Vol. IV.—No. 7. Boston, Whole No. 79
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November 2, 1842
Vol. IV.—No. 7. Boston, Whole No. 79
Joshua V. Himes & Josiah Litch, Editors. Office No. 14 [Terms—$1 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance.] Devonshire Street, Boston
Letter of Dr. Pond,
Continued.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.1
[5th Event—The Seventy Years Captivity.]
“Mr. Miller dates the captivity of the Jews under Jehoiakim, in the year 607 B. C. Their second exile under Zedekiah occurred eleven years later, 596 B. C. This seems to me to be too early a date; and I know not how to reconcile it with the date of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, or the commencement of the 490 years, which, according to Mr. Miller, was 457 B. C. The captivity, according to this reckoning, must have been, not seventy years, but 139; years 596—457=139.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.2
Our respected correspondent is of course at liberty to adopt “this reckoning” or any other which “seems” to him “to be” founded upon the right “date,” and which he “knows how to reconcile with the date of the decree or the commencement of the 490 years.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.3
But we hope he will not expect us to defend any “reckoning” but the one he ascribes to “Mr. Miller.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.4
And now, dear Sir, can you furnish any other date for “the captivity of the Jews under Jehoiakim” but the year 607 B. C.? Do you know of a single historian who differs more than one year from that date? Is it not true also that just seventy years from that “captivity,” Cyrus, the predicted deliverer of the Jews, issued the first decree in their favor, under which some forty or fifty thousand of the Jews went up from Babylon to Jerusalem? As the honor of discovering any important connection between the decree, at which the seventy weeks commence, and the duration or commencement of the captivity, belongs to the Dr. we shall not claim that honor for “Mr. Miller.” Will our theological friend run the risk of naming any other “date” for the commencement of the seventy weeks, or “490 years,” than 457 B. C.?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.5
[6th Event.—Duration of the Savior’s Ministry.]
“It is stated in the books, and seems to be a necessary part of Mr. Miller’s theory, that our Saviour’s personal ministry continued seven years; I do not think it possible to reconcile this statement with the gospel history.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.6
Yes, that is “stated in the books.” It is stated in an extract from the devout and able astronomer, Ferguson; and the same author reconciles the “statement with the gospel history.” But as the date of no other event in the Saviour’s history except his death is a necessary part of Mr. Miller’s theory,” and as that is not the point in question, we refer the reader for light upon the true age of Christ and his “personal ministry,” to Ferguson, Usher, Guthrie, and almost every other critical writer on the subject “in modern times.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.7
[7th Event.—Prevalence of the Gospel.]
“Mr. Miller teaches, that the gospel has already been preached to all nations, agreeable to the prediction of Christ. I doubt this. I should be glad to feel assured that one half of the present inhabitants of the globe had ever listened to the sound of the gospel.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.8
We must beg pardon for omitting to notice what the Dr. “would be glad to feel assured” of, and pass on to consider “the prediction of Christ,” and what Mr. Miller teaches about its fulfilment; though we “feel” again the imprecision of our worthy friend in failing to specify the prediction referred to. We shall try to make the intended selection. Is it found in Matthew 24:14? “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Most impressive words! O, may we consider them seriously.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.9
First, then, we remark, there is not the least intimation of any specific results of the preaching of the gospel; but simply a statement of the fact,—it “shall be preached.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.10
Second, There is not the least intimation that it shall be preached to “the present inhabitants of the globe,” or its “inhabitants” at any particular period.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.11
Third, There is no mention of “one half,” or any other proportion “of the inhabitants of the globe,” who should “listen to the sound of the gospel,” before the end comes.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.12
Fourth, The text says,—“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.” Now if the gospel has been preached to all nations in all the world; has it not “been already preached agreeably to the prediction of Christ?” We are willing to submit the correctness of Mr. Miller’s views of the above prediction to this test;—if Dr. Pond can point out a single nation on “the globe” to whom the gospel has not been preached, we must give it up that the “end” can come “yet.” But if he cannot find one, we do not see why Mr. Miller is not right on that point.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.13
[8th Event.—Fall of the Turkish Empire.]
“Mr. Miller maintains that the Turkish empire fell in the year 1840. I am sure it will be difficult to satisfy the world of this. The truth is, the Turkish empire has not yet fallen. It actually stands, and stretches out its iron sceptre over some of the fairest portions of the earth.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.14
It would “be difficult to satisfy the world” of a good many things which are, nevertheless, true.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.15
In this case, the whole question depends on what is meant by the “fall of the Turkish empire.” If its utter destruction is supposed to be meant,—“the truth is, the Turkish empire has not yet fallen;” but if the passing away of its supremacy and independence be meant, it has fallen. 17The fall of the Jews and other nations spoken of in Scripture, in this sense, took place long before their national existence ceased.—Hosea 5:5, Isaiah 7:8. For a detailed examination of the subject we refer our readers to a sheet entitled, “The Great Crisis. Eighteen hundred forty-three.” which is devoted to the case of the Ottoman Empire. To the testimony contained in the above sheet I might add the following from an article in the “Puritan,” on “The Sixth Vial.” The writer says, speaking of “The Turkish Empire” in its present state,—“She exists as a power, because her neighbors cannot agree how to divide her territories among themselves.” Surely, if her existence depends upon “her neighbors,” her independence and supremacy must have departed.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.16
“I need not say more in answer to your first question; but hasten to offer a few remarks in reply to the second.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.17
Well, now we are weak enough to think that much “more need” be said to disprove a single item in the catalogue of events selected by our friend from Mr. Miller’s works. That they have “taken place at the time” Mr. Miller “states,” he “doubts”—“thinks not”—and “thinks it impossible to determine:”—and in one case he is “sure.” But does it all amount to any thing like proof? If we were interested in a case in court involving fifty dollars, and no better evidence could be brought by the opposite party, we should not have many sleepless nights on account of it.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.18
We wonder if the Dr. ever lectured to his class on the evidence of the inspiration and truth of the Bible derived from prophecy? Or upon history and chronology?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.19
How has he ever found it possible to determine when any event of history took place?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.20
And has he been able to find any portion of prophecy, which he is “sure” has been fulfilled?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.21
Suppose some member of his class, from an excess of caution, or something else, had objected,—“Well, my dear professor, you ‘represent,’ ‘state,’ ‘teach,’ and ‘date’ your prophecies and the events to which you apply them; but ‘I feel constrained to say that at least some of the events referred to’ I must ‘doubt,’ I ‘do not know,’ and ‘I think it impossible to determine,’ etc. Now, what could be done in such a case?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.22
Well, this ‘Fanatic of Prophecy’ (Puritan) makes sad work for the great men of our times! Alas, for them that the prophets, historians, poets, and ‘distinguished commentators’ of former times should be so tinctured with Millerism! We hope they will not throw away their ‘history, chronology, and the Bible,’ for fear they may be suspected of “the heresy.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.23
We close our remarks upon the events under the first question in the Doctor’s own words. “If all these are well-founded, the argument is good.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.24
2d Question. Are not the prophecies which Mr. Miller applies to these events rightly applied?HST November 2, 1842, page 49.25
In determining the proper application of the prophecies, we refer, 1st, To the views of standard writers on the prophecies; and, 2nd, In a difficult case, we should make use of the following rule. It is quoted from Macknight, and may be found in Dr. Clarke’s notes on 2 Thessalonians 2. We regard it as a complete “counterfeit detector,” and have no doubt its value will be appreciated at the present time.HST November 2, 1842, page 49.26
Rule.—“In every case where different interpretations a of prophecy have been given, the proper method of ascertaining its meaning, is, to compare the various events to which it is thought to relate, with the words of the prophecy; and to adopt that as the event intended which most exactly agrees, in all its parts, with the prophetic description.”HST November 2, 1842, page 49.27
These criteria will commend themselves to every enlightened and candid mind. And we most sincerely avow ourselves ready to adopt any interpretation in favor of which the above umpire may turn the scale. The first point on which our correspondent dissents, is,HST November 2, 1842, page 49.28
(The 2300 Days.)
