Vol. IV.—No. 22. Boston, Whole No. 94
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February 15, 1843
Vol. IV.—No. 22. Boston, Whole No. 94
Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.1
Public Morals
Are we in the dawn of the Millennium or in the state of morals predicted as marking the “last days?” Let us open a few of the daily papers, those “maps of busy life,” and read their testimony. Compare it with 2 Timothy 3:1-5.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.2
Opening the Herald of Jan. 7. we read:HST February 15, 1843, page 169.3
Public Morals.—While the Navy Yard and naval circles are excited with the awful tragedy on board the Somers—while Wall street and the financial classes are up to their eyes with defalcations and robberies—the Court of Sessions has been the scene of a more general excitement for some days, created by the trial of several persons for a most atrocious and diabolical outrage committed on a young woman at the Broadway Cottage, a most disreputable groggery in Broadway, nearly opposite the hospital.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.4
For several years past, the public manners and morals as exhibited in our public streets, and particularly in Broadway, have been a disgrace to the age and a shame to New York. It has been of late almost impossible for a respectable female to walk in any public street, in open day, without being insulted by some of those atrocious scoundrels, blacklegs, or rowdies, who prowl about, many of them in mustachios and in the dress of gentlemen.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.5
The Sun of Jan. 10, has a list of defalcations and embezzlements for 1842, from which it appears that seven persons in high stations have robbed the public of $670,000, in this city in a single year.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.6
The same paper states from official documents, that there have been 19,317 petitioners for the benefit of the bankrupt act, in 15 states, or districts.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.7
The Morning Chronicle of Dec. 10, says:HST February 15, 1843, page 169.8
“At present it is evident that neither truth nor justice reigns on earth. A new body and a new spirit must be born into society before the world can be regenerated.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.9
The contents of our daily papers may be judged from the headings of the articles: Old Thieves. Attempt at Rape, A Thieving Visitor, Horse-stealing, Passing Spurious Money, The Obscene Print Venders, Perjured Witnesses. These are from one page of one small paper.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.10
On the subject of the recent frauds in New York, the papers make the following remarks:—HST February 15, 1843, page 169.11
“Is there no Faith?—The shock which such repeated acts of dishonesty in the management of money concerns must give to our social and national character, can hardly be measured.”—N. Y. American.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.12
“Such examples of wholesale robbery, by men in whom the highest confidence has been placed, are of most pernicious tendency, aside from the damage they occasion to the interest of their employers. The number of such examples shows that the disease is epidemic, if not contagious. And when such men fall as were some of these, who can be trusted?”—Jour. Com.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.13
“Defalcations.—The recent defalcation of Mr. Nicoll [of $ 250,000] has excited much feeling in this community, and every one asks, where will all this end? Who is to be trusted? We have fallen upon evil times, and men are growing worse and worse every day.”—Union.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.14
“Mr. Nicholl has enjoyed, for many years, four thousand dollars salary, and a much larger sum from trust estates, making his income not much, if any, short of ten thousand dollars a year; a sum that ought to satisfy any ordinary mind, particularly in these hard times.”—Express.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.15
He was in the habit of stealing hundreds of dollars from the large sums placed in his hands, and making false entries to balance the books of the Company.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.16
“Frauds in the City During the Past Year.—The disclosures of frauds during the past year have been most astounding.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.17
If frauds of the above magnitude can be perpetrated in our very best and highest institutions—if the funds of the widow and the fatherless are not secure in our best banks and trust companies—who can, or will put confidence in them?HST February 15, 1843, page 169.18
Such an exhibition of the extensive frauds during the past year, together with those that might be added up for the few years past, is calculated to make a deep impression upon the public mind. It is at least a strong manifestation that there has been no improvement in public morals.”—ExpressHST February 15, 1843, page 169.19
The editor proceeds to contrast the present management of public funds with the past, and says:—“We are struck with astonishment at the different state of things that now exists,” which he calls “this fall in the public morals,” and adds, “Thirty years ago, a clerk or an officer who defrauded the public or a bank of even a hundred dollars, was a ruined man. He would not dare to show his face in the public streets, or if he did, he would be frowned down by an insulted community. Then the standard of morals was so high, that but few had the courage to face the rebuke of an outraged and indignant community.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.20
“Such” says the Herald, “is a picture of the morals of the monied institutions in Wall street, drawn by their own organs and editors. Is it not enough to sink the whole community as deep in a gulf of fire and brimstone as ever Sodom and Gomorrah were? Yet the disease is only beginning. With such developments as we have seen since 1837, what can we expect to see in the next five years? If such negligence in managers—such dishonesty in agents—such demoralization all over, prevail longer, will it not ingulf every corporate institution in Wall street? What confidence can exist in the future?HST February 15, 1843, page 169.21
