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March 4, 1889
“Front Page” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
A Catholic paper says that at Plainfield, N. J., the Catholics are in a state of indignation, owing to the fact that a short time ago a parochial school had been billed for St. Mary’s parish and upon completion, placed on the city assessment books by the town assessor to the amount of $20,000.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.23
If Rev. W. F. Crafts, Secretary of the American Sabbath (Sunday) Union, carried out his program for February fully, he spoke in favor of the Sunday-Rest Bill in Wilmington, N. C., Charleston, S. C., Savannah, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Pensacola, Mobile, Meridian, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Altoona, Harrisburg, Wheeling, Zanesville, and Columbus.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.24
The Catholic Mirror makes the statement that “his eminence, Cardinal Gibbons, has been invited to address the convention of the National Teachers’ Association, which is to meet in Nashville, Tenn., and that probably “Bishop Keane, rector of the New Catholic University at Washington, will represent his eminence on that occasion.” Why a Roman Cardinal should be asked to address a convention of American educators, is beyond our comprehension, for Rome is the inveterate enemy of our free school system.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.25
A secular paper says: “Religion and drama are becoming intertwined in a measure. Rev. T. K. Beecher has had a little theater built within his church edifice, and, on the other hand, ‘Martin Luther’ and ‘Robert Elsmere’ are the titles of new plays.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.26
“Religion” and the drama may becoming intertwined, but Christianity and the drama are not and never can. The drama is part and parcel of the world, and the Christian is commanded to “Love not the world, neither of the things under in the world; if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.27
“Religions,” says the Christian Register, “as well as individuals, need a new birth; and Christianity needs, and, we hope, is experiencing, a new birth in this age, a renewal of its spiritual life and ethical power.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.28
The individual needs a new birth, indeed “must be born again,” because in his natural state he is totally unfitted for the service of God and for the society of holy beings. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit,” said the Saviour, and the apostle the shores us that “the carnal [fleshly] mind is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be,” hence the necessity of being born again, born of the Spirit. But why must Christianity be born again? What change is demanded in Christianity to bring it into harmony with God? Can the Register suggest any improvement in the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ? Is it not true that Christianity is as perfect now as it ever was, and that it is professed Christians who need a new birth?SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.29
The Jewish Messenger asks: “Why should not the Hebrew be a power which shall work for honesty and purity, for simplicity and high aims in the American life? Why should not Judaism be a force that shall preach personal morality to the nation?”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.30
The answer to the question is not far to seek; it is simply because with the rejection of Christ, Judaism lost all the spiritual force it ever had, and it stands to-day as it has stood for nearly 1900 years, without power to regenerate a single soul or to remove a single blemish from human character. They would not come to Christ that they might have life and power, and to-day they are, as a people, witnesses to the truth of his words: “Without me ye can do nothing.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.31
Many persons profess to see in the great improvements which are being made in weapons of warfare, and in the immense preparations which the nations of the earth are making for war, the very best assurances of peace. But some of the great soldiers of the world do not so regard it. In a recent address in Birmingham, England, Lord Wolseley spoke as follows:-SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.32
“Those who study the map of Europe at the present moment, and the condition of things in Europe, must feel that there is hanging over us a war clouds greater than any which has hung over Europe before. It means that when it bursts-and burst it will as surely as the sun will rise to-morrow-it means not, as in former days, a contest between two highly trained armies, but a war of extinction, of devastation, between great armed nations whose populations are armed and trained to fight.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.33
Cardinal Manning is of the opinion that this country is in a state of moral decay, which he attributes to freedom of divorce, Sunday newspapers, and lack Sunday observance. It is not to be denied that the moral condition of the people of this country is bad enough, but this condition is not caused by freedom of divorce; this freedom does not make the people immoral, it simply shows that they are immoral. Why the Cardinal should find fault with the manner in which Sunday is observed in America is not apparent, since it is more generally regarded that in Catholic countries; and certainly the reading of a Sunday paper is not more objectionable than the way in which most Romanists, both European and American, spend the greater part of the day. But as the Sunday festival in its present form is a Catholic institution, it seems only fitting that the Romanist should say what constitutes a proper observance of the day; and certainly if they feel that they are not keeping it as they ought, they should reform.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.34
“The Christian a Debtor. Romans 1:14, 15” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
“I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.35
The apostle Paul had no sympathy with those who would say, “The world owes me a living.” For such persons he had only the sharpest rebuke. His command was “that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10. In the language quoted above, we have the sentiment of the true missionary-one who has given his life to the service of others.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.36
