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    We have followed the testimony of the Scriptures to the conclusion of this work, and the final overthrow of those engaged in it; and the signs of the times indicate that soon, very soon, the growing popularity of this delusion will carry it into the very heart of both church and State. Then will Revelation 18:2, be fulfilled. Then will Babylon have “become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit.” Then will the cup of her iniquity be full; and the honest-hearted ones who have sighed and cried for her abominations will hear a voice from Heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Then will the voice of God again be heard, not to convince sinners of their obligation to keep his law, but to vindicate the honor of his government, and to destroy them that loved not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.NTMS 183.1

    God has shown his love to them, but they have hated him; he has called, but they have refused; he has entreated, but they have mocked; he has threatened, but they have despised his word. Jesus died for them, but they have trampled on his blood. The Spirit of love and truth strove with them, but they grieved it away. The messengers of truth warned them, but they despitefully used and persecuted them. God’s mercy has been abused, and his majesty insulted. Nothing then remains but for God to vindicate his justice, and give them the due reward of their works.NTMS 184.1

    But a little space is now left for repentance, and who will receive the testimony? In view of these things is it not time for God’s people to strive to overcome, to wrestle for the victory, to struggle for eternal life, to be zealous, and repent of their Luke-warmness, and walk in the Spirit from day to day? If we would abide that day, we must be holy and pure in heart; we must hunger and thirst after righteousness; our whole souls must pant for the living God, that we may love him with all the heart. Oh! the horrors of that day, when God shall arise to shake terribly the earth! And it hasteth greatly. Then in vain may the charmers use their enchantments; for the Lord “frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad.”NTMS 184.2

    “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you” May the Lord in mercy spare his people, and bring them through the perils of these times, and finally bring them to Mount Zion with shouts of victory and songs of joy. Amen!NTMS 184.3

    [original illegible] in the ministry, and in the cause of temperance and other reforms.NTMS 185.1

    Fine tint paper, 352 pp. $1.00NTMS 185.2

    Plain white paper, 85 cts.NTMS 185.3

    The Bible from Heaven. By D. M. Canright. An argument to show that the Bible is not [original illegible] work of men, but is in deed and truth the word of God. 300 pp. 80 cts.NTMS 185.4

    The Soul and the Resurrection, showing the Harmony of Science and the Bible on the Nature of the Soul and the Doctrine of the Resurrection. By [original illegible] II. Kellogg, M. D. 75 cts.NTMS 185.5

    Sketches from the Life of Paul. By Mrs. E. G. White. 336 pp., muslin, [original illegible] cts.NTMS 185.6

    Early Writings of Mrs. White. 75 cts.NTMS 185.7

    A History of the Doctrine of the Soul. Muslin binding. 75 cts.NTMS 185.8

    Smith’s Diagram of Parliamentary Rules. Indispensable to Parliamentarians. 50 cts.NTMS 185.9

    The Song Anchor. A popular collection of song for the Sabbath-School and praise service. 164 pp. 35 cts.NTMS 185.10

    Bound in muslin, 50 cts.NTMS 185.11

    Temperance Song Book. An unequaled book. All temperance people are lavish in its praise. 30 cts.NTMS 185.12

    Better than Pearls. A superb collection of every choice music and words. Uuequaled. 40 cts.NTMS 185.13

    In boards, 30 cts.NTMS 185.14

    Pearly Portals. A new book. 35 cts.NTMS 185.15

    Songs for Class and School, a truly merterious book. 35 cts.NTMS 185.16

    The United States in the light of Prophesy; or, an exposition of Revelation 13:11-17. By Eld. U. Smith. Dealing with our own land, and applying to our time. Of surpassing interest to every American reader. New edition. 225 pp. 75 cts.NTMS 185.17

    Paper covers, 25 cts.NTMS 185.18

    The Advent Keepsake. A collection of Bible texts for each day in the year, on the subjects of the Second Advent, the [original illegible] 136 pp 25cts.NTMS 185.19

    Thoughts on Baptism; Its Action, Subjects, and Relations. By Eld J. H. Waggoner 190 pp. 25 cts.NTMS 185.20

    A Word for the Sabbath: or. False Theories exposed. A poem by Eld. U. Smith. 60 pp. 30 cts.NTMS 185.21

    Glazed paper covers. 15 cts.NTMS 185.22

    Bound Volumes of Review and Herald. Each. $1.25.NTMS 185.23

    The Youth’s Instructor for 1879-’83. Firmly bound. $1.00.NTMS 185.24

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