“In the celebrated years of 1825-6 and 7, we all remember the excitement created by the explosion of the Life and Fire Company of that day, including a few other baseless concerns—not equal to half a million in all. We remember the cry for justice—the movements of the grand juries—the uproar in Wall street. Yet in the year 1842, we see before us the ruins of half a dozen institutions, and the wreck of nearly fifteen millions of property belonging to the widows, orphans, and retired citizens, annihilated as completely as if it had been burned up in the great fire of December, 1835. The financiers seem to make as much havoc with the property of the trades-people that may be entrusted to them, as the bankrupts now taking the benefit of the act. They eat, drink, and spend it in all manner af extravagance, leaving a mere shell for the owners, and then repudiate and run away, or take the benefit of the act.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.22
“Will the honest, industrious, producing classes of the people, unite and try to stem the torrent of rascality that overwhelms this devoted city?”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.23
The New York morning Chronicle publishes an article two successive days, (Jan 6 and 7,) headed, “What are the clergy doing in the service of God and the human race?” It says; “The social world is left to drag on in corruption and iniquity, without any attempt on their part to purify the HIDEOUS MASS of discord and misery which defaces it.” “Where do we hear of the clergy animated by a sincere sympathy for the sufferings of a degraded RACE! No where.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.24
“Only yesterday we observed an announcement of a lecture by a distinguished and talented divine, and what was the subject? Why, ‘English Poetry with illustrations and comments.’ Enlightening the world upon the beauties of English Poetry! Is this divine work, when COUNTLESS MILLIONS of wretched beings are crying out for deliverance from spiritual and temporal destitution.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.25
“But the distinguished divine we spoke of, is not alone in this literary desecration of pastoral robes; another distinguished clergyman, a short time since, illustrated the glorious life and war-like achievements of the renowned Captain John Smith!HST February 15, 1843, page 169.26
Are the clergy serving God and the Human Race, or themselves? Whom do they glorify?”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.27
In the same Chronicle from which we cut the above, we find the following illustrations of the state of morals:HST February 15, 1843, page 169.28
“Thieves did a pretty-considerable-stirring business at the Assembly Chamber in Albany, on Monday evening last, more power to their fingers! Many people lost their coats, hats, etc., which we hope will be a sufficient caution to them to keep away from such places another time, or at least, to transact their business and come away as soon as possible. We don’t object to pocket picking at political meetings. It is a pity the practise cannot be introduced into Congress itself.”HST February 15, 1843, page 169.29
“We learn by the Grand River Inquirer, that a murder has been committed by two men named Miller and Hovy, on the person of an Indian squaw in Kent county.—It appears after gloating their passions on her they left her a corps in the woods where they had camped for the night. They are both in jail.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.30
The police report and various other items are too disgusting to be repeated, but we subjoin the following shocking illustration of immorality and scoffing.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.31
“Millerism.—A number of persons in the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, have lately become greatly alarmed in consequence of their belief in the truth of the doctrines of Miller. They are holding lectures every night.—Exchange Paper.HST February 15, 1843, page 169.32
“No wonder the worthy people of Philadelphia have an abhorrence of the day of reckoning, for if it be sinning to shave half the world with bank rags—to tread the poor in the dust, and regard poverty as a crime and a degradation, and to sympathise with wealthy murderers, and save them from the gallows, they are sure to catch it.—We opine that when the great day comes, the Philadelphians, in the fulfilment of a prophecy in the Revelations, will be no ways slow in calling upon the hills and mountains to fall down and cover them.”HST February 15, 1843, page 170.1
“As it was in Sodom.”HST February 15, 1843, page 170.2
“Brutality, it seems, is actively on the increase in this city.”—Herald, Jan. 16.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.3
Progress of Licentiousness.—The perpetrator of an abominable outrage on a modest and virtuous young woman of this City was brought up in the Circuit Court on Saturday, (having evaded a criminal trial by forfeiture,) and will probably to day have meted to him some small portion of his deserts. It cannot be denied that outrages by violence and diabolical stratagem upon the honor and peace of those whose innocence and weakness should be their protection from all but the plotting villany of a fiend or the blind fury of a brute, are on the increase in our City. The very night that Dingler was convicted, a young girl, who was going home through the Bowery, unattended, from the bedside of a sick friend, was caught up and thrown into a cab by two monsters in human shape, who there held her and stifled her cries until they had effected her ruin. No trace of them or the driver of the cab has yet been obtained. Every day many young girls—generally poor and friendless, often orphans—are lured by hags, whose trade is the murder of virtue, into their dens, and there subjected to flattery, fraud, drugging and violence until their ruin is accomplished. All this goes on with the ribald and infidel press, owned and conducted by notorious libertines, ridiculing those who appeal to the Legislature for laws against this flood-tide of licentiousness, and foully libeling all who interpose to defend them; and on the other hand, a large portion of the virtuous, confounding ingorance with innocence, and crying out against any exposure of these horrible doings and their abettors in reputable journals, lest the young be contaminated!—Tribunal of Monday, Jan. 16.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.4