But Paul did not take any credit to himself for his labor for others. He considered that he was simply working out a debt. To the Corinthians he wrote: “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is me if I preach not the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:16. The question is, How did Paul become a debtor to all men? and, Did any obligation rest upon him that does not rest upon every follower of Christ? The answer to both questions may be found in the Scriptures.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.37
In the very beginning of his epistle to the Romans, Paul declared himself a servant of Jesus Christ. As we have already learned, this means that he was the life-long bond slave of Christ, yet his service was a willing service of love. He had given himself wholly to Christ, and was so closely identified with him that he was counted as a son and a brother. This is the position of every Christian. “Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price.” 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. First of all, then, the Christian owes himself and all that he has to Christ, because Christ has bought him with his own blood.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.38
But the fact that we owe ourselves to Christ, and that if we acknowledge that obligation we are to identify ourselves so completely with him that the service will not be ours but his (1 Corinthians 15:10), makes us debtors to all men. For Christ “died for all;” and in carrying out his work for men, he assumed an obligation to all men, although no man had of right any claim upon him. Paul says that although he was in the form of God, he “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.” Philippians 2:6, 7. And we are expressly exhorted to have this mind in us. Jesus himself said: “Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant; even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.39
Christ gave his life “for the life of the world” (John 6:51); therefore everyone who yields himself to Christ, to become identified with him and his work, becomes, like him, a servant, not alone of the Lord Jesus, but of all for whom he became a servant. In other words, the Christian is Christ’s servant; but as Christ’s work is for the world, he who becomes a sharer of that work must become the servant of the world. Paul felt this to the utmost. He felt that he owed service to everybody that was in need; and so he did. The servant owes his service to the one who pays for it. Christ had bought the service of Paul by the sacrifice of himself; and when Paul recognized that debt to Christ and gave himself to the discharge of it, the Lord turned his service in the direction in which he himself labored. The only way to be a servant of Christ, is to serve those for whom he died. Wesley had some of the same spirit that Paul had, when he said, “The world is my parish.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.40
The second great commandment in the law is, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Our neighbor is everyone with whom we come in contact, who is in need. Says Paul: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10. “As we have opportunity.” That indicates that we are to seek occasion of serving men, and so Paul did.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.41
To the Romans Paul said in another place: “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself.” Romans 15:1-3. Thus again we learn that the work of Christ is to be the example for us; and he “went about doing good.” Acts 10:30. Again Paul says: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.42
The trouble with too many who profess to be followers of Christ is that they do not feel any great sense of obligation. Sometimes they talk about “getting a burden” for the work, but what is that burden? It is nothing else but a sense of the debt which we owe to Christ, and consequently to the world. If a man owes a great deal of money, and has no means with which to pay it, he will necessarily feel as though he had quite a load upon his shoulders-a burden. So all that is necessary to enable a man to have a burden for souls, is for him to realize how much Christ has done for him.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.43
The one to whom much is forgiven will love much. Paul felt himself to be the chief of sinners, and so when he felt the pardoning love of God, he felt that he owed much service. And he never forgot how much had been forgiven him, nor how great was his dependence upon God, and so he always felt the burden of debt resting upon him. Those who have felt the burden of their sins, and who know that they are removed, will not have to strive to get a burden for souls. They will feel like Paul, that necessity is laid upon them, and it will be the joy of their lives to discharge that obligation. W.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.44
“A Contradiction of Terms” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
Among the editorial notes in the Interior of February 14, was the following:-SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.45
“We speak of death as a destroyer, when in reality it is an emancipator; for, as George McDonald puts it, ‘There is just one thing that death cannot destroy, and that is life.’ Death is but the usher into a larger life. It marks the end of certain limitations which embarrass and embitter the life that now is.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.46
It is strange how men can, with the Scripture statements before them, thus directly deny them; but that is no more strange than that they should talk so contrary to their own reason. It is just as sensible to say that ice will not take the warmth from a thing, and that sleep is only a condition of greater wakefulness, as to say that death is but the usher into a greater life.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.47
