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    April 28, 1890

    “The Fresno Camp-meeting” The Signs of the Times, 16, 17.

    E. J. Waggoner

    If the first camp-meeting of the season in California is an indication of what the remaining camp-meetings of the season will be, we are sure that it will be a good year for the cause in this State. The attendance exceeded that of any other camp-meeting in that part of the State. The number of tents on the ground was seventy. But the success of the meeting was not due to the number present, but to the Spirit of God, whose presence all felt and acknowledged.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.56

    The preaching was mainly directed to the imparting of instruction in church duties, the responsibilities of church members, their relation one to another, etc., and to unfolding the simple principles of the gospel. By the grace of God these efforts were so successful that many were led to rejoice in increased light and courage.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.57

    Sister White was present the last five days of the meeting, and her testimony was greatly blessed. Her oft-repeated assurance that “the Lord can do more for us in a minute than we can do for ourselves in a life-time,” was not without effect, and those who had been endeavoring to help themselves out of trouble, were moved to yield themselves to the Lord.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.58

    A special effort was made in the line of practical Sabbath-school instruction. This was appreciated, and many teachers will take hold of their work with more intelligent zeal than ever before. Much attention was also given to the canvassing work, and the cooking class was well attended.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.59

    During the meeting, and at its close, the expression, “This is the best meeting I ever attended,” was very frequently heard. It was not because of any great enthusiasm, or because feeling ran high, but because the Spirit of the Lord directed the minds of preachers and teachers, to bring forth from the word just those things that were needed at the time. The promise of Christ concerning the Spirit, “He shall glorify me; for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you,” was verified.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.60

    The cause in Central California certainly stands in a better condition to-day than before the meeting. The people are prepared to take hold of the work more intelligently than ever before; and if they continue in the things which they have learned and have been assured of, eternal victory will certainly be theirs. To God be the praise for the victories gained by the truth in Fresno, and may all the people thank him and take courage. E. J. W.SITI April 28, 1890, page 155.61

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