Fearful Sights, Great Signs, etc
Mr. Editor,—In this article I am to give some instances or remarkable specimens of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights; as they have recently appeared on various occasions, apparently fulfilling the foretold “Wonders” and “Signs,” “(in “the last days”) of Christ’s “coming” and “kingdom at hand.”HST February 15, 1843, page 170.5
The following account is copied from the New York Commercial Advertiser of Oct. 22, 1839, showing a wonderful exhibition of these phenomena in London a few weeks before that date. These were also seen in this country on the same night, but far less remarkable:HST February 15, 1843, page 170.6
From late London Papers.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.7
“London Sept. 5, [1839].—Between the hours of 10 on Thursday night and 3 yesterday morning, in the heavens, was observed one of the most magnificent specimens of these extraordinary phenomena, the falling stars and Northern Lights witnessed for many years past. The first indication of this singular phenomenon was ten minutes before 10, when a light crimson, apparently vapor, rose from the northern portion of the hemisphere, and gradually extended to the centre of the heavens, and by 10 o’clock, or a quarter past, the whole, from east to west, was one vast sheet of light. It had a most alarming appearance, and was exactly like that occasioned by a terrific fire. The light varied considerably; at one time it seemed to fall, and directly after rose with intense brightness.—There were to be seen mingled with it volumes of smoke, which rolled over and over, and every beholder seemed convinced that it was a ‘tremendous conflagration.’ The consternation was very great; thousands of persons were running in the direction of the supposed awful catastrophe. The engines belonging to the fire-brigade stations in Baker-st., Farringdon-st., Watling-st., Waterloo Road, and likewise those belonging to the west of England stations—in fact, every fire-engine in London, was horsed, and gallopped after the supposed ‘scene of destruction,’ with more than ordinary energy, followed by carriages, horsemen, and vast mobs. Some of the engines proceeded as far as Highgate and Halloway, before the error was discovered. These appearances lasted for upwards of two hours, and toward morning the spectacle became one of more grandeur.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.8
“At two o’clock in the morning, the phenomena presented a most gorgeous scene, and one very difficult to describe. The whole of London was illuminated as light as noon day, and the atmosphere was remarkably clear. The southern hemisphere, at the time mentioned, though unclouded, was very dark; but the stars, which were innumerable, shone beautifully. The opposite side of the heavens presented a singular but magnificent contrast; it was clear to extreme, and the light was very vivid; there was a continual succession of meteors, which varied in splendor—they appeared formed in the centre of the heavens, and spread till they seemed to burst. The effect was electrical. Myriads of small stars shot out over the horizon, and darted with that swiftness toward the earth, that the eye scarcely could follow the track; they seemed to burst also, and to throw a dark crimson vapor over the entire hemisphere. The colors were most magnificent. At half past two o’clock, the spectacle changed to darkness, which, on dispersing, displayed a luminous rainbow in the zenith of the heavens, and round the ridge of darkness that overhung the southern portion of the country. Soon afterward, columns of silvery light radiated from it—they increased wonderfully, intermingled among crimson vapor, which formed at the same time, and when at full height, the spectacle was beyond all imagination. Stars were darting about in all directions, and continued until four o’clock, when all died away.”HST February 15, 1843, page 170.9
The writer of the above account, it will be seen, makes no allusion to the fact, that such “alarming “appearances are foretold in prophecy as “great signs” of the Second Advent at hand. And though it may be that he knew, or thought of no such thing while writing, he has described the phenomena as being an exact fulfilment of the many prophecies of these very things. He speaks of them as something “wonderful”—“singular”—“extraordinary”—“a vast sheet of light”—“most magnificent”—“alarming”—“a terrific fire”—“awful”—“a tremendous conflagration”—“volumes of smoke”—“columns of silvery light”—“intense brightness”—“producing very great consternation,” etc, which the Almighty has previously foretold and described them as “wonders in the heavens”—“blood and fire, and pillars of smoke”—“fearful sights and great signs from heaven,” “before that great and terrible day of the Lord come.” Just so sure then as the Lord cannot lie, and would have us, as little children, to understand him to mean as he says, these now fulfilled wonders and signs admonish us, together with many other signs fulfilled, that Christ’s coming is verily “near, and even at the doors.”HST February 15, 1843, page 170.10
Again, on the evening of January 25, 1837, there was a remarkable exhibition of this same phenomenon in the various parts of our country, as our readers will doubtless recollect. Where the ground was then covered with snow, the sight was grand and “fearful” in a most unprecedented manner.—In one place, situated near a mountain, the people who witnessed the scene, informed us that it resembled “waves of fire rolling down the mountain.” And generally, so far as learnt, the snow covering the ground appeared like fire mingled with blood, while above, (as the apostle says,) “the heavens being on fire,” resembled so much prophetic description of the last day, that many were amazed, the children beholding it were affrighted, and inquired if it were the coming of the judgment, and even the animals trembled with much manifest alarm.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.11
Henry Jones.
