were made by the word of God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “All things were made by Him.” John 1:1-3. “In Him were all things created;” “He is before all things and in Him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16, 17, R.V. All things come from and are upheld by His life, so that even the mountains are said to have been “brought forth’” (Psalm 90:2), that is born, as is given in other, more literal translations. The word is life; so when God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass,“ it “was so;” the word became grass. And when by the same word man was made, “the word became flesh.” Thus Adam was “the son of God” (Luke 3:38), although only dust of the earth. God filled him with His spirit, and set him over the works of His hands, so that to him was all power given in heaven and earth; that is to say, all power in the heaven that pertains especially to this earth. This we see in the fact that he was to rule over the fowls of the heaven. But the power was not inherent in man, for he was only dust; the power was the power of the word of God, and a glimpse of it is given us in Elijah's control over rain. It is to this power and dominion that Christ will bring those who believe in Him; for “the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. Daniel 7:27. Unto Christ as ‘“the Son of man is all power in heaven and earth given, in order that He may give it to us; but this does not come within the scope of our present lesson.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.5
“What Is Man?” -This is a question which we must not forget to answer, and the answer must be kept in mind. “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.” Genesis 2:7. Literally, He “formed man dust of the ground.” So that God could say to him, “Dust thou art.” God took dust, and set it over the works of His hands. In all his glory and honour, man was but dust. The power was God's and so was the glory. How wonderful is God's power! With a handful of dust He can rule a world! No wonder that He will not despise “a broken and a contrite heart” (Psalm 51:17), that is, a heart that is but dust,-contrite: ground together, pulverised,-and which continually acknowledges that it is nothing. God will not despise it, because nothing is small or insignificant with Him, and He can do wonders with it. His glory is in doing the greatest things with the weakest instrument. The fact that God created man dust of the earth, and crowned him with glory and honour, and set him over the work of His hands, is the joy and strength of the converted soul. In the facts of the creation of man, we learn what God can do with the contrite soul that is “a new creature” in Christ. Man is nothing, but God is everything. Whoever has learned this truth, has the key to the wisdom of the universe.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 499.6
The Gospel the Power of God .—The Gospel is the power of God to salvation to everyone that believeth. Romans 1:16. But the eternal power of God is seen in the things that He has made. Verse 20. In creation is the power of God seen, and therefore the Gospel, which is the power of God to salvation, makes new creatures, or “a new creation.” But “the Gospel of your salvation” is “the word of truth.” Ephesians 1:13. The power of the Gospel is therefore the power of the word, but it is the power of the word that created the heavens and the earth, and gave man dominion over them. Unto men, and not to angels, is the Gospel committed. That is, the word that is given to men to proclaim, is the word that creates. “The world to come” is the world over which God gave man dominion in the beginning. That dominion is to be completely restored by the Gospel. But the second glory will exceed the first, because when Satan attempts to thwart God's plan, it only gives God opportunity to show His power in a more wonderful manner. In the beginning God ruled the world through the man who, although dust, was majestic in form, and perfect in every particular. Satan thought to show that God could not do it, and now God will show that He can do it with men who have fallen so low that they are tainted and marred and deformed so that they can scarcely be called men. “Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever.” Ecclesiastes 3:14. Therefore since God gave man dominion over the earth, He has not taken back the gift, but in pursuance of His eternal purpose, has committed to man the work of the Gospel, through which all things are to be created new. This is why the Gospel is not committed to angels: Because unto the angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come. Men talk of the power of the Gospel to convert souls, but while they talk of it they often forget that the power that it has over souls is the measure of the power which God has given to men to proclaim it. To man is the work committed, but the power is of God. Thus He says: “I have put My words in Thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of Mine hand, that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and say tinto Zion, Thou art My people.” Isaiah 51:16. Unto man was the dominion over the new earth given in the beginning; the Gospel is the power by which all things are to be made new; therefore to man is given the work of preaching the Gospel, and in giving it to him, God has given him” the power of the world to come.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 500.1
“In Jamaica” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
Our Society's work in the West Indies began about eight years ago, when a lady from those parts became acquainted with the Sabbath and Advent truths while in London, and returned to her home, letting the light shine, and bringing these blessed truths to others. Thus the truth has been carried to many fields. Too many think they must wait until others see the light, and when many walk in it they think they will also. But the knowledge of the truth is God's call to every One to believe, and as He called Abraham when alone and blessed him, so He will bless every soul that relies on His promise, knowing that one in the truth with God is a multitude.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 503.1
Next followed preachers and book canvassers into the West Indian islands, and now in all parts of the West Indies there are Sabbath-keepers. The progress of the work has been, perhaps, most marked in Jamaica, where, as the result of several years’ labour only, there are several hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist believers. We notice by one of our American exchanges that our friends in the West Indies and along the Gulf Coast of Central America and British Guiana purpose holding a general convention in Jamaica soon.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 503.2