“I am not sure that the 2300 days of Daniel denote years; or that they commenced in the year 457 B. C. It seems to me that they must have commenced much later. It was during these 2300 days that the ravages of the little horn were perpetrated. But the little horn belonged to the he-goat, and did not spring up until the empire of the goat had been long established. Whereas the year 457 B. C. carries us back into the days of the Medo-Persian ram. Besides, it is not clear to me, that the end of the 2300 days syncronizes with the end of the world. The ‘cleansing of the sanctuary,’ and the burning of the world sound to my ear like two different things.”HST November 2, 1842, page 50.1
On this point there is a perfect agreement all round, that “it was during these 2300 days that the ravages of the little horn were perpetrated;” and that “the little horn belonged to the he-goat;” and that “the year 457 B. C. carries us back into the days of the Medo-Persian ram.” With the particulars on which the Dr. is “not sure,” etc. we shall have nothing to do here, for as he has given us a more minute statement of his views of the prophecy in question, in the “Puritan,” of Oct.14, we shall take the liberty to try the respective interpretations by the standard introduced, and see between which of “the events,” to which the “prophecy is thought to relate, and the words of the prophecy there is the most exact agreement.”HST November 2, 1842, page 50.2
In the article referred to, Dr. Pond thus expresses himself:HST November 2, 1842, page 50.3
“Some of the most distinguished commentators of modern times have supposed that the little horn in the 8th chapter of Daniel denotes Antiochus Epiphanes, one of the most cruel persecutors and oppressors of the Jews; and that the 2300 days, (or evenings and mornings, as it is in the original) are to be understood literally, making the precise time during which ‘the daily sacrifice was taken away’ by Antiochus, and the place of “the sanctuary was cast down.”HST November 2, 1842, page 50.4
“As remarked already, the 2300 days (or years) relate to the persecutions and oppressions of the little horn. This little horn came up from the head of the he-goat, which signified the Grecian Empire, long after the Grecian empire had been in existence. At first, the he-goat had only one notable horn between his eyes, which represented Alexander. When this was broken, four horns came up in place of it, which signified the four kingdoms into which the great Grecian empire was divided after Alexander’s death. Out of one of these four horns came forth the little horn, which waxed exceeding great, and the period of whose ravages is denoted by the 2300 days.HST November 2, 1842, page 50.5
It is certain, therefore, that the 2300 days could not have commenced till long after the death of Alexander, and after the division of his empire into the four kingdoms of Syria, Egypt, Macedon, and Thrace. From this explanation of the matter, any one can see, that the 2300 days could not commence simultaneously with the seventy weeks, or in the year 457 before Christ, and of course (supposing them to mean years) cannot terminate in the year 1843.”HST November 2, 1842, page 50.6
Are we not correct then in stating, from the above extracts, that Dr. Pond objects to the 2300 days being considered years;—to the supposition that the commence in the days of the Medo-Persian ram;—and to the supposition that they syncronize with the end of the world? But that he thinks they denote the period of the ravages of the little horn, or “the precise time during which the ‘daily sacrifice was taken away’ by Antiochus, and the place of ‘the sanctuary was cast down.’” And that “from this explanation(!) any one can see, that the 2300 days could not commence in the year 457 B. C. nor terminate in 1843.” We think the reader must now have a clear idea of the “different interpretations” of “the prophesy” under consideration, the claims of which are to be considered, with Dr. P. and “some of the most distinguished commentators of modern times” on one side, and “Mr. Miller,” with “the advocates” of his theory on the other.HST November 2, 1842, page 50.7
We are not a little surprised that one so ready in discovering “assumptions,” and “conjectures” in Mr. ’s theory, should give us nothing better than “assumptions” and “conjectures.” What but “assumption and conjecture” is it to confine the 2300 days to “the ravages of the little born,” as “the precise time that the daily sacrifice was taken away by Antiochus?” “We hesitate not to say that there is not a particle of evidence” to show that the 2300 days denote exclusively the ravages of the little horn any more than the ravages of the Medo-Persian ram, or the he-goat. Until Dr. P. or “some of the most distinguished commentators” on his side of the question can show that the period before us, “understood literally” or not, expresses the “precise time that the daily sacrifice was taken away by Antiochus,” we shall regard their application of the prophesy as founded on “assumption” and “conjecture.” For the history of the doings of Antiochus the reader is referred to 1 Mac. 1:20, 54; 4:52, 53. 2 Mac. 10:5, and to Josephus B. 12, chap. 7, sec. 6.HST November 2, 1842, page 50.8
The question, to which the 2300 days is a part of the answer, embraces “the vision,” and as the ram and he-goat, with his four horns, are comprehended in “the vision,” there would be as much propriety in applying the 2300 days to the ravages of either of these, as to those of the little horn. “The truth is,” this prophetic period “donotes” not “the ravages of the little horn,” or any other agent, in particular, brought to view in “the vision,’ but the chronological duration of “the vision.” That almost every Jewish writer on this vision has considered the days as years 18“Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel proves, that the days are to be interpreted as years, when shall be the days of our redemption, and so have explained them all our other interpreters.”—Political Destiny of the Earth,—Preface.; that the most “distinguished” Christian 19Bishop Newton, who may be considered a host of himself, and whose works on the prophecies have been considered equal to any other for nearly a hundred years, expresses himself on the point before us as follows:—“The days without doubt are to be taken, agreeably to the style of Daniel in other places, not for natural, but for prophetic days or years; and as the question was asked, not only how long the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the transgression of desolation continue. but also how long the vision shall last, so the answer is to be understood, and these two thousand and three hundred days denote the whole time from the beginning of the vision to the cleansing of the sanctuary.”—Newton on Proph. p. 259. On page 260 he also says: “The shutting up of the vision implies, that it should not be understood for some time; and we cannot say that it was sufficiently understood, so long as Antiochus Epiphanes was taken for the little horn.”
Fletcher, the devout and eloquent vicar of Madeley, in a letter on the prophecies, dated 1775, says, “Chronologists may mistake a few years, but cannot err upon the whole, and as God is true and faithful, so it is manifest, that the prophecy of 2300 years must be fully accomplished in our days, or those of the next generation. Observe first these words, ‘At the time of the end shall this vision be fulfilled,’ where the word end signifies plainly, the catastrophe of God’s drama, the last act of the wicked tragedy men have been acting for near 6000 years, and the panton apocalypsis of our Lord Jesus Christ. Again: in the 19th verse, the angel said to Daniel, ‘Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation, for at the time appointed the end shall be.’ What end is here spoken of, if it be not that of God’s universal scheme? Works, Vol. 4, page 242. Again, page 249, he says, “If these things happen not to us, but to our children, (as they most certainly will, before the third generation is swept away,) is it not our business to prepare ourselves for them, to meditate on them, and to warn as many people as we can prudently, lest their blood should be required at our hands, were they to fall because of a surprise?” commentators, (not “modern” enough to be suspected of any partiality in the case,) have also considered them as years,—and apply them, if at all to Antiochus, only as the type of a future antichrist,—might fairly be considered a sufficient warrant for the above statement that the 2300 days express the chronological duration of the vision.HST November 2, 1842, page 50.9
Review of Prof. Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.—No. VII
Having limited the foregoing prophetic periods to literal days, he proceeds to Revelation 20:4-7; and takes up the famous thousand years, which follows the first resurrection. This he is much inclined to extend beyond the literal reading of the text; but seeing the inconsistency of understanding a day for a year in this instance, while he denies it in those periods which have been reviewed, he avoids that dilemma, by considering it as an indefinite expression for a long period of time. He agains seems to forget his first great principle of hermaneutics, that “the Bible is to be taken as it reads,” or else looses sight of the connection in which this period stands, for it is there recorded, that “the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,” etc. etc., “lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” etc. Now taking the Bible as it reads, nothing can be more plain and conclusive than the above, and yet Prof. S. can only see a state of great prosperity to the church before the first resurrection; and claims “that the final proportion of men who will be redeemed will be greater, yea, much greater than that which will be lost.” p. 126. “That many of the causes of abridging and destroying human life will then cease, and the means of subsistence greatly increased, that the world will support some twenty or more times as many people as it now does, and that the predominant part of these will be christians.” p. 127, But is this any thing but speculation? Taking the Bible as it reads, do we find any such assurances? Our Saviour assures us that few will be saved, that few will walk in the narrow path; while many will walk in the broad road to destruction. The little horn will also make war with the saints and prevail against them until the Ancient of days comes; and the end will come when the gospel is preached as a witness to all nations, etc. And does Prof. S. bring any proof to the contrary? He has adduced one solitary text; and that is the curse pronounced upon the serpent, Genesis 3:15. “The seed of the woman (Christ) shall bruise the serpent’s head;” “and therefore,” he adds, “the number of the redeemed from our fallen race will at last immeasurably exceed that of the lost. What a consoling hope in such a world of sin and misery as this! Few, indeed, thus far, can