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    Other Post-resurrection Appearances

    Late in the afternoon of the day of the resurrection, two of the disciples were on their way to Emmaus, a little town eight miles from Jerusalem.... They had heard the news of the morning in regard to the removal of Christ's body from the tomb, and also the report of the women who had seen the angels and had met Jesus. They were now returning to their homes....TA 216.3

    They had not advanced far on their journey when they were joined by a stranger, but they were so absorbed in their gloom and disappointment that they did not observe Him closely. They continued their conversation, expressing the thoughts of their hearts.... As they talked of the events that had taken place, Jesus longed to comfort them.... But He must first give them lessons they would never forget....TA 216.4

    Beginning at Moses ... Christ expounded in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.... Reasoning from prophecy, Christ gave His disciples a correct idea of what He was to be in humanity....TA 217.1

    During the journey the sun had gone down.... As the disciples were about to enter their home, the stranger appeared as though He would continue His journey. But the disciples felt drawn to Him.... “Abide with us,” they said. He did not seem to accept the invitation, but they pressed it upon Him, urging, “It is toward evening, and the day is far spent.” Christ yielded to this entreaty and “went in to tarry with them.” ...TA 217.2

    The simple evening meal of bread is soon prepared. It is placed before the guest, who has taken His seat at the head of the table. Now He puts forth His hands to bless the food. The disciples start back in astonishment. Their companion spreads forth His hands in exactly the same way as their Master used to do. They look again, and lo, they see in His hands the print of nails. Both exclaim at once, It is the Lord Jesus! He has risen from the dead!TA 217.3

    They rise to cast themselves at His feet and worship Him, but He has vanished out of their sight.... With this great news to communicate they cannot sit and talk.... They leave their meal untasted, and full of joy immediately set out again on the same path by which they came, hurrying to tell the tidings to the disciples in the city.—The Desire of Ages, 795-801.TA 217.4

    On reaching Jerusalem the two disciples enter at the eastern gate, which is open at night on festal occasions.... They go to the upper chamber where Jesus spent the hours of the last evening before His death.... They find the door of the chamber securely barred. They knock for admission, but no answer comes. All is still. Then they give their names. The door is carefully unbarred, they enter, and Another, unseen, enters with them. Then the door is again fastened, to keep out spies.TA 217.5

    The travelers find all in surprised excitement. The voices of those in the room break out into thanksgiving and praise, saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.” Then the two travelers ... tell the wondrous story of how Jesus has appeared to them. They have just ended, ... when behold, another Person stands before them.... Then they hear a voice which is no other than the voice of their Master....TA 218.1

    But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And He said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself: handle Me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have. And when He had thus spoken, He showed them His hands and His feet.”—The Desire of Ages, 802, 803.TA 218.2

    A number of the disciples now made the familiar upper chamber their temporary home, and at evening all except Thomas gathered here. One evening Thomas determined to meet with the others.... While the disciples were taking their evening meal, they talked of the evidences which Christ had given them in the prophecies. “Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.”TA 218.3

    Turning to Thomas He said, “Reach hither thy finger, and behold My hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into My side: and be not faithless, but believing.” ... [Thomas] had no desire for further proof. His heart leaped for joy, and he cast himself at the feet of Jesus crying, “My Lord and my God.”—The Desire of Ages, 807.TA 219.1

    Jesus had appointed to meet His disciples in Galilee; and soon after the Passover week was ended, they bent their steps thither.... Seven of the disciples were in company. They were clad in the humble garb of fishermen.... All night they toiled, without success.... All the while a lone watcher upon the shore followed them with His eye, while He Himself was unseen. At length the morning dawned ... and the disciples saw a stranger standing upon the beach.... John recognized the stranger, and exclaimed to Peter, “It is the Lord.”—The Desire of Ages, 809, 810.TA 219.2

    At the meeting on a mountain in Galilee, all the believers who could be called together were assembled.... At the time appointed, about five hundred believers were collected in little knots on the mountainside, eager to learn all that could be learned from those who had seen Christ since His resurrection.... Suddenly Jesus stood among them. No one could tell whence or how He came.... Now He declared that “all power” was given to Him. His words carried the minds of His hearers above earthly and temporal things to the heavenly and eternal.—The Desire of Ages, 818, 819.TA 219.3

    For forty days Christ remained on the earth, preparing the disciples for the work before them and explaining that which heretofore they had been unable to comprehend. He spoke of the prophecies concerning His advent, His rejection by the Jews, and His death, showing that every specification of these prophecies had been fulfilled. He told them that they were to regard this fulfillment of prophecy as an assurance of the power that would attend them in their future labors.—The Acts of the Apostles, 26.TA 219.4

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