- Preface
- Chapter 1—Breads
- Chapter 2—Butter
- Chapter 3—Cheese
- Chapter 4—Cider
- Chapter 5—Combinations
- Chapter 6—Cooking Schools
- Chapter 7—Diet in Different Countries
- Chapter 8—Diet and Morals
- Chapter 9—Diet During Pregnancy and Lactation
- Chapter 10—Diet and Spirituality
- Chapter 11—Eating Between Meals
- Chapter 12—Eggs
- Chapter 14—Fasting
- Chapter 15—Feeding of Children
- Chapter 16—Flesh Foods
- Chapter 17—Foods as Remedies
- Chapter 18—Fruits
- Chapter 19—God's Remedies
- Chapter 20—Grains
- Chapter 21—Health Reform and the Third Angel's Message
- Chapter 22—Healthful Cookery
- Chapter 24—How to Present the Principles of Health Reform
- Chapter 26—Instruction to be Given on Health Topics
- Chapter 27—Mastication
- Chapter 28—Milk and Cream
- Chapter 29—Milk and Sugar
- Chapter 30—Number of Meals
- Chapter 31—Nuts and Nut Foods
- Chapter 32—Olives and Olive Oil
- Chapter 33—Original Diet
- Chapter 34—Physiology of Digestion
- Chapter 35—Pickles
- Chapter 36—Pie, Cake, Pastry and Puddings
- Chapter 37—Proper Diet
- Chapter 38a—Salt, Spices and Condiments
- Chapter 38b—Sanitarium Dietary
- Chapter 39—Simple Diet
- Chapter 40—Soda and Baking Powder
- Chapter 41—Sugar
- Chapter 42—Tea and Coffee
- Chapter 43—Water Drinking
- Chapter 44—Overeating and Control of Appetite
- Chapter 45—Improper Eating a Cause of Disease
Chapter 7—Diet in Different Countries
Manuscript 78, 1902
The light that God has given and will continue to give on the food question is to be to His people today what the manna was to the children of Israel. The manna fell from heaven, and the people were told to gather it, and prepare it to be eaten. So in the different countries of the world, light will be given to the Lord's people, and health foods suited to these countries will be prepared.TSDF 22.4
Manuscript 40, 1902
To many in different places the Lord will give intelligence in regard to health foods. He can spread a table in the wilderness. Health foods should be prepared by our churches who are trying to practice the principles of health reform. But as surely as they should do this, some would say that they were infringing on their rights. But who gave them the wisdom to prepare these foods?—The God of heaven. That same God will give wisdom to His people in the different countries to use the productions of these countries in preparing health foods. In simple, inexpensive ways, our people are to experiment with the fruits and grains and roots in the countries in which they live. In different countries inexpensive health foods are to be manufactured for the benefit of the poor and for the benefit of the families of our own people.TSDF 22.5
The message that God has given me is that His people in foreign lands are not to depend for their supply of health foods on the importation of health foods from America. The freight and the duty make the cost of these foods so high that the poor, who are just as precious in the sight of God, as the wealthy, can not have the advantage of them.TSDF 22.6
Health foods are God's productions, and He will teach His people in missionary fields so to combine the productions of the earth that simple, inexpensive, wholesome foods will be provided. If they will seek wisdom from God, He will teach them how to plan and devise to utilize these productions. I am instructed to say, Forbid them not.TSDF 22.7
Testimonies for the Church 7:124-126
During the past night many things have been opened before me. The manufacture and sale of health foods will require careful and prayerful consideration.TSDF 22.8
There are many minds in many places to whom the Lord will surely give knowledge of how to prepare foods that are healthful and palatable, if He sees that they will use this knowledge righteously. Animals are becoming more and more diseased, and it will not be long until animal food will be discarded by many besides Seventh-day Adventists. Foods that are healthful and life-sustaining are to be prepared, so that men and women will not need to eat meat.TSDF 22.9
The Lord will teach many in all parts of the world to combine fruits, grains and vegetables into foods that will sustain life and will not bring disease. Those who have never seen the recipes for making the health foods now on the market, will work intelligently, experimenting with the food productions of the earth, and will be given light regarding the use of these productions. The Lord will show them what to do. He who gives skill and understanding to His people in one part of the world will give skill and understanding to His people in other parts of the world. It is His design that the food-treasures of each country shall be so prepared that they can be used in the countries for which they are suited. As God gave manna from Heaven to sustain the children of Israel, so He will now give His people in different places skill and wisdom to use the productions of these countries in preparing foods to take the place of meat. These foods should be made in the different countries; for to transport them from one country to another makes them so expensive that the poor cannot afford them. It will never pay to depend upon America for the supply of health foods for other countries. Great difficulty will be found in handling the imported goods without financial loss.TSDF 22.10