with any propability be numbered with the children of God. Every year is sending its thirty millions to his tribunal, and has long been executing the same tremendous task. But is it to be always so?” “Shall one thousand years only of the reign of Christianity thus limited, be allowed for the Redeemer’s triumph, and more than six thousand years for Satan’s. Forbid it, all that is benevolent in the Godhead! Forbid it, dying love of Jesus! Forbid it, all the precious promises which the words of everlasting truth present, engraved in characters of light, and elevating the hopes of dying man to a heaven of unfading glory filled with countless beings made in the image of their God and Saviour.” p. 132. He, however, forgets how much more glorious the new earth would be beautified and glorified, and inhabited by all the holy prophets and patriarchs and martyrs and all the redeemed from among men in their glorified bodies, in the presence of Christ, than any temporal millennial can be. And he also forgets that if the state of probation which he has pictured out should continue, every year must continue to send its thirty millions of souls to God’s tribunal; and that though many more might be saved, yet that multitudes would also be damned. But if He whose right it is to reign should take the kingdom, and should bruise the serpent’s head, so that the prince of the power of the air should no longer have dominion over this world, then the stream of souls on their way to perdition would receive no new supply. And that stream, according to his belief, cannot be small, for during this long indefinite period of a millennium, Gog and Magog are not deserters from the Christian camp, but continue in the four corners of the earth, in numbers as the sand of the sea. See p. 127. At the end of the millennium, Gog and Magog are to be destroyed; but this is not the end of the world! the second death is before that! for he says, “The assumption so often made that the end of the world is immediately to follow the overthrow of Gog and Magog, is by no means certain, nor even probable. It does not follow from the fact that John immediately proceeds in his prophecy to give an account of the general judgment. All that follows from this, is, that it was John’s purpose to touch next upon this, having shown the complete and final triumph of Christianity over all enemies.” p. 130. “My belief, therefore, is that the setting sun of our world will be unclouded glory. ‘Its hoary head’ to borrow from another sacred writer, ‘will indeed be a crown of glory.’” p. 131. It seems, then, that after the first resurrection of Revelation 20:4, that he believes in a long indefinite millennium, which is to be followed by the destruction of Gog and Magog, and to predede another glorious period in probation—so that the sun of this world will set in glory. Were that to be the case there would be no need of destroying the world at all. But did the sun of the old world set in glory? Our Saviour assures us that it is to be as it was then, and that the tares and the wheat will, till the end of the world, grow together. This last glory, therefore, that he speaks of, can only originate in the giving loose to the reins of his imagination, which he so much deprecates in others. B.HST November 2, 1842, page 50.10
Letter from Darius Sessions
Dear Brother Himes.—I take this opportunity of communicating to you a few thoughts on the parable of the wheat and the tares, binding of Satan, and reaping of the earth.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.1
The parable of the wheat and tares, which Christ spake to the multitude, and afterwards explained to his desciples, is unquestionably one of the strongest arguments which the scriptures present against the conversion of the world, and against satan’s being bound before the end of the world. When the disciples of Christ came to him to have explained the parable of wheat and tares, he answered and said unto them, he that soweth the good seed is the Son of man, the field is the world, the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one, the enemy that sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the world, the reapers are the angels.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.2
This language of Christ shows plainly as language can express it, that the righteous and the wicked will exist together here on the earth till the end of the world, and then will they be separated, the righteous will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, but the tares will be burned up. It is in vain to attempt to show, against so plain a declaration as this parable, that there will ever a time come, when all mankind will be converted and peace and righteousness reign throughout the land; the doctrine is a fable, a delusion of the devil, it is the syren song of satan to lull men to sleep, and to put off preparation for eternity until the archangel trump shall summon them before the bar of God, and then it will be forever to late. But we are told satan is to be bound a thousand years before the end shall come, and when all his influence over mankind to deceive them and to sow tares, shall be taken away, but I believe them not, for Christ says the enemy that sowed the tares is the devil, and this he is to have liberty and power to do until the end of the world. Therefore so long as satan has power to influence the affairs of this world, to reign and rule in the hearts of the children of disobedience, in short, to sow tares among the wheat, so long he is not bound, and this he is to do till the end of the world; therefore satan will never be bound till the end of the world. It is in vain to attempt to prove, by logic or sophistry, that satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit and shut up, and a seal set upon him, while at the same time he is going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and sowing tares among the wheat. Such declarations are a contradiction of some of the plainest passages of scripture, they may be believed by those who pin their faith upon the sleeves of others and take their assertions for proof, but to every candid and unpredjudiced mind who investigates a subject for himself, and asks a reason for what he believes, such assertions will have very little weight.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.3
The manner of satan’s being bound is farther brought to view by our Savior, when he says, when the strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are in peace; but when a stronger than he cometh he will first bind the strong man and spoil him of his goods. The strong man armed can be no less than satan the prince of this world, who for six thousand years has swayed his sceptre over the nations of the earth. How emphatically true has been the declaration of Christ, when he said, broad is the road to death and many there be that go down thereat; the mass of mankind have ever gone the broad road to destruction, satan has succeeded by various arts and devices to deceive the great mass of mankind, and lead them down with himself to the regions of the damned, where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.4
When God cursed the earth he gave it up to the dominion of sin and satan, but blessed be God, he will not reign forever. This arch deceiver and foe to mankind will not forever lord it over this fair portion of God’s heritage. Soon, very soon a stronger than the strong man will come, and then he will first bind the strong man, and then he will spoil his possessions. The stronger than the strong man can be no other than Almighty God or his Son Jesus Christ, and as the Father hath committed all Judgment unto the Son, to him will belong the work of binding satan. The same is brought to view, Revelation 20:1, And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.5
This angel which came down from heaven could be no other than Jesus Christ, for no other has the keys of the bottomless pit. When Christ appeared to John in vision, Revelation 1:18, he said to John, I have the keys of hell and death. This angel then that came down from heaven and bound satan is Jesus Christ, and as Christ is not to come till the end of the world, and as satan is to reign and rule over this earth, and is to be bound till the end, then it will follow of course that the binding of satan spoken of, Revelation 20, is at the end of the world. The end of the world therefore precedes the millennium.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.6
The sacred scriptures furnish no evidence of Christ’s coming to this earth but twice, first to suffer and then to reign. When Christ ascended into heaven, two men stood by the disciples and said, this same Jesus which is taken up into heaven shall so come in like manner, and as Christ’s ascension was a personal, visible ascension, so will his return be. And as Christ is to come to this earth but once more, and that to judge the world and to receive his kingdom, and as he is to come to bind satan, which must be his second coming, it follows therefore that the end of the world precedes the millennium.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.7
This view of the subject is further confirmed by the harvest scene described by Christ, Matthew 13. and brought to view in Revelation 13:15. It is admitted by the advocates of a temporal millennium, that the harvest scene described in this chapter precedes the millennium; but I would ask any candid man to compare this chapter with Matthew 13. and see if they are not the same. In Matthew 13. first the good seed are gathered for the kingdom, then the tares are gathered in bundles to burn, so in Revelation 13. the angel is commanded to thrust in his sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. But do the scriptures inform us that the earth will ever be ripe for harvesting more than once.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.8
First, the good seed are gathered for the kingdom, then the next angel follows and gathers the clusters of the vines of the earth and cast them into the great winepress of the wrath of God. The gathering of the clusters of the vine in this place is the same as the binding the tares in Matt. both represent the wicked. Another angel follows which had power over fire, but what is the work of this angel who had power over fire? Just turn to Matthew 13. and you find the work of this angel described. The wicked shall be cast into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.9
The work of this angel is further described, 2 Peter 3:10. Malachi 4:1, “For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up’ saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. May the Lord help us all to be prepared for that day, that we may escape all these things that are coming on the earth, and to stand before the Son of Man. Yours, with affection and respect. Pomfret Connecticut, Oct. 17, 1842.HST November 2, 1842, page 51.10
Literary Notice
“A Brief Review of Rev. Ira Chase’s Remarks on the Book of Daniel. By Lewis Hersey.”
