February 17, 1890
“Sunday-Law Petitions” The Signs of the Times, 16, 7.
E. J. Waggoner
We have just received the American Sabbath Union’s Monthly Document, No. 13, bearing date of December, 1889, the last page of which contains a copy of the new petition, which is being circulated in behalf of the national Sunday law. The following is a copy of the petition to be presented to the United States Senate, a duplicate being furnished for presentation to the House of Representatives:-SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.9
Petitions Gather by the... Sabbath Association.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.10
For a Sunday Re T Law.
The petition which follows was endorsed by a standing vote of.... to...(men and women of 21 years of age or more) by a meeting of citizens of the State (or Territory) of...County of...City (or Town) of...on ....SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.11
Attest.... PresidingSITI February 17, 1890, page 91.12
The petition which follows was endorsed at regularly called meetings by the following churches, labor societies, temperance unions, and other organizations of the above-named locality: ...Church...members, by vote of...to...Attest: .... Church...members, by vote of...to Attest: ...SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.13
To the United States Senate:SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.14
The above organizations and undersigned adult residents (21 years of age or more) of the place aforesaid, hereby earnestly petition your honorable body to pass a bill, forbidding, to the United States mail and military service, and in interstate commerce and in the District of Columbia and the Territories, all Sunday traffic and work, except works of real necessity and mercy, and such private work by those who religiously and regularly observe another day of the week by abstaining from labor and business, as will neither interfere with the general rest nor with public worship.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.15
[Individual signatures to their own handwriting, preceded by Mr. or Mrs., or Miss. Add more paper for individual signatures.]SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.16
There can be no question but that, in a certain sense at least, there is no attempt to deceive in this petition. It is about as bold an attempt to perpetrate a fraud as was ever conceived. It is presumed that petitions represent the will of the petitioners; but here is a deliberate plan to represent people as petitioning who have never expressed an opinion. The securing of the individual signatures is a secondary matter. If they are secured, more paper must be added; but on the petition paper there is no provision made for this. Wholesale representative indorsement is all that is planned for.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.17
The reader will notice that the only chance for definiteness of statement in filling out the petition is the number of persons belonging to the church or organization voting. The number of people voting is left indefinite. For instance, if the matter were presented at a meeting of an organization containing 300 members, a part of whom were present, and a portion only of those present voting, the petition would be filled out, stating that the petition which followed was indorsed at a regularly-called meetings of the Blanktown Methodist Church, 300 members, by vote of 125 to 175. Which one of these numbers would be taken as representing the number of petitioners?-Of course it would be the largest number. They would not take the smallest, and they could not use the next larger, as that would not be definite; and so, following the old custom, where there is a doubt, they will count everything and thus be sure to have enough. Of course the exact number voting in any meeting might be ascertained by a simple count, but that would take too long; and the number of petitioners could not be increased so rapidly as by this method.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.18
It is evident from the framing of the petition that it is not designed in any instance that the number of voters shall be counted. Only a few moments ago a friend was telling about a Sunday-law meeting which he attended in Milwaukee, which was conducted by Mr. Crafts. At the close those who favored the petition were requested to rise. Then Mr. Crafts said that they would not take time to count those who voted, as it was somewhat late, but that the pastor knew the number of sittings in the church, and he could fill out the petition. Since this is the way the work of securing petitioners for a Sunday law is carried on, we cannot see why they go through the formality of taking a vote; for it is not individual influence that is represented, but church pews.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.19
We commend this work to the careful consideration of all who think that the passing of a Sunday law would be a righteous act. If Sunday laws are righteous, how is it that so much iniquity and deceit are indulged in to secure them? Do these people believe in doing evil that good may come? If they do, let them be warned by Romans 3:8. E. J. W.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.20
“Letter to the Hebrews. Chapter 9:20-23” The Signs of the Times, 16, 7.
E. J. Waggoner
(Lesson 22, February 22, 1890.)
