Chapter 4 — Planning for the Public Campaign
A. Read pages 53-92 in EVANGELISM..Ev-SG 9.1
B. Test Your ComprehensionEv-SG 9.2
Supply the proper words in the quotations below, and answer the questions in the spaces provided. The numbers that are found at the end of each question indicate the page and paragraph where one can find the answer...Ev-SG 9.3
1. When is it essential that we understand and follow the example of Christ? (53:1) _____________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 9.4
2. “It was the ____________________ and ________________ with which Christ labored and spoke that drew so many to Him.” (53:2)Ev-SG 9.5
3. “He (Christ) spoke to them in language so ______________ that they could not fail of understanding.” (54:3)Ev-SG 9.6
4. “In every ________________ ________________, however fallen, He beheld a son of God, one who might be restored to the privilege of His divine relationship.” (55:3)Ev-SG 9.7
5. What is the only means by which hearts can be softened and led to obedience? (57:3) _____________________________________________Ev-SG 9.8
6. “The work of Christ was largely composed of ____________________________ _______________________. He had a faithful regard for the one-soul audience; and that one soul ______________ _______________ to thousands the intelligence received.” (58:1)Ev-SG 9.9
7. What guidance and assurance does God give us regarding the entering of new places? (61:2)
a. ___________________________ b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________ d. ___________________________Ev-SG 9.10
8. What are we told regarding securing the means for advancing the work? (61:4 - 62:0) ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.1
9. What should be our attitude regarding the results? (64:3) ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.2
10. What assurance is given us regarding who is directly in control of the Gospel work? (65:1)_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.3
11. “Not all in the world are lawless and sinful. God has ______________________ _____________________ who have not bowed the knee to Baal. There are God-fearing men and women in the ________________ _________________.” (66:3)Ev-SG 10.4
12. “We must individually know for ourselves what is truth, and be _______________ to give a reason of the hope that we have with meekness and fear, not in a proud, _____________________, ___________________, but with the spirit of Christ. We are nearing the time when we shall stand ___________________ ______________________ to answer for our belief.” (69:2)Ev-SG 10.5
13. How did the Lord send forth the twelve disciples to labor, and why? (72:2) _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.6
14. Why did He pair up individuals with different temperaments? (72:3 - 73:0) ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.7
15. What type of meeting halls should be used in the large cities, and why? (75:2, 3) _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.8
16. “It is God’s design that our people should locate ________________ the cities, and from these outposts warn the cities, and raise in them ______________________ for God.” (76:4)Ev-SG 10.9
17. “We must not plan for large beginnings while we have so little power to _________________________ that which is already begun.” (81:2)Ev-SG 10.10
18. What question does the Spirit of Prophecy raise regarding the social classes with which to work? (87:3) _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 10.11
19. “Those who work in the large cities are to reach if possible to the _______________ ____________ of the _________________, even to ___________________ ____________________.” (88:1)Ev-SG 11.1
20. Regarding the economic resources of those with means, what promise are we given? (89:1) ________________________________________________________Ev-SG 11.2
C. For MeditationEv-SG 11.3
1. Am I following Christ’s methods as I share this message of salvation with humanity?
Ev-SG 11.4
2. What am I doing to strengthen and encourage new believers?
Ev-SG 11.5
3. If God is bestowing upon me more means than is necessary to modestly care for my family, am I giving generously for the advancement of the Gospel?
Ev-SG 11.6