Mr. Editor:—Having occasionally turned my attention to the prophecies of Daniel and begun to read what has recently been written on the Second Advent of our Saviour, I determined to read carefully and prayerfully, not only the Scriptures relating to this subject, but such writers of the present day as I might happen to see and find it convenient to read. I first saw the above mentioned “Brief Review,” but determined to obtain, and did obtain, the “Remarks,” which I first read, having no other object in view than to ascertain the truth. I have no interest in any controversy on the subject. But I must confess that I felt disappointed on reading an article from “a learned Professor” of a Theological Institution, so little satisfactory. It was an article of forty-seven pages in the Christian Review, in which the writer travels over much profane history, and works in many notes and passages in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, for which I could discover no other motive in the writer, than a desire to convince the reader that he was conversant with these learned languages; as the quotations did not appear to throw any light on the subject. His principal object, beside displaying his own learning and knowledge of history, seemed to be, to show that the prophecies of Daniel were chiefly confined to events soon about to transpire after the time of Daniel, excepting the death of our Saviour, which was so clearly described that the learned Professor was compelled to admit it, and that the number of days pointing it out in seventy weeks were intended for years, or signified years.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.1
I then took up Mr. Hersey’s “Brief Review,” printed on a half sheet of paper and occupying little more than half that space. Mr. Hersey, I believe, was bred a shoemaker, and makes no pretension to learning of any kind. But on reading this review the first thought that entered my mind was the striking illustration it afforded of that scriptural remark that “God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty.” Never have I seen a writer, of such display, so mightily confounded so completely vanquished, confuted, and made to appear so very small. The task seemed to be perfectly easy, and was done in a very neat, modest, and handsome style. It was also candid, and gave the “learned Professor” much more credit for talents and ingenuity, than he was entitled to. I cannot here take anything more than a general and cursory notice of this Review; and what little I shall say, will be more to induce others to read this Brief Review, than to enlighten their minds by any remarks of my own. But I would here just drop one sentiment which is suggested by this case—We are apt to go to great men, to learned men, and men of knowledge and renown, for explanations of Scripture, when babes in Christ would be much more likely to give us correct information. These are taught of God; those, by books, by men, by the world, by any thing rather than the Fountain of Knowledge, and God’s Holy Word. They that are fed by the sincere milk of God’s revealed Truth; that hold communion with the Spirit, are taught correctly. God knows how to impress the truth directly upon the heart, in a manner which cannot be mistaken; and he will do it, to those who ask it of him in prayer and faith. But the lofty minded, learned Professor,” is too proud for this. He has too much confidence in his own boasted wisdom to ask it of God. He had rather make a display of his extensive acquirements, of his acquaintance with the dead languages, and knowledge of history, than to ask light of Him, who giveth to all liberally and upbraideth not.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.2
Nothing could be more simple, modest, and appropriate than Mr. Hersey’s first paragraph on this subject; and yet nothing could be more severe. After a few words of introduction, he says:HST November 2, 1842, page 52.3
“And now, in the outset, I will say, I shall be governed by the book of Daniel; for when we leave the inspired Word, and wander through the mazes of profane history, the opinions of the fathers, or even the more modern commentaries, there is great danger of imbibing their errors imperceptibly; and then, turning back to the inspired Book, look at it through a distorted medium; and so our wrong views are cherished and continued. But when we come up, with a praying heart to the Standard of Truth, willing to see and believe all that that teaches, we are sure of getting the truth; and after finding it, the praying heart is still needed, to enable us to adopt it, and to relinquish all our preconceived opinions, however long they may have been entertained, or ardently cherished.”HST November 2, 1842, page 52.4
This hint is so directly in point, and is given at the same time in language and manner so unexceptionable, that I think the learned Professor must feel the rebuke most keenly. Mr. Hersey, however, does not stop here, but in the very next paragraph proceeds in the same delicate but most cutting strain, to point out to his learned antagonist the obvious cause of his defect.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.5
“In Daniel 2:28, it reads, ‘But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king what shall be in the latter days.’ I am afraid the professor did not keep this in mind as much as he should, in coming to the conclusion that he has, that all that was shown to Daniel, (except the seventy weeks,) was finished up and concluded with Antiochus, who died 164 years B. C.”HST November 2, 1842, page 52.6
The Gospel was in the first place proclaimed by a Carpenter, and spread by fishermen. It was opposed chiefly by a learned Priesthood—the chief priests, Scribes and Pharasees, It is just so now, after a lapse of nearly two thousand years. The great truths are hid from the wise men and revealed unto babes. It seems as if our wise men and learned men are smitten with blindness. God, “who revealeth secrets” made known to Daniel “what shall be in the latter days,” as our reviewer has hinted to the professor; and our Saviour himself, when asked by his disciples, Matthew 14. “when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” refers them to Daniel the Prophet—“When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet,” etc.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.7
This shows not only that Christ acknowledged Daniel as a prophet, but that a part of his prophecy had not then been fulfilled, and would not be, till “the time of his coming and of the end of the world.” What could give a greater sanction to the prophesy, or a greater certainty, that a part which remained unfulfilled, and would so remain until “his coming and the end of the world,” which are united in the questions and answer, as if one event. Yet with this plain Scripture of Christ himself staring the Professor in the face, he tries to make it appear that Daniel’s prophecies reached only to the time of Christ. O what blindness!HST November 2, 1842, page 52.8
I wish this Review of Mr. Hersey, which is published as a small cheap tract, and for sale at your Office, might have a general circulation. It contains some excellent hints independently of the Professor’s remarks, and would be read with profit by people in general. D.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.9
Matthew 24th chapter, 15th verse, and onward
Dear Bro. “S.”—You will remember when I saw you in Boston, a few days ago, I expressed my doubts as to the correctness of the interpretation given to a part of the 24th chapter of Matthew, by Second Advent brethren. Every day increases my conviction of the incorrectness of applying anything in that chapter, after the second verse, to old Jerusalem. I am inclined to the belief that such application is attended with evil, and only evil. It appears to me that there are several insuperable difficulties to such application.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.10
1st. “The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet,” it seems to me, cannot be, with truth, made to mean the “daily,” or Pagan abomination; and such was the Roman (army) abomination. Daniel clearly marks two abominations, viz. the “daily” and “the abomination that maketh desolate.” See Daniel 12:11. Our Savior says, distinctly, “The abomination of desolation.” What was that? I answer, the papal abomination: and so, it appears to me, every second advent man would answer, if his mind had not been first warped by the common practice of applying a part of the 24th of Matthew to the destruction of Jerusalem.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.11
2nd. The next difficulty in such application is, it was to be a sign only when they should “see” the abomination “stand IN the holy place.” What was the “holy place,” at Jerusalem? Certainly it was in the city, if anywhere, and in the Temple. Now, the disciples did not see the Pagan, or “daily” abomination “stand in the holy place” before they fled out of Jerusalem; of course they had not seen the sign that our Savior gave them, and they fled before it could possibly have taken place, the Romans having not yet entered the city: and besides, the Roman, or “daily” abomination never did “stand IN the holy place,” for that was destroyed, by the burning of the Temple immediately on the taking of the city. How then could that be a sign which in fact never took place?HST November 2, 1842, page 52.12
3rd. My next difficulty is, that, “Then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”HST November 2, 1842, page 52.13
Now, I ask, if the destruction of the old world by the flood was not a greater tribulation than the destruction of Jerusalem? And will not the fire of the last day on “the world that now is” be a greater tribulation than that at Jerusalem? The reference, by second advent brethren, to Daniel 9th chap., it appears to me, does not touch either of the difficulties I have suggested. There are other difficulties to the common interpretation which I have not room to notice.HST November 2, 1842, page 52.14
I will not do like our opponents when they affirm we are not right, but say they are not bound to tell what is the truth, or meaning of the text. It appears to me that “the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet,” is, clearly the Papal abomination. By its standing “in the holy place,” I understand its rising up in the Church—“then let” all Christians “flee,” and not stop to save “anything out of their houses,” nor “return back” from their “fields, to take their clothes”—then “woe to them that” have little children, etc. in those times of persecution and flight from place to place, “for then shall be great tribulation” [to the church] “such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time” [how true] “no nor ever shall be;” such a time of trouble to the church is never to return. “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” The severity of the tribulation was broken before the 1260 days, or years expired, and this for the sake of the church, that it might not be utterly consumed in that dreadful desolation. I do not know that we have any evidence that any of the apostles were in old Jerusalem at the time it was besieged by the Roman army, or that the church would have been cut off from the earth if all the Christians in that city had perished at that time; on the contrary, only a very small portion of them would have perished; for, when Jerusalem was destroyed, churches were established in almost all parts of the world.HST November 2, 1842, page 53.1
