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    A Cheerful Singer

    Jesus often expressed the gladness of His heart by singing psalms and heavenly songs. Often the people of Nazareth heard His voice raised in praise and song. As his companions complained of being tired, the sweet melody from His lips cheered them.3TC 40.4

    Through those secluded years at Nazareth, His life flowed out in streams of sympathy and tenderness. Old people, the sorrowing, the sin-burdened, children at play, little creatures of the groves, the patient work animals—all were happier for His presence. He whose word upheld the worlds would stoop to relieve a wounded bird. There was nothing unworthy of His notice, nothing to which He refused to minister.3TC 40.5

    So He grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man. He showed Himself able to sympathize with everyone. An atmosphere of hope and courage surrounded Him, making Him a blessing in every home. Often on the Sabbath day He was called on to read the lesson from the prophets, and the hearts of the hearers thrilled as new light shone out from the sacred text.3TC 41.1

    Yet during all the years at Nazareth, He made no show of miraculous power. He assumed no titles. His quiet and simple life teaches an important lesson: the freer the life of a child is from artificial excitement, and the more in harmony with nature, the more favorable it is for physical and mental vigor and spiritual strength.3TC 41.2

    Jesus is our Example. In His home life He is the Pattern for all children and youth. The Savior stooped to accept poverty, so that He could teach how closely we in humble places in life may walk with God. His work began in dedicating to God the lowly trade of the craftsmen who work for their daily bread.3TC 41.3

    He was doing God’s service just as much when laboring at the carpenter’s bench as when working miracles for the multitude. Every youth who follows Christ’s example of faithfulness and obedience in His lowly home may also claim these words spoken by the Father: “Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, my Elect One in whom My soul delights!” Isaiah 42:1.3TC 41.4

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