Chapter 15 — Song Evangelism
Date __________
A. Read pages 496-512 in EVANGELISM.Ev-SG 42.1
B. Test Your ComprehensionEv-SG 42.2
Supply the proper words in the quotations below, and answer the questions in the spaces provided. The numbers at the end of each question indicate the page and paragraph where the answer can be found.Ev-SG 42.3
1. “The melody of _________________________, poured forth from many hearts in __________________, ________________________ utterance, is one of God’s instrumentality’s in the work of saving souls.” (496:1)Ev-SG 42.4
2. As the people sang David’s psalms, what effect did they have? (497:1) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 42.5
3. “Often __________________ (Christ) expressed the ______________________________ of His heart by singing psalms and heavenlyEv-SG 42.6
songs. Often the dwellers in Nazareth heard His voice raised in ___________ and thanksgiving to God. He held _____________________________ with heaven in song; and as His _______________________________ complained of weariness from labor, they were cheered by the sweet melody from His lips.” (499:1)Ev-SG 42.7
4. What should be the theme of every song? (502:1) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 42.8
5. Sister White tells of song services held in what unusual place as a means of calling attention to the message? (503:2-4)Ev-SG 42.9
6. “There should be much more ___________________________________ in voice ___________________________ than is now generally manifested. _______________________________ who have learned to sing sweet gospel songs with melody and distinctness can do much good as singing _______________________________________.” (504:1)Ev-SG 42.10
7. “A ________________________________ should not give out hymns to be sung until it has first been ascertained that they are familiar to those who sing. A ___________________________________________ person should be ______________________________________ to take charge of this exercise, and it should be his duty to see that such hymns are selected as can be sung with the ______________________ and with the ___________________________________ also.” (506:1)Ev-SG 43.1
8. “Do not ______________________ _______________________ musicians if this can possibly be avoided. Gather together singers who will sing with the ________________________________________ and with the ___________________________ also.” (509:2)Ev-SG 43.2
9. When only does God accept music as a part of worship? (512:1) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 43.3
C. For MeditationEv-SG 43.4
When hymns are sung in the church, do I participate with the proper attitude?.
Ev-SG 43.5