The Lord is coming, and the message of the “everlasting Gospel,“ of Revelation 14:12, which calls people to “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,“ must go to every nation and tongue to prepare men for that coming in the clouds heaven. Anyone reading the portion of Scripture referred to, and on to the end of to chapter, letting it mean just what it says, can see at once that the final Gospel message is a call to loyalty to God's eternal law which can be wrought in men only as they accept it in the faith of Christ Jesus. So the message goes, and the Lord is blessing as it is preached. “The isles shall wait for His law,“ the prophet says, and we are glad to call attention to the progress of the work in these island fields.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 503.3
One of the brethren in Jamaica, who has been labouring in a newly entered district says in a recent communication:—PTUK August 12, 1897, page 503.4
We can find work within sight of where I now sit to last us until the Lord comes. Some girls have been leading a crowd that would gather behind our tent during service and disturb the meetings. Now their names are on the covenant, and we are teaching them to read. Last right an old has drinker walked up to the table and wrote his name, and to-day he is leading a company of men in clearing off a place on which to erect a chapel. The wonder of the neighbourhood is that such a movement could be possible. Even the crowds that pass along the roads morning and evening, going and coming from the distant mountain fields, can be heard singing hymns instead of yelling fiercely as was their wont a month ago. The lame of the work has gone out a long distance, and people come many wiles to inquire concerning the message. One man walked sixteen miles last Friday to spend the Sabbath and Sunday with us. His brother said he would attend regularly, coming ten miles to do so. To-day we begin work on the chapel, 18 x 40 feet. We have a company here of forty-two in all. People stay and talk until 10:30 and 11 o'clock at night, and I am so exhausted that sleep does not refresh as it should; yet to see the eagerness with which some drink in the truth, and their joy at receiving it, is more than pain and exhaustion.”PTUK August 12, 1897, page 503.5
“The Overspreading Curse” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
It is an intemperate age. The terrible fruits of indulgence in liquor are so evident all about us that multitudes have been led to see that the easy drinking habits of long ago can no longer be followed without making those who do so in a measure responsible for the drunkenness and crime that spring from the drink traffic. Others with a higher appreciation of the duty of eating and drinking to the glory of God have seen that in themselves intoxicating beverages are a curse and a detriment. So the temperance sentiment has grown in modern times. But on the other hand the drink habit has grown, and every year there is an increase of intemperance. The habit established by milder stimulants in one generation calls for stronger ones in the next, and so the evil grows. Let people who see the curse spreading in the earth see to it that they are clear themselves in their habits of eating and drinking, and then consistently seek to teach others the better way.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.1
“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
-The Welsh language is to be taught in the Board schools of Cardiff.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.2
-The weekly strike pay to those on strike in the Engineering lock-out is about 180,000.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.3
-It is said that Chief Samory, the leading chief of the region back of the Gold Coast, has a regular ammunition factory, and even manufactures rifles.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.4
-The floods in Austria have caused terrible loss of life and suffering. The Danube has overflown vast districts, and over 200 lives have been lost. It will take years for some of the agricultural districts to recover from the loss.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.5
-The rising on the Indian frontier has been for the time being suppressed, and the fort at Chakdara relieved. Over 6,000 natives were investing it, and the 300 of the garrison were hard pressed. It is said that one of the defences of great value was a barbed-wire maze, surrounding the fort, and preventing rushes. The barbed wire, invented for fencing, is being turned to substantial use in war.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.6
-In order to enter into closer commercial relations with Canada, the British Government has given notice to cancel the treaties of commerce between this country and Germany and Belgium. This is in pursuance of the Imperial idea, which looks toward the time when the Colonies and India will supply Great Britain's need, with their products and in return take manufactured goods thus making the Empire independent.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.7
-It is thought that few of the miners who have started lot Klondyke will be able to reach then before winter closes the lines of travel. The greater part will have to camp through the winter and authorities on the subject predict terrible suffering. But the excitement keeps up, and companies are being formed in London, Canada, and the United States, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Canadian Premier, says that he is sure the Alaskan gold fields will rival Johannesburg. Being near the border of the United States Alaskan territory, and filling up as it is with miners from that country, it would not be surprising if an “Outlander” party did not give rise to much the same kind of trouble as has kept South Africa in a State of unrest for two years.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.8
-The report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture says that since 1875, 2,137,000 acres which were under cultivation have been laid down to grass, and yet cattle and sheep have decreased in numbers. Rent of agricultural lands has fallen by one-half, on the average, and the capital value of land in Great Britain has fallen by over ?800,000,000. Since 1871, the number of agricultural labourers has fallen by 200,000, but on the whole the lot of the labourer has improved. But many farmers and landlords have been ruined by the fall in values and in the prices of products. Foreign competition is the cause of the decay of British agriculture. About 75 per cent. of our breadstuffs and 50 per cent. of butter and cheese come from abroad, and meat also comes largely from abroad reducing prices.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 510.9
“Back Page” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
The angels watch the church to behold fresh revelations of the wisdom of God. Ephesians 3:10. What do they learn of God's power by watching your life?PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.1