New York, December 10, 1842.
The Cry in Illinois
It will be seen by the following extract from a letter, that “the midnight cry” is being sounded through those western wilds, and the people are beginning to wake up on the subject of the speedy coming of the Lord. May the alarm go forth, and the slumbering virgins be aroused, before the Master shall have shut the door; and may the blessing of God attend the efforts of those dear brothren, who, alone, as it were, are lifting up their voices to give the people the word of warning:HST February 15, 1843, page 170.12
Dear Brother Fleming,—There is a great interest awakened upon the subject of the second coming of our Savior, even in this western country, although there are not wanting those who are saying, “Where is the promise of his coming?” I am trying, in my way, to declare that the kingdoms of this world are about to become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, and to be given to the people of the saints of the Most High.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.13
Please send such publications as you may think best to aid a young preacher to proclaim that the coming of Christ is at hand.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.14
Brother Simon Fitch, and myself, are the only ones I know of in this part of the state, who believe, or at least dare to preach the coming of Christ as soon as 1843. Yet there are a great many of the people who believe.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.15
We hope, as the time is short, that our brethren in the far west will cry aloud and spare not. Let the alarm go out. Wake up the virgins—startle the sleeping watchmen—alarm the guilty sinner, and let them know that what they do, they must do quickly.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.16
“Come over and help us.”
Rev. J. V. Himes—Dear Sir—The Baptist church and congregation in this place, unitedly arose last Sabbath, and manifested their desire that I should write to you and request you to insert in the Signs of the Times that we wanted a lecturer to come and visit us, and proclaim the doctrine of the glorious appearing and advent of the blessed Savior near at hand. There has never been any one in this and the adjoining counties lecturing on this subject, with the exception of Wm. Miller, who some six or seven years ago was in this and other towns in this county, and sowed some seed that has sprung up and brought forth fruit. If you should see fit to publish this, and it should meet the eye of some one who can come and lecture here, he will find the pastor and people of this church ready to heartily co-operate with him in this glorious cause. May the Lord incline the heart of some one to visit us and sound the midnight cry to this dying people. Yours, in love and kindness. Done by order and in behalf of the church. Royal Polley, Ch. Clerk. Massena, St. Law. Co., N. Y., Jan. 18th, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 170.17
Letter from Bro. L. Lovewell
Dear Bro. Himes—You will excuse a few words from me, concerning the great subject in which we and many others are engaged: I am almost bewildered in view of the management of the ministry, and some of the churches in this vicinity. Our ministers will take the text “no man can do a miracle in my name and lightly speak evil of me,” and while they admit the Lord has revived his work at Vergennes, through the labors of Bro. Miller, and in many towns in Washington Co., by Brn. Green, Shipman, etc, and that “there are many real conversions,” still they seem to contend “that the devil has cast out devils,” and they can do God great service “by forbidding them.”HST February 15, 1843, page 171.1
The spirit of opposition works most strangely, and while they express fears for infidelity, it appears to me that they are doing all they can to make infidels. Some of our most “Orthodox” clergy in this vicinity, are contending that the “Judgment and Resurrection are not even referred to in the book of Daniel.” Others are denying that from the decree of Artaxerxes to the crucifixion of Christ, we have any evidence that 490 years were accomplished, while another class of my own brethren in the ministry, have revived the old story once used about Bro. Miller; then, giving it to Bro. Fitch, Litch, yourself, etc., and now applying it to me, that, “If Christ does not come this year, God has uttered the greatest possible falsehoods, etc.,” while the fact is, no believer in the Advent near, or the Judgment, ever has, or will use such blasphemy. Now, Bro. H., what can be the object of such false, and miserable stories? How can Christ’s ministers join in their circulation?HST February 15, 1843, page 171.2
I would say that I fully believe the county of Chittendon needs some lecturer more than any other part of the country, and if you can send some powerful man here, I will co-operate with him all I can. Brn. Green and Shipman appear to be engaged in other sections. I feel great heaviness of heart for my brethren in the ministry, for God is reviving his work in many places in Vermont, and in all, so far as I can ascertain, through the sound of the midnight cry; and how can the ministry join with the infidel, the drunkard, and scoffer, in circulating falsehoods, in low jests, and futile attempts at wit, to turn away the faith of perishing souls!! O, my God, have mercy upon the professed servants, and while they pray, “revive thy work, and send by whom thou wilt,” let them see the awful inconsistency of taking the old rusty weapons of the Pharisees to oppose the answer of prayer, and fight against the Hope of Israel.HST February 15, 1843, page 171.3
Yours, in the blessed hope of the speedy coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lyman Lovewell.
