THE following pages are devoted to an examination of the important question, What is to be the future inheritance of those who yield themselves to the Lord to be his servants in this life? The position is here maintained that the final home of the saved will be this earth, redeemed from the curse, cleansed from the polluting touch of Satan, standing forth fair and glorious as when it first came from the hand of the Creator, when he himself pronounced it “very good,” when “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.”SAIN 3.1
Those who have been taught that the saints are to receive their recompense “beyond the bounds of time and space,” will, perhaps, be startled with the idea that they are to receive a literal kingdom, consisting of literal territory; but before rejecting this view, read carefully the evidences which have brought us to the conclusion that it is “the kingdom, and dominion, and greatness of the kingdom, under the whole heaven,” which will finally be given to the saints of God as their eternal abode.SAIN 3.2
In these few pages we show that the word of God plainly teaches that this earth will finally become the saints’ inheritance. Whatever may be your faith, grant us that consideration which you would claim for yourself; then read and prayerfully weigh the evidences presented.SAIN 3.3
28 College Place, Chicago, Ill., Jan. 1, 1893.