All who handle the health foods are to work unselfishly for the benefit of their fellow-men. Unless men allow the Lord to guide their minds, untold difficulties will arise as different ones engage in this work. When the Lord gives one skill and understanding, let that one remember that this wisdom was not given for his benefit only, but that with it he might help others.TSDF 23.1
No man is to think that he is the possessor of all knowledge regarding the preparation of health foods, or that he has the sole right to use the Lord's treasures of earth and tree in this work. No man is to feel free to use according to his own pleasure the knowledge God has given him on this subject. “Freely ye have received, freely give.”TSDF 23.2
It is our wisdom to prepare simple, inexpensive, healthful foods. Many of our people are poor, and healthful foods are to be provided that can be supplied at prices that the poor can afford to pay. It is the Lord's design that the poorest people in every place shall be supplied with inexpensive, healthful foods. In many places industries for the manufacture of these foods are to be established. That which is a blessing to the work in one place will be a blessing in another place where money is very much harder to obtain.TSDF 23.3
God is working in behalf of His people. He does not desire them to be without resources. He is bringing them back to the diet originally given to man. Their diet is to consist of foods made from the materials He has provided. The materials principally used in these foods will be fruits and grains and nuts, but various roots will also be used.TSDF 23.4
The profits on these foods are to come principally from the world, rather than from the Lord's people. God's people have to sustain His work; they have to enter new fields and establish churches. On them rest the burdens of many missionary enterprises. No unnecessary burdens are to be placed upon them. To His people God is a present help in every time of need.TSDF 23.5
Great care should be exercised by those who prepare recipes for our health journals. Some of the specially prepared foods now being made can be improved and our plans regarding their use will have to be modified. Some have used the nut preparations too freely. Many have written to me, “I cannot use the nut foods; what shall I use in the place of meat?” One night I seemed to be standing before a company of people, telling them that nuts are used too freely in their preparation of foods; that the system can not take care of them when used as in some of the recipes given; and that, if used more sparingly, the results would be more satisfactory.TSDF 23.6
The Lord desires those living in countries where fresh fruit can be obtained during a large part of the year, to awake to the blessing they have in this fruit. The more we depend upon the fresh fruit just as it is plucked from the tree, the greater will be the blessing.TSDF 23.7
Some, after adopting a vegetarian diet, return to the use of flesh-meats. This is foolish indeed, and reveals a lack of knowledge of how to provide proper food in the place of meat.TSDF 23.8
Cooking schools, conducted by wise instructors, are to be held in America and in other lands. Everything that we can do should be done to show the people the value of the reform diet.TSDF 23.9
Testimonies for the Church 7:128-129
The Lord has instructed me to say that He has not confined to a few persons all the light there is to be received in regard to the best preparations of health foods. He will give to many minds in different places tact and skill that will enable them to prepare health foods suitable for the countries in which they live.TSDF 23.10
God is the author of all wisdom, all intelligence, all talent. He will magnify His name by giving to many minds the wisdom in the preparation of health foods. And when He does this, the making of these new foods is not to be looked upon as an infringement of the rights of those who are already manufacturing health foods, although in some respects the foods made by the different ones may be similar. God will take ordinary men and will give them skill and understanding in the use of the fruit of the earth. He deals impartially with His workers. Not one is forgotten by Him. He will impress business men who are Sabbath-keepers to establish industries that will provide employment for His people. He will teach His servants to prepare less expensive health foods, which can be bought by the poor.TSDF 23.11