1. Who spoke to Israel in behalf of the Lord when the first covenant was made?SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.21
2. What did he do with the blood?SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.22
3. What did he then say? Exodus 24:8; Hebrews 9:20.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.23
4. Is there any difference in these texts? Ans.-The first says, made; the second, enjoined. The Hebrew word used has a number of significations. The conditions of the covenant were not arranged between the parties, but were matters enjoined.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.24
5. What similar language did Jesus use in establishing the new covenant? Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.25
6. What more did Moses sprinkle with blood? Hebrews 9:21.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.26
7. In the typical law, were all things purified by blood? Verse 22.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.27
8. What was the nature of the exceptions? See Numbers 19. See note.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.28
9. What is necessary to the remission of sin? Hebrews 9:22.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.29
10. Why was the blood chosen to make atonement? Leviticus 17:11.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.30
11. What is meant in Genesis 9:6 by the words, “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood”? Ans.-As the life is in the blood, it is equivalent to saying, Whoso taketh man’s life.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.31
12. What should be the fate of him who sheds the blood of man? Genesis 9:6.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.32
13. What does this teach? Ans.-That only blood, or life, can atone for life.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.33
14. Whose lives are forfeited to the law? See Romans 3:19, 23; 6:23.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.34
15. Must we still depend upon blood to be cleared before the law? 1 John 1:7; Ephesians 1:7.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.35
16. What was necessary in the earthly sanctuary? Hebrews 9:23.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.36
17. Were the earthly holy places purified by the blood of bulls and goats? Leviticus 16:14, 15, 19.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.37
18. What are the earthly things called? Hebrews 9:23.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.38
19. Do the heavenly things need purifying?-Ib.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.39
20. How did the patterns become defiled? See note.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.40
21. Who takes away our sins? John 1:29.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.41
22. Why did Christ take our sins upon himself? Ans.-Because he is our High Priest; the priest bears the judgment of the people. Exodus 28:29, 30.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.42
23. Where is he filling his priestly office? See Hebrews 8:1, 2.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.43
24. Are the heavenly things defiled by our sins going to our priest?SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.44
25. With what is it necessary for the heavenly things to be cleansed? Hebrews 9:23.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.45
Here again in verse 21 is a statement of that which we do not find in the writings of Moses. But we learn that the Jews had a tradition that such was the case, and in this instance their tradition must have been correct. In the account of the erection of the tabernacle, and the dedication of the holy things, it is recorded that they were anointed with oil, but the sprinkling of blood is not mentioned. This, however, does not involve any contradiction.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.46
The fact that some things, and in some cases persons, were purified without blood, see Numbers 19, does not disagree with the reasonable statement that without shedding of blood is no remission; for, in cases of purification with oil, or water, there was no sin. There were misfortunes, as in certain sicknesses, or accidents, fleshly defilements. But the wages of sin is death, always, and where the penalty is death nothing but life can meet the demand of the law. Now as the blood is the life of man (Deuteronomy 12:23), it is given to make atonement. Leviticus 17:11. The offering of blood for life signifies life for life. Hence the statement that we have redemption through the blood of Christ. It means that our lives are purchased with his life, God’s appointments are in strict accord with reason and justice.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.47
No objection against the true doctrine of the atonement is more persistently urged than this, that there can be nothing in heaven that needs cleansing. Such pleading for heaven reminds us of the zeal of Peter in vindicating his Lord. Matthew 16:21-23. But to prove that the heavenly sanctuary does need cleansing because of our sins taken by our Priest, and that nothing but the blood of Christ can cleanse it, is the whole drift of the apostle’s argument. Take away this great truth, and his labored argument would be without any logical conclusion. Not only were the earthly sacrifices typical of Christ’s sacrifice, and the earthly priests typical of his priesthood, but the earthly sanctuary was typical of the heavenly holy places. And of course the cleansing of the sanctuary on earth with the blood of bulls and goats was typical of the purifying of the heavenly things with better sacrifice. In the whole argument of this remarkable letter, nothing is made more plain than this.SITI February 17, 1890, page 91.48