Throughout the Bible, death is represented as a sleep. If we had never seen death, we should learn something of its nature from this comparison. In sleep there is loss of consciousness. Sometimes, when sleep is not perfect, we dream; but our dreaming is only the crude attempt of the partially dormant brain to recollect things that have been impressed upon it while awake. In sleep the mind does not go off to explore new fields of thought. In sound sleep there is perfect unconsciousness, and hours are but as a moment. In death it is the same, only there is no natural awakening from it, because the vital organs have ceased to act.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.48
In the charge which Moses gave to the children of Israel just before his death, he said: “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19. Here we have death and life placed in contrast, the same as blessing and cursing. It would be no more absurd and contrary to fact to say that cursing is only an amplified blessing, than to say that death is but a larger life. Life is associated with blessing, and death with cursing. In the favor of God there is life, but those upon whom his wrath abides shall not see life. Now to claim that death does not destroy life, is virtually the same as saying that there is no difference between the favor and the wrath of God.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.49
If death does not put an end to life, we should like to have some one explain that passage in the book of Revelation, where John says that he saw those who had been slain for the word of God, “and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.” Revelation 20:4, 5. “The rest of the dead lived not again.” This shows that those whom he saw reigning with Christ were living again. But “again” means another time, once more; and so those who live again, live a second time. But this cannot be said of those who have never ceased to live. We cannot say that a man is doing a thing again, when he has been doing it continuously ever since he first began. If a man is in a certain place, he cannot be in that place again, some for only a short time, and others for eternity, proves beyond question that the one thing that death does destroy is life. And when life is destroyed, everything else is destroyed with it.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.50
When people use such contradictory language as that quoted at the beginning of this article, we can only wonder whether they believe the Bible at all, or whether they ever think. W.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.51
“Heathen Superstition” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
It was not three thousand years ago, but only about three weeks ago; and it was not in Africa or China, but in San Francisco, that a heathen ceremony was performed, which for childish superstition equals anything that was ever done by an African tribe. It was the occasion of the feast of “Satin Blasé,” one of the innumerable saints which Catholic tradition has manufactured. It seems that he is the patron invoked by Catholics against throat diseases. The story of the mythical saint, and the account of the feast in his honor, which is given with all seriousness in the San Francisco Chronicle of February 4, is too long for publication entire, but we give a portion of it. Having spoken of his capture, the report continues:-SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.52
“In prison his good works did not cease, and many were brought to him to be cured of diseases. Among the number who came to him on account of his reputation for saintliness, was a youth whose life was despaired of by physicians, and who was on the point of death from a thorn that had become fixed in his throat. The saint, when the boy came before him, made the sign of the cross, and the pain disappeared, the cause being immediately removed. From that time Saint Blasé was regarded as the particular curer of throats, and the services yesterday were commemorative of the miracle he performed in prison. After remaining in confinement for a time, he was summoned before the President, who offered many inducements to him to renounce his faith. All were steadily refused, and the saint and martyr was beaten with rods, put on the rack, and lacerated with iron combs. He was beheaded on February 3, 316. He is the patron saint of the wool-combers, and his festival is still kept in parts of England.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.53
“This miraculous cure of the boy, and others that come indistinctly to the late chroniclers through the mist of ages, are the evidences on which St. Blasé is made the patron invoked for the protection of throats.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.54
“At St. Ignatius Church many hundreds of people, men and women and children, knelt at the sanctuary rail to be touched by the holy candles, which, through the intercession of the bishop and martyr, have the power of protecting against the manifold diseases that attack the throat. After the celebration of mass in the forenoon the observance of the feast began, and with the exception of the hour for vespers, was continued until night.SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.55
“The ceremonies opened with the blessing of the candles, which were fastened together in the form of a V. Held by the priests they were placed under the chins of the people and held there while the celebrant repeated the prayer:-SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.56
“‘Almighty and merciful God, who hast created everything by thy word, and for the reformation of men hast permitted the same word, to become flesh; thou, who art grand and terrible; thou, for whose faith the glorious bishop and martyr, St. Blasé, did not fear to suffer various kinds of torments, we humbly pray thy most high Majesty to bless these candles on his festival day, and we supplicate thee to sanctify all whose throats are touched with the waxen tapers. Sanctify them, that they may be made free from all throat diseases, and that they may in the holy church give thanks and benediction.’SITI March 4, 1889, page 120.57
“The church was crowded with worshipers throughout the day, and at the sanctuary rail there was always a kneeling body of the faithful. Parents held up their little ones to be protected, and then received the blessing themselves; old men and women were assisted to the church so that they might receive the benefits of the saint’s intercession. A number of priests were engaged performing the ceremony, and the highest and lowest in the parish participated in the blessing.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.1
