DEAR SISTER, — I trust that a few words of condolence and sympathy, in this time of your sore trial and bereavement, will not be unacceptable. My personal interviews with your dear departed husband, though comparatively few, have been remembered with pleasure. It was my good fortune to meet you both at the State Conference at Oneida, N. Y., in 1869, and the year following at the General Conference at Battle Creek.IMJW 63.2
It is your comfort in this bereavement, as it is the comfort of thousands who knew and loved the departed, that he lived to see and to assist in the establishment of so many in the doctrines of present truth. God has been pleased to call him from the field before the conflict was ended; but the separation which death has wrought will be of short duration. The consolations which the Christian religion offers to the afflicted children of God, especially sweet in these last days, are yours, and by them, I trust, you are fully upheld.IMJW 63.3
May the God of all comfort be with you and yours. In the cheering hope of meeting the departed servant of God, and all who love the appearing of our Lord, in the soon-coming kingdom of God, I am,IMJW 64.1
Yours fraternally,