I can see but one objection to my view of this subject, and that arises from Luke 21st chap. 20th and 24th verses. Mark uses nearly the same language as Matthew; but Luke says, “When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh,” etc. If I am correct in my interpretation of the 24th of Matthew, then I have only to understand by Jerusalem, in Luke, the New Testament Church—and its being “compassed with armies,” [not army,] its persecutions by the Papal abomination, when clothed with civil power, and having the sword with which to slay Christians: i. e. “When ye shall seethe sword put into the hands of a power standing in the holy place, and having civil power to exercise against Jerusalem [the church] then know the desolation thereof is nigh—then flee—yea, depart out of it, for she has then become Babylon.” The “wrath upon this people” I understand the wrath of the papal abomination upon the true church, before which they fell “by the sword” and were scattered “into all nations,” yea, “fled into the wilderness,” and “Jerusalem [the church] shall be trodden down of the Gentiles” [Papal abomination] “until the times [1260 years] “of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” In support of this interpretation of Luke, see Revelation 11:1-3: “Rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power to my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth.”HST November 2, 1842, page 53.2
Can there be a reasonable doubt that the same desolating power is here spoken of as in Luke? Says Luke, “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” The Revelator says, “The holy city shall they” [the Gentiles, “tread under foot forty and two months;” and this period is the same that the two witnesses prophecy in sackcloth.] To my mind, unless I can get more light, it is clear that our Lord says not one word of the destruction of Jerusalem in the 24th of Matthew after the second verse. With my view we travel smoothly through that chapter, in an unbroken line of signs of the coming of Christ and the end of the world. Let me ask your readers to examine that chapter in this view of the subject, and see if they do not discover a beauty and harmony in it, they never say before. I see much more to be said on this subject, but must not tax your columns further at present.HST November 2, 1842, page 53.3
Yours for the truth, and in the “blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and of our Saviour Jesus Christ.”HST November 2, 1842, page 53.4
Geo. Storrs.
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1342.
We must dissent from such portions of this exposition of Bro. Storrs as are not perfectly literal. In our next we hope to present a literal and harmonious exposition of it. B.HST November 2, 1842, page 53.5
Stuart’s Hints on Prophecy.—This work appears to be received with peculiar favor by the “Universalist,” a paper published in Connecticut, in support of the doctrine of universal salvation. The following quotations which we make from that paper of the 15th inst. will show how that work is regarded by those of that faith. That the Professor’s “Hints” would be acceptable in that quarter, we had no doubt; but we were not prepared to witness so cordial a reception on their part as the paper before us manifests. Such approval, from such a source, one would think would cause the Professor to re-examine his positions, and either renounce them, or free himself from the charge of their tendency to Universalism, or come out boldly in defence of that belief.HST November 2, 1842, page 53.6
“We cannot tell where we have read a work from the Orthodox (?) school of theological writers, which gave us so much satisfaction as we have just derived from reading the one indicated by this title. We knew that Prof. Stuart was a man of uncommon attainments in Biblical literature; and we knew also that his “faith groweth exceedingly,” insomuch that he is far in advance of the great class of Christians whose opinions he is supposed to represent, in liberality and enlargement of sentiment, and insomuch, even, that his brethren have suspected him of, and accused him with, departing from the doctrines of the fathers and of the church. But, really, we were not prepared to expect that he would take such liberal and even Universalist grounds in the interpretation of Scripture, and defend them with such openness and boldness, as he has done in the work before us. We welcome the work before us as a ‘chart which offers’ strong ground of hope that we may be safely conducted across the ocean of conjecture and speculation to this harbor of truth. A more calm and rational work on the prophecies we have never read. And the views which he has advanced, and, we think, sustained, in regard to the prophetic writings, are now, at least with the advocates of the limitarian theology, and it would seem that, to them, these views must be not only new, but astonishing, yea, even alarming. We do not say it for the sake of saying it—we say it because we believe it is true, when we affirm that the ‘Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy,’ if received, and we believe they must be, as based in truth, will produce a great and almost total ahange in the popular interpretations, not only of the prophetic writings, but of the whole Scriptures, and that this change will lead men to favor, if not to agree with, the views which Universalists entertain on these subjects. Certain we are that Prof. Stuart, in this work, comes nearer to Universalists, in their views of the topics discussed, than any other writer of his school in this country, and that he has taken out of the hands of the opposers of our faith, many of the props with which they are endeavoring to keep up the old castle which they are living in. He puts an uncompromising veto upon the popular interpretations of Daniel and Revelations, and unites with Universalists in contending that most of their contents had special reference to, and their fulfilment in, scenes and events which transpired but a few years after those books were written.”HST November 2, 1842, page 53.7
True Yoke-Fellows.—The New-England Puritan and the Boston Investigator are in the field together, battling side by side, and making common cause against the speedy coming of Christ. The Puritan, an Orthodox print, professes to be governed by the genuine principles of Christianity; whilst the Investigator fearlessly avows its hatred to everything tending to honor the name of Christ, and unblushingly unfurls the black banner at the head of its columns, on which is inscribed, “Devoted to the protection and development of Infidel Principles.” Here we see an acknowledged infidel and a profess Christian joining hands and lifting up their voices together, crying, “The end is not yet.” Neither is this an isolated instance of agreement between those heretofore standing at antipodes with each other. It is a common thing now to see our learned theological Professors publishing their strong reasons against the immediate coming of the Lord, one day, and to hear them applauded and cheered the next, from the dram-shop, the gaming-table, the pulpit, the press, and from every other source which loves the syren song of “peace and safety.” These things form, in our view, one of the most remarkable signs of the times. It appears passing strange to us that men like Profs. Stuart, Bush, Beecher, and others, should not possess sufficient discernment to see who are following in their train, whose cause they are advocating, and who they are that rejoice in hearing them declare, “My Lord delayeth his coming.” Why can they not see that their present teaching is directly at variance with what they have formerly taught, which has always been, when calling upon sinners to repent, “Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” Oh, ye who are leagued together in this accursed crusade against the Lord’s Christ, and are strengthening the hands of the wicked, behold from whence ye are fallen, and repent, lest the Master, coming in a day when ye look not for him, cut you asunder, and appoint you your portion with unbelievers and hypocrites!HST November 2, 1842, page 53.8
The Way to Convince.—Contend with no man. “The servant of the Lord must not strive.” The best way to convince our opponents of the correctness of our views, is to seek to secure their good will by kindness and gentle treatment. “Soft words turn away wrath.” Place before them the arguments which seem best adapted to remove their prejudices and meet their objections, not forgetting to urge upon them the necessity of seeking light and wisdom from above, in their closets, and leave the result with God. Brethren, let not the derision and mockery of an ungodly world trouble you; for, remember, we verily believe that in less than a year the whole world will believe in Millerism! They must either assent to its truth willingly now, or be compelled forcibly to submit to it by and by. Let us pray God to make them willing in the day of his power. S.HST November 2, 1842, page 53.9
Letter from Wm. Miller.—The following is an extract of a letter from Br. Miller to myself, which, although not designed for the press, has so much edge, truth, and good sense, I propose to lay it before our readers. There is a lesson taught by analogy, tome traits of which may be found in this letter, from which there is a radiation of more light than most people are aware of. O how important that we be in proper waiting. F.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.1
“It is true, my brother, that the clergy, who are seeking honor from men, and fat salaries from the world, cannot, will not, and God designs they shall not see, believe, or be ready for this important and glorious event. Therefore, in every case where the end of the world is prophecied of, the time is either typical, figurative, or sympolical; that seeing they may not see, and reading they may not understand: exactly upon the same principle as Christ taught by parables the Scribes and Pharisees. They must and will be overtaken as a thief. They have said, “No man knoweth,” and God will now take them in their own net. Yes, upon the same principle as God revealed the end of Babylon to Belshazzar, by figures, which none of the wise men of Babylon could understand; yet the end of the Babylonian kingdom was revealed unto a Godly-wise Daniel: and so in the end of Mystical Babylon, the wicked shall not understand, but the wise shall understand. I am fully convinced this is true, and we ought to be grateful to God forever that he has not suffered us to blind our own eyes, by a love of the world and worldly honors. I remain yours, looking for the blessed hope in 1843. Wm. Miller.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.2
