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Health, or, How to Live - Contents
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    At a convention of the friends of health reform held at Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 22, 1864, a committee of twelve ladies, practical cooks, was appointed to prepare recipes for cooking, for the first number of the series of pamphlets entitled, How to Live.HHTL 31.1

    At a meeting held Jan. 2, 1865, with Maria L. Chase in the chair, and Adelia P. Patten secretary, the committee made the following report which was unanimously accepted:HHTL 31.2

    Your committee beg leave to report that they have examined the works on cookery by Dr. R. T. Trall, Dr. F. W. Hurd, and by Mrs. M. M. Jones, and find them works of great excellence; yet neither one of them singly, in our judgment, fully adapted to general family use. We therefore present the following recipes as the result of our investigations and experience. We have copied many of the recipes from the above named works verbatim; others we have changed where we thought they could be improved for general use, and some are original with us. This is offered only as an approximation to what is needed. We shall be happy to receive, from any friends of health reform, suggestions and recipes, which, if considered valuable, are promised a place in future numbers of How to Live.HHTL 31.3

    Mrs. A. B. LOCKWOOD, Mrs. E. WALKER, ” M. J. LOUGHBORO, ” E. JONES, ” C. A. CORNELL, “H. SMITH, “M. J. SAWYER, ” M. D. AMADON, ” ANN J. KELLOGG, ” JANE E. BUCK, Miss ANNA M. DRISCALL, Miss A. M. Smith, Adjourned sine die ADELIA P. PATTEN, Secretary.

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