In all our plans we should remember that the health food work is the property of God, and that it is not to be made a financial speculation for personal gain. It is God's gift to His people, and the profits are to be used for the good of suffering humanity everywhere.TSDF 23.12
Especially in the Southern States of North America, many things will be devised and many facilities provided, that the poor and needy can sustain themselves by the health-food industries. Under teachers who are laboring for the salvation of their souls, they will be taught how to cultivate and prepare for food those things that grow most readily in their locality.TSDF 23.13
Testimonies for the Church 7:134
The foods used should be suited to the occupation in which we are engaged and the climate in which we live. Some foods that are suitable in one country will not do in another.TSDF 24.1
Letter 37, 1901
In order to do our work in straight, simple lines, we must recognize the conditions to which the human family are subjected. God has made provisions for those who live in the different countries of the world. Those who desire to be co-workers with God must consider carefully how they teach health reform in God's great vineyard. They must move carefully in specifying just what food should and should not be eaten. The human messenger must unite with the divine Helper in presenting the message of mercy to the multitudes God would save.TSDF 24.2
Testimonies for the Church 7:132-133
Wherever the truth is proclaimed, instruction should be given in the preparation of healthful foods. God desires that in every place the people shall be taught to use wisely the products that can be easily obtained. Skillful teachers should show the people how to utilize to the very best advantage the products that they can raise or secure in their section of the country. Thus the poor, as well as those in better circumstances, can learn to live healthfully.... It is the Lord's design that in every place men and women shall be encouraged to develop their talents by preparing healthful foods from the natural products of their own section of the country. If they look to God, exercising their skill and ingenuity under the guidance of His Spirit, they will learn how to prepare natural products into healthful foods. Thus they will be able to teach the poor how to provide themselves with foods that will take the place of flesh-meats. Those thus helped can in turn instruct others. Such a work will yet be done with consecrated zeal and energy. If it had been done before, there would today be many more people in the truth, and many more who could give instruction. Let us learn what our duty is, and then do it. We are not to be dependent and helpless, waiting for others to do the work that God has committed to us.TSDF 24.3
Letter 135, 1902
Let us make intelligent advancement in simplifying our diet. In the providence of God, every country produces articles of food containing the nourishment necessary for the upbuilding of the system. These may be made into healthful, appetizing dishes.TSDF 24.4
Testimonies for the Church 9:163
While working against gluttony and intemperance, we must recognize the condition to which the human family is subjected. God has made provision for those who live in the different countries of the world. Those who desire to be co-workers with God must consider carefully before they specify just what foods should and should not be eaten. We are to be brought into connection with the masses. Should health reform in its most extreme form be taught to those whose circumstances forbid its adoption, more harm than good would be done. As I preach the gospel to the poor, I am instructed to tell them to eat that food which is most nourishing. I can not say to them: “You must not eat eggs, or milk, or cream. You must use no butter in the preparation of food.” The gospel must be preached to the poor, but the time has not yet come to prescribe the strictest diet.TSDF 24.5
The Ministry of Healing, 299
If we plan wisely, that which is most conducive to health can be secured in almost every land. The various preparations of rice, wheat, corn and oats are sent abroad everywhere, also beans, peas and lentils. These, with native or imported fruits, and the variety of vegetables that grow in each locality, give an opportunity to select a dietary that is complete without the use of flesh-meats.... Wherever dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes, apples, pears, peaches, and apricots are obtainable at moderate prices, it will be found that they can be used as staple articles of diet much more freely than is customary with the best results to the health and vigor of all classes of workers.TSDF 24.6
The Ministry of Healing, 320
Those who live in new countries or in poverty-stricken districts where fruits and nuts are scarce, should not be urged to exclude milk and eggs from their dietary.TSDF 24.7