The ancient heathen had divinities that presided over the different functions of the body, and over the seasons, the animals, and the various crops, as well as over the arts and sciences. Perhaps the most commonly known is Beelzebub, the god of flies. For every occupation and for every calamity, some particular god had to be invoked and appeased. This invoking of St. Blasé is but a continuation of that same heathen practice.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.2
We do not wish anyone to think that in thus characterizing this Roman Catholic ceremony we are speaking contemptuously of those who participate in it. We call it a heathen ceremony, because that is just what it is. To say that one is a heathen, does not necessarily imply that he is totally ignorant and uncultured, for the ancient Greeks were highly cultured and educated, yet they were heathen. They didn’t know God. It may be said that these pray to God, and believe in only one God. Many of the ancient heathen believed in one supreme God over all, and that is all that these modern heathen do; for they make gods of their so-called saints.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.3
To show that this “St. Blasé” is really worshiped as a god, and is invested with the attributes of God, it is only necessary to call attention to one thing; On the 3rd of February he was worshiped in San Francisco; but since he is the patron of all Catholics, for throat diseases, he was doubtless invoked in all Catholic countries throughout the world, at the same time. But unless he is considered omnipresent, this could not be done. And so the very fact that all Catholics look to him for protection, is evidence that they consider him as a god. The same is true with regard to all Catholic “saints” and the Virgin Mary.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.4
People sometimes tell us that the increasing light and education of the nineteenth century are going to finish all superstition; but this doesn’t show much progress in that direction. They tell us also that it would be impossible in this enlightened age to have a repetition of the scenes of the Dark Ages. But if that were so, they ought to be able to show us a change in the character of the people, and this they cannot do. Superstition has as strong a hold on people to-day as it ever had, and it holds the higher classes just as strongly as it does the lower.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.5
One thing should not be overlooked, because it shows the power of the Catholic Church, and the subserviency of the public press to it. That is, the space that was devoted to a serious description of that Catholic mummery. Not one word of adverse criticism was uttered; nothing to show that the proprietor of the paper is not a devout Catholic, instead of an infidel. Suppose it had been the Salvation Army, or some small body of Christians that do not exercise political power; in that case the ridicule would have been unstinted. Votes and money are what count in these days, and it is not safe to predict failure for any enterprise or organization that can command these. W.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.6
“Catholic Schools” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
The Catholic World makes the statement that more than a million colored children in the Southern States never enter a school-room, for the simple reason that there are no schools within their reach. To partly supply this lack of educational facilities the Southern Bishops of the Catholic Church propose to establish twenty-five new schools this year.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.7
“Back Page” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
The income of the four great missionary societies of Great Britain and of the British and Foreign Bible Society is an amount equal to the money spent on drink in England for sixty days. If the 30,000,000 Protestant church-members of the world would give one cent each day for the year, over $100,000,000 would be in the mission treasuries.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.8
The Boston Pilot (Catholic) says: “Hoffmann’s Directory gives the total American Catholics at 8,187,676, but says in every diocese there are parishes that fail to report. We believe that the estimate made recently by a careful Catholic writer in the New York Sun, and which reckons the Catholics of the diocese at a scant 12,000,000, touches the true figure more nearly than the other estimate given above.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.9
If some of our diseased meat dealers were treated as they were in England in the sixteenth century, we would have less trouble perhaps, in that direction. It is related that a butcher who had sold diseased meat was forced to write about London with “his face toward the horse’s tail, with half a lamb before and another behind, and veal and calf borne before him upon a pole, raw.” Men who sold decaying fish were put into the pillory with the decaying fish around their necks. Who will say that the punishment was too severe for men who literally poisoned their customers for gain. There would be some long processions of butchers nowadays, though, in some of our larger cities, San Francisco is a type and the Daily Examiner’s reports are anywhere near correct.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.10
Brother LaRue writes from Hongkong under date of January 15, as follows:-SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.11
“The work here is very encouraging at present; those that were the most bitter at for show a different spirit now. One of the old missionaries who has been here in the work seven years, now sees that he must keep God’s law. He is going up to the Island of Formosa to be gone till June, and then he goes to our college at Healdsburg to spend at least six months. He wants to know what time the summer vacation commences. Please write me so that I can write to him about it, as he wants to take that time in going. A soldier has also, I believe, been truly converted. He leaves here for London next month. He says he will take the good news to his mother. A captain from Australia, has likewise embraced the truth. This is a migrating people, and we will never know in this life what good has been done.”SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.12
