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    Preface to the Third Edition

    In this edition we have added two entire chapters, to wit., one on the Dangers of Mediumship, and one on Opposition to Marriage, or Free-Lovism.NTMS 3.3

    The same general design has been carried out, only adapting it to the more advanced state of the spiritualistic theory.NTMS 3.4

    The points stated are proved by full quotations from the most authentic spiritualistic sources and the credits given; and that they are fully proved we are willing to leave with the candid reader.NTMS 3.5

    Our quotations are so full, on so many different points, that we have no hesitation in offering this as the most complete view of “Spiritualism as it is” that has ever been published.NTMS 4.1

    The preparation of this work has involved the reading of many of the standard works of Spiritualism, and in regard to their literature, we have always found it to be low in the scale. Were we to classify their writings it would be as follows: 1st. Sentimental and puerile. 2nd. Blasphemous. 3rd. Disgusting. Specimens may be found, but by no means the worst, in our quotations. We think it very safe to say that so many books on any other subject, or from any other source, cannot be found, so destitute of thought and reasoning, so full of senseless platitudes, as the Spiritualist libraries.NTMS 4.2

    The reading of their works has greatly strengthened our convictions of the Satanic origin and dangerous tendency of their teachings. The “sure word of prophecy” is fast fulfilling. The “great day of the Lord” is hastening; God’s wrath will soon be poured out on the workers of iniquity.NTMS 4.3

    May we find a refuge in Jesus in that day.
    J. H. W.

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