Low Hampton, Sept. 30, 1842.”HST November 2, 1842, page 54.3
Chardon St. Chapel.—The meetings at the Chardon St. Chapel are becoming intensely interesting by reason of the presence of the Lord, who, in fulfilment of his own promise, condescends to meet with his children to bless them. Especially important, it seems to us, are the 6 o’clock morning prayer meetings in the vestry. There seems to be an earnest and increasing desire among some of the brethren to obtain the blessing and the witness of entire sanctification. Many are just coming to a knowledge of the blessed truth that Christ is a whole Savior—and is faithful to sanctify wholly every soul that commits itself without reserve to his keeping, and relies with full confidence upon his promises. O may we all reach forward and faint not until we attain this rich blessing.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.4
A Pictorial Chart of Daniel’s Vision, upon letter paper, has just been published, and may be had at this office. Persons designing to spread before the minds of their friends at a distance, a comprehensive and faithful illustration of the prophecy of Daniel, will find this chart admirably adapted to their purpose; as the chart itself occupies only a half sheet, the remaining half is left, on which an accompanying letter may be written and transmitted with it. It will no doubt prove a serviceable auxiliary to the cause. S.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.5
Elder Stephen D. Bickford, having removed to York, Maine, all communications should be directed accordingly.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.6
“The History of the Saints, or an expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism.” By John C. Bennett. Boston. Leland & Whitney, 71 Washington St.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.7
This is a 12 mo. vol. of 344 pages giving a full and minute history of the origin, rise, progress and designs of the Mormons, with the origin, claims and absurdities of the Book of Mormon. Its author, John C. Bennett, having lived with them for eightteen months and possessed the confidence of the prophet and chief councillors, and held some of their most important offices, is in possession of all the materials and facilities for a complete exposure of this wicked and monstrous imposture and delusion. It contains numerous statistics and disclosures sustained by documents which fully unfold the dark designs of the authors of this extended imposition.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.8
We have received an earnest request from Jamacia, Vt., for a lecturer on the Second Advent of Christ. It is impossible to give any particular encouragement for the present. The calls are so many, and lecturers so few, that were there a thousand tongues to proclaim the midnight cry, where now there is but one, the field would not be occupied. Any one disposed to go to Jamacia to lecture will address Hollis Twitchel.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.9
The first article in our last number contained some important typographical errors. The writer was not present to correct the proof. The candid reader will make the corrections for himself. The reply when completed will be published in a pamphlet, in which the mistakes will be corrected.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.10
Bro. C. Morley is requested to forward his articles for publication.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.11
A Second Advent Protracted Meeting commenced at Kennebunk last Tuesday. Eld. Frost we understand, has been laboring there with much success. The work goes gloriously on.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.12
Prophetic Expositions
Or a connected view of the testimony of the prophets concerning the kingdom of God and the time of its establishment. By Josiah Litch. In two volumes.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.13
Published by J. V. Himes, 14 Devonshire st.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.14
The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, in four Letters to an Unbeliever. By James Sabine, Rector of Christ’s Church, Bethel, Vt.—Boston: Published by Joshua V. Himes, 14 Devonshire street.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.15
Review of Morris’ “Modern Chiliasm.” By S. Bliss. Published by Joshua V. Himes, 14 DevonShire street.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.16
The Kingdom of God. By William Miller. Published by J. V. Himes, 14 Devonshire street.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.17
In Orleans, Mass. Nov. 15
There will be a Second Advent Conference held in the Methodist Meeting House in Orleans, Mass. to commence Nov. 15th. The design of this meeting, like all others of the kind, is to give the Midnight Cry, and to save souls, and build up the Church of Christ to be ready to welcome Christ when he comes in 1843. This meeting is not to be one of controversy, but to listen to the solemn truths of the gospel, and apply it to our own hearts. It will commence Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock; We invite all who attend to hear candidly this all-important subject, both preacher and people, without distinction of sect, and to come without prejudice, but with prayerful hearts, that great good may be done. James Bickwell.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.18
A meeting in the Great Tent,
At Newark, N. J. Nov. 3
Arrangements have been made for pitching the great Tabernacle in the city of Newark, N. J. on the 3rd of Nov. 1842. The meeting to continue eight or ten days.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.19
Mr. Wm. Miller, Rev. J. Litch, J. V. Himes and others are expected to be present and will show, from the Word of God, the manner and object of Christ’s Second Coming, together with the reasons for expecting him in 1843. All who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, are affectionately invited to rally at this feast of Tabernacles. Our time is growing shorter and shorter each day, and what is to be done must be soon done.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.20
The great object of the meeting is, like those which have already been held, to arouse both the church and the world to a sense of their peril, by sounding the midnight cry.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.21
The meeting is to be held on the corner of Mulberry and Camp-streets, in the south part of the city. Carriages will be in readiness at the steamboat wharf, and rail-road depot, to carry people to the camp-ground for 6 1-4 cents. Fare from N. Y. by steam-boat, from the foot of Barclay st., 12 1-2 cts. Fare by rail-road, 25 cts. Arrangements will be made for boarding strangers on very reasonable terms.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.22
L. D. Fleming, A. Flavel,
S. H. Waynright, C. Merchant Com
Letter from William H. Brewster
Brother Litch:—The Signs of the Times for Oct. 12th, vol. 4th, No. 4, has been placed in my hands, by a friend of ours, who assured me you sent it. On looking over the paper, I find an article headed, “A Drowning Man will catch at a Straw.” By a reading of this article, I find myself the “drowning man,” and Professor Stewart, and N. S. Folsom the straws. Now I presume you sent me that paper, that I might see, and be benefited, by that article.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.23
And now my dear brother, will you allow me the opportunity of saying a few words in reply.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.24
1. My crime appears to consist in recommending through “Zions Herald,” the works of Stewart and Folsom, on Daniel:—but if these works are mere straws in the winds, as brother Walker calls them, if Stuarts work is too feeble an effort to merit a reply, as some others have said, then the harm done by me is small, and all my sin is in the intention, for the able works of Mr. Miller must appear to more advantage by the contrast.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.25
2. I do not know as I understand what the brother means by representing me by a drowning man catching at straws, i. e. in what sense, I resemble a drowning man. Does he think me fast sinking under the displeasure of God, as though a millstone was attached to me, to the depths of perdition? A Mormon once consigned me to hell, for opposing him, but I mildly, and with a heart full of thankfulness to God, assure them both, that my consciousness is against the supposition. Instead of feeling God’s disapprobation, I feel his favor, which is to my soul, “sweeter, and better than life.” But perhaps he thinks my inability to sustain the side on which I have enlisted, makes me resemble in the view of others, a man trying hard to keep himself above water, while the inward consciousness that I am sinking, deeper and still deeper, makes me catch eagerly at even straws. Now how this appears to others, I cannot tell, but can assure him, yourself, and the world, that I am conscious of no such inability, and were I, I should be an arrant hypocrite. I am not much skilled in controversy: truth finds in me a feeble advocate, and error a weak opponent. I do not wish for controversy, I would never stir these bitter waters again while I live, if I did not believe the calls of duty to be imperious: but so conscious am I, of the power of truth, that I have no fear of controversy on this subject. “Error and falsehood will run a mile, while truth is putting on her boots,” but let her remember, “truth is mighty and will prevail.” All I ask, is a candid, prayerful, thorough, investigation.HST November 2, 1842, page 54.26
As to the change of opinion he supposed me to have experienced, I have to say, I freely confess, that on small things, my opinion has changed, especialy as to principles to be adopted in interpreting the prophecies, and I have till recently met the question of Christ’s comng in ‘43 as being a doctrine proved by the 7th of Daniel, on the ground assumed by its advocates, viz. that the little horn meant Popery, in which case I attempted to prove that they had fixed on their date without reason, and hence came to the wrong conclusion.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.1
I have two arguments, or modes of disposing of the supposed proofs from that chapter. 1. The little horn is not popery. 2. If it is, and “the time times and a half,” mean 1260 years, the dates are uncertain: theirs certainly erroneous. I do not propose now to enter into a defence of either of the above propositions, nor do I state them for my but truth’s sake. In conclusion let me say, a few months will settle this matter. I await calmly the result. If it usher in the astonishing solemnities of the judgment, amen.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.2
“Nothing hath the just to lose. By worlds on worlds destroyed,
Far beneath his feet he views, with smiles, the flaming void.”