In an article which Dr. T. L. Cuyler has in a recent number of the N. Y. Evangelist, it is stated that Brooklyn, the so-called “city of churches,” is anything but a Christian or church-going city. Of a population of 800,000, 200,000 are Roman Catholics, of which seven-eighths attend church. About 100,000 attend the Protestant services more or less regularly. Making a fair estimate of little children, invalids, mothers kept at home by little ones, sailors and travelers, there are on any given Sunday, “at least 110,000 who cannot attend any place of worship. After making these deductions, there would remain 280,000, ‘outsiders’ who are brought under no direct religious influence. This is a fearfully large number.” But the Doctor solaces as himself in the fact that Brooklyn is not as bad as New York, Chicago, St. Louis, or San Francisco. It will be a long time to the millennium at this rate.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.13
The Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette says: “Progress often seems slow to contemporaries, but even in the case of the great dominion of India, at the present rate of evangelization, the entire Empire will be Christianized within one hundred and fifty years.” And asks: “How many centuries did it take to Christianize Europe?” That is rather a difficult question. It took but little more than five centuries to Papalize Europe, but, as it has never yet been Christianized, in any proper sense of the term, and as the existence of the Papacy seems, at least, to forbid the idea that it ever will be, the difficulties of the question are insurmountable to uninspired minds.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.14
The Nashville Christian Advocate well says that “when a professed Christian prefers the Christ of a Unitarian novelist to the Christ of St. John, it will be well for him to take a rest in novel reading and begin a fresh course in the gospels.” Indeed the Advocate might have suggested with propriety, that it is well for a Christian under any circumstances to touch novel-reading very lightly, and spend much time in the study of the Scriptures. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world,” is a piece of advice as good to-day as when given by the apostle more than eighteen hundred years ago, and it leaves little room for the novels over which “society” goes wild.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.15
We have received from Hon. F. G. Adams, secretary, the sixth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Historical Society, covering the period from January 18, 1887, to November 19, 1888. During this time, over 12,000 volumes have been added. The whole number in the library at this time is 48,205. The published statistics of the libraries of the country show that the library of the Kansas Historical Society is the largest historical library west of the Mississippi River, and the largest but one west of the Allegheny mountains. The class of books is chiefly the history of the early struggles of that enterprising State.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.16
Dr. T. J. Barnardo, of London, sends out a circular letter, appealing for help to support his poor outcasts children. For twenty-two years, Dr. Bernardo has been engaged in this work-a work of love and faith to him. He has rescued from the vice, filth, and slums of London many little waifs, which have been trained for usefulness, and bid fair to become useful men and women. For most of these, homes have been found in America, chiefly in Canada. Most of the little ones thus rescued were taken literally from the streets and slums, having neither father or mother to care for them. They are supported by contributions from those in sympathy with Dr. Barnardo’s work. The little ones now under his charge number 3,000. It is a noble work. May God bless the doctor in his efforts.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.17
“The Atonement” The Signs of the Times, 15, 9.
Among other vital doctrines of the Bible which have to do battle for their existence in the cultural and religious world of to-day, none is more important than that of the Atonement. How God can be “just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus,” is what many candid, intelligent, reasoning minds cannot comprehend, especially in the light of what is represented as the atonement by many theologians of to-day. Logical minds demand consistency, and the loose theories of the present are utterly inconsistent. Some follow a theory to its conclusion and become Universalists. Other theories force men to become ultra Calvinists or to reject the atonement entirely; and they generally reject the atonement. The true theory leads to no such conclusion. As the atonement is the great central doctrine, or rather, that which comprehends all doctrines of the Bible, a proper understanding of it is necessary in order that the many winds of doctrine in these last days do not unsettle faith in the word of God.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.18
Among the many works written on this subject, no one sets it forth more clearly than “The Atonement in the Light of Nature and the Revelation,” by J. H. Waggoner. The arguments made are so clear and logical that all may comprehend them; at the same time, they stimulate thought, and lead the mind into unexplored fields not less fruitful, than delightful, as the plan of man’s redemption-the bringing of man into at-one-meant with God-is to developed by the author. Some of its chapter headings are as follows (Part I.): Comparison of Nature and Morality, The Moral System, Requirements of the Moral System (Part II.), Principles of the Divine Government, Sin and Its Penalty, Justification and Obedience, What the Atonement Is, The Judgment, Redemption.Added to these sixteen chapters are two appendices, illustrating and amplifying Justification by Grace, and comparing, or contrasting, the teachings of Confucius and Mahomet with the Gospel of Christ. It is a book which every minister, and which everyone who wishes to become intelligent in the Scriptures, ought to have. The positions taken in Part I. on the atonement in the light of nature, have been commended by eminent jurists who have examined them. This work can be procured at this office, or at the office of Pacific Press, 43 Bond Street, N. Y. Price $1.00.SITI March 4, 1889, page 135.19