Cardinal Vaughan declares that the principles of the Roman creed have spread in Great Britain, “until even the Protestant Church has become permeated with Catholic doctrines and practices.”PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.2
The Pope has some grist grinding in nearly all the mills of government. Of the visiting Colonial Premiers, two, the Canadian and the New Zealand, must needs visit Rome and be received by the Pope before returning to their homes.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.3
We have received the first number of El Faro (“The Lighthouse”), a monthly Spanish journal, published by our Society in Buenos Ayres, South America. It presents a very creditable appearance, and is sure to accomplish good in letting the light shine in that region. In Mexico our friends publish another Spanish paper.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.4
Believing is doing, not a substitute for doing. “This is the work of God that ye believe,“ and it is so because believing on Jesus Christ brings the indwelling of His power to work right doing in the believer. “Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven.”PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.5
The Glasgow Herald recently reported an address by Professor Stack, before a Catholic society in that place, in which he pointed out “the danger of indiscriminate Bible reading.” Romanists do know the great danger to their cause attending Bible reading, and that is the very reason why Protestants should labour continually to get the people to study their Bibles.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.6
“Not of Christ” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
Not of Christ .—It is said to be a fact that many in lands called heathen are predisposed in favour of official “Christianity,“ because they consider that the religion of Christ that is professed by the great Powers must be a good one, as they are such successful fighters. The poor souls cannot see that it is light turned to gross darkness that gives the great nations their skill in devising the most destructive methods of killing. It is this that gives a grim truth to the following satirical newspaper jokePTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.7
TOMMY: Papa, the Chinese invented gunpowder, didn't they?PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.8
PAPA: Yes; but it never really amounted to much for killing purposes until the Christian nations took hold of it.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.9
“The Drink Curse” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
The Drink Curse .—Now and then the newspapers report cases where men under the influence of drink have smashed things in a public-house. Society says it is hard on the proprietor, and so it is, and he has his legal remedy. But if a man sells to another a thing that is capable of changing a man into a fighting brute, why need he be surprised if he gets an exhibition of the quality of his cups to his own damage? Most often it is the furniture at home that is smashed, and, wife or children are the victims. The traffic in intoxicants is an accursed business, for God Himself says, “Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink,“ and there will be an awful record to face when the demon drink is brought to judgment.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.10
“Fulness of Joy” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
Fulness of Joy. -These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:11. There is something wonderful in these words, especially when we consider the circumstances under which they were spoken. “These things have I spoken, that My joy might remain in you.” That shows us that by receiving and retaining what Jesus says to us, we receive and retain His joy. Joy comes by believing the words of the Lord, as we read, “The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing.” Romans 15:13. Notice, it is “all joy” in believing, just as Jesus says: “that your joy may be full.” By receiving His words we get fulness of joy perfect joy.PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.11
But that shows us also that He had perfect joy-fulness of joy; for it is His joy that we are to receive. “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” We get fulness of joy through Jesus, simply because His joy is perfect. As men sometimes express it, His cup of joy was full. When was it that He expressed the wish that His perfect joy might remain in His disciples? The very night when He was betrayed; while He was on the way to the place where He knew that He would be delivered into the hands of cruel men, to be mocked, and beaten, and scourged, and crucified. Ah, that is joy worth having, a joy that is perfect in distress and affliction, a joy that is perfect in itself, and does not depend on circum stances. It is the possession of such joy, and that alone, that enables one to endure affliction. Jesus, because of the joy that He had continually before Him, and present with Him, “endured the cross, despising the shame.” Hebrews 12:3. This joy is found, not in doubting, not in experimenting, but in trusting. There are millionaires that would give all their possessions for such joy, that delivers from painful anxiety, when the poorest man can have it by simply taking the words of the Lord and letting them work out their fulfilment in him. How can Christians be otherwise than glad, when they serve a Master who is gladness itself?PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.12
“‘Behold, I Come Quickly’” The Present Truth, 13, 32.
“Behold, I Come Quickly.” -The increase of such calamities as earthquakes, famines, and pestilences says that He is coming, for these were given as signs of the second advent. The great preparations for war say that the Lord is coming, for it is when the nations are angry and gathering to battle that the Lord appears. The social and industrial conditions are becoming just such as were predicted of the last days. The growth of a determination in the Protestant and Catholic world to use civil power to build up the Sunday institution and make void the law of God is fulfilling those scriptures which show that Satan's wrath will be specially directed against the commandments of God in the days of the remnant church, as in Revelation 12:17. And the sending forth into the world of the everlasting Gospel, calling attention to the perversion of the truth by apostasy and lifting up “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” is a fulfilling of such scriptures as Revelation 14:6-14, which indicate God's final message to the world before Christ appears in the clouds of heaven in flaming fire to reap the harvest of the earth. The Lord is coming; thank God, it is true. His Word tells of the preparation needed, and His grace supplies the need. Let believers receive the Word and rejoice in the “blessed hope.”PTUK August 12, 1897, page 512.13