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    The Great Results of True Health Reform

    When the time came for the Hebrew youth to be examined for the service of the kingdom, “among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.” Their keen comprehension, their wide knowledge, their exact language, testified to the unimpaired strength and vigor of their mental powers. “Therefore they served before the king.”2TC 239.3

    At the court of Babylon men of the highest talent had gathered from many lands. They were richly endowed with natural gifts and exhibited the broadest culture the world could bestow. Among them all, the Hebrew youth were without an equal in physical strength, mental vigor, and literary attainment. The erect form, the firm step, the admirable appearance, the undimmed senses, the untainted breath—all were marks of the nobility with which nature honors those who obey her laws.2TC 239.4

    Daniel and his companions were far more successful than their fellow students in acquiring the wisdom of the Babylonians. They obtained their knowledge under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, having made the knowledge of God the foundation of their education. They prayed for wisdom, and they improved every opportunity to become intelligent in all lines of learning. They followed the rules of life that could not fail to give them strength of mind. Praying constantly, studying faithfully, keeping in touch with the Unseen, they walked with God as did Enoch.2TC 239.5

    True success in any line of work is not the result of chance or accident or destiny. It is the outworking of God’s leading, the reward of faith and discretion, of virtue and perseverance. Fine mental qualities and a high moral tone are not the result of accident. God gives opportunities; success depends on the use made of them.2TC 240.1

    Here we can see the divine principle of cooperation. To make God’s grace our own, we must act our part. He gives his grace to work in us to will and to do, but never as a substitute for our effort.2TC 240.2

    As the Lord cooperated with Daniel, so He will cooperate with all who strive to do His will. By His Spirit He will strengthen every true purpose, every noble resolution. Those who walk in the path of obedience will encounter many difficulties, but the Lord is able to counteract every agency that works for the defeat of His chosen ones. In His strength they may overcome every temptation, conquer every difficulty.2TC 240.3

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