All true Christians are ready for that day come when it will.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.3
When wrapt in flames, the realms of ether glow.
And heavens last thunder shakes the world below.
Thou, undismayed, shall o’er the ruin smile,
And light thy torch at nature’s funeral pile.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.4
As to the events of that chapter closing with the judgment, it is a mere begging of the question, that the judgment there is not the final judgment, is almost capable of demonstration.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.5
Letter from C. French
Dear Brother Himes:—I am happy to inform you, that the Tent Meeting at Claremont, has awakened a great desire in the surrounding towns, to hear more on the momentous subject of Christ’s Second Coming.—While at Newport, I had several applications to give lectures, in different places, but owing to my previous appointments shall not be able to comply with their requests. In Newport, I found a few true believers in the advent near, who gave their entire influence to the lectures, and many who were convicted, came with a prayerful determination to know the truth.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.6
The results, thus far, are blessed, a large number have not only received the evidences, but the love of Christ appearing in their hearts, many have returned to their first love, others have inquired what they should do to be saved, and found peace in believing; one young man who has been sceptical as to the authenticity of the Bible, became so far convinced of its truth, as to acknowledge the points in history, referred to, were correct, he has provided himself with the means, and is resolved to investigate the subject candidly; may God bless him in the effort.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.7
Difficulties of years standing between professors, have been settled on gospel terms, denominational prejudice removed, party names forgotten, and sectarianism blotted out, and love now dwells among the brethren without dissimulation.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.8
I cannot close this letter without naming one of the most interesting features of the blessed work, viz. three ministering brethren publicly acknowledged their belief was beyond a doubt, that Christ’s Second Coming would take place in 1843. They are devoted brethren, and I trust will do all in their power to advance the cause. I have no doubt that their example and influence was one great cause of the success of the lectures in Newport. “Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.”HST November 2, 1842, page 55.9
At the close of the last lecture, more than 200 came forward for prayers, desiring they might have an evidence that they are ready to meet the Savior when he comes. Among the number, were many who had professed to love Christ, but had backslidden, in heart and life. I left Newport, with a general impression resting on the minds of the community, that the Judge standeth before the door. I have no doubt there will be many in Newport, who will be ready to go up with a shout when the seventh angel shall begin to sound.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.10
I commenced my labors in this place on Thurssday eve, this people were ready and anxious to hear on this subject, the attendance has been good, yesterday their house was filled to overflowing, prospects are good, that there will be a great turning to the Lord among this people, the good work has already commenced.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.11
Yours, in hope of the first resurrection and coming of our Lord in 1843.
Shrewsbury, Vt. Oct. 17, 1842.
An Awful Providence.—In July last, the writer gave two lectures in this place on the subject of the second coming of Christ nigh, by the request of the Rev. Mr. Hayden, pastor of the Presbyterian church here. I have just arrived here again, and learn the following fact from Rev. Mr. H. A few days after my lectures here, a number of men collected to put up the frame of a building; among them was a stout, robust young man, about 24 years of age, much given to swearing and other bad habits; as he stood underneath a rafter as it was being raised, some one called out to him to stand one side or he might be killed.—“Well,” he replied, “if the world is coming to an end next April, I had just as live’s die now as then.” The instant these words fell from his lips, he dropped down close beside the man standing next to him, and died without a struggle or groan, and only gasped very slightly twice. Those present felt on his heart immediately, and it was perfectly still in death. Oh, ye scoffers and triflers on this great subject, take warning from this and other solemn providences and repent now, or it will be forever too late.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.12
C. Morley.
Brunswick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.,
October, 12th, 1842.
Hypocrisy Unmasked
Dear Br. “S.”—After an absence of three weeks, in a tour through Vermont and New Hampshire, I am once more at home. I have much reason to praise our common Lord for his love, and the tokens of his favor granted me during the three weeks I was away from this city. I gave twenty-one lectures in that time, and conversed much on “the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ.” Serious attention was everywhere given to the word spoken, and men and women have bowed their hearts in submission to the will of God, and been made to rejoice in the evidence of sins forgiven. The cry was, on every side, “come over and help us.” It was truly painful to have to say to any, “I cannot go.” I find on my table letters received in my absence, calling for help. O that the Lord of the harvest may send forth more laborers.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.13
My object when I commenced was simply to notice the attempt of our enemies to blacken us under pretence that the object of the Second Advent folks is to make money; and they have reported that twenty-five cents was asked of every person admitted into the “Great Tent.” Now, behold the hypocrisy of which some of our opponents are guilty. “A money-making business!” Aye, but who is guilty of it? Read the following notice posted up in this city:HST November 2, 1842, page 55.14
“Refuted on historical principles, by Rev. M. ROBSON, of New York city, who is professionally distinguished as a Chronologer and Historian.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.15
“It will be shown that the historical basis of Mr. Miller’s theory cannot be sustained on his own principles of interpretation,HST November 2, 1842, page 55.16
“At the Hall of the Washington Temperance Society, State street, commencing at 7 1-2 o’clock.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.17
“ADMITTANCE, 25 CENTS.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.18
“Albany, Oct. 8th, 1842.”HST November 2, 1842, page 55.19
Let the thinking judge who are making merchandise of men’s souls, we or our opponents. They take advantage of men’s fears of the Judgment to come, and promise them “peace” for “TWENTY-FIVE CENTS”!!HST November 2, 1842, page 55.20
Yours, in the “blessed hope,”
Geo. Storrs.
Scriptures Investigated
Agreeably to the call of elder P. Clark and others, published in the Morning Star of the 14th ult. for the purpose of investigating the subject of the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, the following brethren assembled in conference at the Freewill Baptist Meeting House, at Pittsfield, N. H. on Sept. 21st, viz. P. Clark, J. E. Davis, D. P. Cilley, J. Meader, T. Sanborn, J. Knowles, M. Clark, Wm. Swain, J. Morrell, S. P. Fernald, A. Simpson, D. Mc. Trickey, J. Harvey, M. R. Hopkins, W. D. Johnson, J. Kimball.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.21
After a careful and thorough investigation, according to the best of our ability, of the 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, & 12th chapters of the prophecy of Daniel, and the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians, in connection with the works of Mr. Folsom and Professor Stuart, which investigation continued three days, in the greatest harmony, the following resolutions were adopted by the conference, as the opinion of the conference, viz.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.22
1.That the four parts of the image seen by Nebudchadnezzar in his dream, and the four beasts seen by Daniel in his vision, represent the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian and Roman kingdoms.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.23
2. That the kingdom of God is to be set up during the divided state of the Roman kingdom, in which state it was not, when Christ commenced his ministry.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.24
3. That the term “man of sin,” used by Paul, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, and the term “little horn,” used by Daniel in the 7th chapter of his prophecy, refer to one and the same thing; and that as that man of sin had not been revealed A. D. 54, when Paul wrote his epistle to the Thessalonians, and that as Antiochus Epiphanes died B. C. 164, 218 years before Paul wrote the above epistle, the terms “man of sin and little horn” can not refer to Antiochus Epiphanes.HST November 2, 1842, page 55.25
4. That the term “2300 days,” in Daniel 8:14, is used to designate 2300 years in the accomplishment of the events referred to, that the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24, are the first part of the same, and, that the entire vision terminates A. D. 1843.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.1
5. That the sanctuary to be cleansed, Daniel 8:14, means Palestine, or “the land of promise.”HST November 2, 1842, page 56.2
6. That the 7th chapter of Daniel teaches plainly, that the little horn there spoken of, will make war with the saints and prevail against them, until Jesus Christ appear personally at the judgment of the great day: consequently, that there can be no millennium prior to that day. And that the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13th chapter, teaches as plainly the sentiment that there can be no millennium prior to the end of this world.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.3
7. That we recommend to our brethren a candid and prayerful examination of the subject of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, A. D. 1843.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.4
8. That it is safe and right for all Christian ministers who believe that the Second Advent of Christ will take place A. D. 1843, to preach or lecture upon the subject of the Second Advent at such times and places as they deem proper: provided nevertheless that such discourses do not interfere with their regular pastoral duties, and conformity to the vows under which they are placed to the several denominations with which they stand connected.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.5
After the adoption of the above, the conference voted to have these proceedings signed by the chairman and secretary of this conference, and that these proceedings, thus signed, be forwarded to the Morning Star and Signs of the Times for publication.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.6
PETER CLARK, Chairman,
Jesse Meader, Secretary.
