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    Nicodemus Begins to See the Light

    While Jesus was speaking, some gleams of truth penetrated the ruler’s mind. Yet he did not fully understand the Savior’s words. He said wonderingly, “How can these things be?”3TC 105.4

    “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?” Jesus asked. Instead of feeling irritated over Jesus’ plain words of truth, Nicodemus should have had a humble opinion of himself because of his spiritual ignorance. Yet Christ spoke with such solemn dignity and earnest love that Nicodemus was not offended.3TC 106.1

    But as Jesus explained that His mission was to establish a spiritual kingdom instead of a temporal one, Nicodemus was troubled. Jesus saw this and added, “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” Not grasping the nature of Christ’s work on earth, Nicodemus could not understand His work in heaven.3TC 106.2

    The Jews whom Jesus had driven from the temple were eager to maintain an appearance of holiness, but they neglected holiness of heart. While they insisted on the letter of the law, they were constantly violating its spirit. Their great need was for the change that Christ had been explaining to Nicodemus—a new moral birth, a cleansing from sin, and a renewing of holiness.3TC 106.3

    There was no excuse for Israel’s blindness regarding the work of regeneration. David had prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Through Ezekiel God had promised, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes.” Psalm 51:10; Ezekiel 36:26, 27.3TC 106.4

    Nicodemus now began to comprehend the meaning of these scriptures. He saw that the most rigid outward obedience to just the letter of the law could entitle no one to enter the kingdom of heaven.3TC 106.5

    Nicodemus was being drawn to Christ. As the Savior explained the new birth to him, he longed for this change in himself. How could it take place? Jesus answered his unspoken question: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”3TC 106.6

    The symbol of the uplifted serpent made the Savior’s mission plain to Nicodemus. When the people of Israel were dying from the sting of the fiery serpents, God directed Moses to make a serpent of bronze and place it high in the middle of the congregation. All who would look at it would live. The serpent was a symbol of Christ. As the image made in the likeness of the destroying serpents was lifted up for their healing, so One made “in the likeness of sinful flesh” was to be their Redeemer. Romans 8:3. God wanted to lead the Israelites to the Savior. Whether to heal their wounds or pardon their sins, they could do nothing for themselves but show their faith in the Gift of God. They were to look and live.3TC 106.7

    Those who had been bitten by the serpents might have demanded a scientific explanation of how looking would heal them. But no explanation was given. To refuse to look was to die. Nicodemus received the lesson and carried it with him. He searched the Scriptures in a new way, not for discussion but to receive life for the soul. He submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit.3TC 107.1

    Thousands today need to learn the same truth Nicodemus learned from the uplifted serpent. “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. Through faith we receive the grace of God, but faith is not our Savior. It earns nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold on Christ, who is the remedy for sin. We cannot even repent without the aid of the Spirit of God. The Scripture says of Christ, “Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.” Acts 5:31. Repentance comes from Christ as truly as does pardon.3TC 107.2

    How, then, are we to be saved? “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29. The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His love is drawing us to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we will be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Savior. Then through faith the Spirit of God produces a new life in the soul. He brings the thoughts and desires into obedience to Christ. He creates the heart and the mind anew in the image of Jesus, who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then He writes the law of God in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, “I delight to do Your will, O my God.” Psalm 40:8.3TC 107.3

    In the conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus unfolded the plan of salvation. In none of His later instruction did He explain so fully, step by step, the work necessary to be done in the hearts of all who wish to inherit the kingdom of heaven. At the very beginning of His ministry, He opened the truth to a member of the Sanhedrin, an appointed teacher of the people. But the leaders of Israel did not welcome the light. Nicodemus hid the truth in his heart, and for three years there was little apparent fruit.3TC 107.4

    But the words Jesus spoke at night on the lonely mountain were not lost. In the Sanhedrin council, Nicodemus repeatedly defeated plans to destroy Jesus. When at last He was lifted up on the cross, Nicodemus remembered, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” The light from that secret meeting illuminated the cross of Calvary, and Nicodemus saw in Jesus the world’s Redeemer.3TC 107.5

    After the Lord ascended, when persecution scattered the disciples, Nicodemus came forward boldly. He used his wealth to sustain the infant church that the Jews had expected to disappear at the death of Christ. In the time of danger, he who had been so cautious and questioning was firm as a rock, encouraging the faith of the disciples and furnishing funds to carry forward the work of the gospel. He became poor in this world’s goods, but he never hesitated in the faith that had its beginning in that nighttime conference with Jesus.3TC 107.6

    Nicodemus told John the story of that interview, and John recorded it for the instruction of millions. The truths taught there are as important today as they were on that solemn night on the shadowy mountain, when the Jewish ruler came to learn the way of life from the lowly Teacher of Galilee.3TC 107.7

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