Pittsfield, Sept. 23, 1842.
Prayer.—Prayer draws all the Christian graces into its focus: it draws charity, followed by her lovely train, her forbearance with faults, her forgiveness of injuries, her pity for errors, her compassion for want. It draws repentance with her holy sorrows, her pious resolutions, her self-distrust; it attracts faith, with her elevated eye—hope, with her grasped anchor—beneficence, with her open hand—zeal, looking far and wide to serve—humility with introverted eye, looking at home. Prayer, by quickening these graces in the heart, warms them into life, fits them for service, and dismisses each to its appropriate practice. Cordial prayer is mental virtue: Christian virtue is spiritual action: the mould into which genuine prayer casts the soul is not effaced by the suspension of the act, but retains some touches of the impression till the act is repeated.—Hannah Moore.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.7
What sin is there, which grace cannot pardon? What heart is there, which grace cannot soften? What soul is there, which grace cannot save?HST November 2, 1842, page 56.8
Editorial Correspondenee
Benson, Vermont, Oct. 25, 1842.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.9
Messrs Editors:—We arrived in this place on the 19th instant. Elder Storrs and the brethren who had invited us to this town, gave us a most cordial reception. We immediately pitched our tent, and commenced the public exercises of the encampment, in a beautiful grove of maple trees, a short distance from the village.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.10
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the season, the brethren have erected several tents, and will remain permanently on the ground, during the encampment. We are all comfortably situated, having stoves in our several tents, and every convenience, conclusive to health and happiness.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.11
The interest of the cause is such, that we have concluded to continue our meetings for ten days, to close on the 30th instant.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.12
Bro. Miller is present with us, also Elder Storrs, Allen, Baldwin and many other brethren, who participate in the services of the meetings. Brother Miller and Himes from Boston are the principal lecturers. The effects thus far upon the churches and the community generally, are encouraging, the people appear to be awakened anew to the subject; in this cold region; our prayer is that it may result in a general revival of religion among the churches in this vicinity.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.13
There is some opposition among ministers and church members, but thus far our meetings have proved beneficial to the cause we advocate, it must, it will progress, it is the cause of God, we plead; he gives success to our efforts, in spite of all opposing influences; the opposition of our opponents contributes largely to its advancement.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.14
We have rec’d a communication from Moodus, Ct., wishing to obtain information on several prophetic points. We have also one from a Bible Class in Rockport wishing for an explanation of the seven seals and the seven last vials.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.15
In answer to these and various other similar communications, we would say that Bro. Litch’s new work, “Prophetic Expositions,” gives a more full and clear reply to those questions, than can for the present be given in our columns. It is also intended to cover the whole ground of controversy, and presents in full our views with the reasons therefor, and the historical facts and statistics by which they are constituted. The first Vol is now ready for delivery, price 31 cents.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.16
In Woodstock, Vt
The conference will commence on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, at 10 o’clock A. M., in the Christian Chapel, to continue one week.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.17
Br. Calvin French, will by divine permission give a course of lectures, during the conference. The object of the conference and lectures will be, to present the evidence from the word of god, that our blessed Lord will make his glorious appearing in a few months.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.18
All who love that appearing are invited to attend and unite in the conference.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.19
It is contemplated that Bro. Miller will commence a course of Lectures at New Haven, Ct. on the 19th. of Nov.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.20
To those wishing Lectures
Other duties make if necessary for the subscriber to discontinue lecturing for a short time; but has now nearly completed his arrangements to resume his labors and wishes to go where there is a prospect of doing the most good. Letters, post paid, directed to me, Albany, N. York, will receive attention, if sent soon.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.21
Albany, Oct. 10th. 1842. C. Morley.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.22
The Sabbath in France.—The recent general election in France was held all over the kingdom on the Sabbath; thus virtually disfranchising all who regard this day as holy. Yet this principle is no worse than that engrafted on our post office law, which requires all our post masters to keep their offices open one hour on the Sabbath. Every conscientious Christian is thus virtually despoiled of his right to hold this office; for, he cannot accept it while it requires him to desecrate the Lord’s day.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.23
Received up to Oct. 31. From P. M. Williamansett, Mass. Greenfield Centre, N. Y. Canaan, Ct. Three Rivers, Mass. Montpelier, Vt. Bridgewater, Vt. Fairhaven, Mass. Winthrop, Me. Dixmont, Me. Cusseta, Ala. Busti, N. Y. Ballston, N. Y. Guilford, Vt. Westford, Mass. Norwich, Vt. Hunterville, Va. South Berwick, Me. York, Me. Jamaica, Vt. Grisworld’s Mills, N. Y. Hartford, Vt. Annerson, C. H. S. C. North Springfield, Vt. New Hartford Centre, Ct. Berlin, Ct. Forsyth, Ga. Bridgeport, Ct. Schenectady, N. Y. Ballston Spa, N. Y. Gilmanton Iron Work, N. H. South Strafford, Vt. Skowhegan, Me. North Vassalboro Me. Guilford Village, N. H. Windsor, Vt. Bible Class, Troy, N. Y. St. Albans, Vt. Greenville, N. Y. Union Mills, N. Y. Hingham Mass, Granville N. Y. Schenectady, N. Y. Michigan City, Ind. Nicholsville, N. Y. Walpole, Mass. Sudbury Mass. Plymouth, Me. Wells, N. Y. Low Hampton, N. Y. Oquanka, Ill. Oakland, Ct.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.24
From Geo. Storrs, Springfield, C. Benns, Jonathan Hazelton, Thomas Clark, A. J. Gugton Peter [original illegible], R. T. Hutchinson, L. E. Lincoln, E. G. Allen, Joseph G. Briggs, J. H. Shipman, Moses Winchester, W. Dickson, A. B. Huntington, Jedediah Briggs, C. E. Brown, E. H. Wilcox, Thomas M. Preble, John Pearson, F. Gates, Amos Eox, W. W. Burlingame, J. N. R, Hollis Twitchel, Jonas Woods, W. H. Tiffany, J. H. Shipman, J. C. Forbush, Henry Flagg, Edward Canfield, R. E. Ladd, $ 5,00, H. B. Stebbins, Jonathan Calley Jr., John G. Me Murray, J. Turner, Jacob Sawyer, Sarah M. Marsh, Geo. Storrs, John P. Hall, L. C. Collins, C. French, H. F. Horton, E. H. Wilcox, Benj. H. Albee $ 3,00, John C. Ramsdell, C. C. Tucker, Dozer N. H. Montpelier, Vt. N. G. Howard.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.25
Books Sent
One bundle to Josiah H. Shipman, North Springfield, Vt., to be left at Post Office.
One bundle to Tho’s Clark, Lockport, N. Y.
One bundle to Ralph Rice, Habbardston, Mass.
One bundle to H. Gould, Templeton, Mass.
One bundle to Paul Lees, Sheffield England.
One bundle to J. P. Jewett, Salem, Mass.
One box to Cha’s Fitch, Cleveland, Ohio.
One bundle to John G. Me Murray, N. York City.
One bundle to J. C. Forbush, Manchester, N. H.HST November 2, 1842, page 56.26