Richmond, Vt., Jan. 26, 1843.
Extract from Letter of Bro. Geo. Atkinson
Dear Bro. Bliss—The preachers here have more zeal for putting down Millerism than for saving souls. One comes to me with much sagacity to get me to labor with him, but “don’t say anything about the time.” Another tries to put it down by reading long enough to weary the people, and then tell them time is too short. A third says, “he knows it will not come,” etc. etc. Since coming here I have labored much; lectured, exhorted, and prayed, with the people, and best of all, not in vain. But amidst all this, I am perfectly astounded at the would-be-called lovers of Jesus. They don’t like to hear so much about it. One good deacon runs out of meeting, another denies its being a proper subject to be mentioned. Christians are quite astounded at the spread of the Spirit of God in this region. The vilest men have been converted. One man gets up and tells us that he has been nothing but a “roaring lion.” Suffice it to say that the power cuts down all, both great and small. It is not confined to this place, but it extends for miles around. I commence a course of lectures west of this place the coming week. The Book of Books that has so long been left to molder and rust, begins to brighten by use. Yesterday I stepped into a house six miles from this, containing four persons, and found them all engaged in studying the 1290 and 1335 days. I made known my object, and an explanation was requested on the above texts.HST February 15, 1843, page 171.4
Yours, in the faith of 1843,
George Atkinson.
Cleaveland, Oswego Co., N., Y., January 13, 1843.
“If I am only ready, that’s enough.”
This remark is very common. But is it a proper one? Is it enough for the professor of religion to simply aim at being ready himself, without any reference to the souls of others? Christians “are the salt of the earth,” and “the light of the world.” It is their duty to lead “others to glorify their Father which is in heaven.” And very soon the Lord will reckon with them. Each must “give account of his stewardship.” It will no doubt be seen, in the reckoning time, just how many souls each might have been the means of saving, and just how many he actually has been the means of saving. Now, granting, dear reader, (as you must, if you examine the evidence,) that Christ will come again in 1843, it will most certainly make some difference whether you believe it or do not believe it. Whether you acknowledge it or not, your conscience and common sense tell you that if you really believed the end of all things so near, you would be far more resolute in expending time, pains, and money, in using means to alarm the ungodly, and backsliders, or cold professors. You know you would do very much more, and therefore be the means of saving very many more souls in the belief of this truth, than if you disbelieved it.. Will you then allow yourself to conclude that, whether the end comes in 1843 or not, it makes no difference whether you believe it or disbelieve it, if you only aim at having your own soul ready? May not the blood of those souls that you would otherwise be the means of saving, be upon you in the day of the Lord, if you adhere to such a sentiment?HST February 15, 1843, page 171.5
“Tell the people they must die, that’s enough.”
This is often said by those dear brethren who oppose the doctrine of the Second Advent near. Now let it be borne in mind, that preaching death has a very limited effect to what preaching Christ’s Second Coming has. For instance, tell a Universalist he must die; he replies, “I know it, and expect to go to heaven.” Tell a Deist he must die, “True,” he answers, “but I fear no Bible hell.” Tell an Atheist he must die, and he rejoins, “I know it, but death is an eternal sleep.” But tell the Universalist he must see Christ coming, not to destroy Jerusalem, but the earth, not to punish the wicked Jews only, but all “who obey not the gospel,” and he will tremble. This truth can reach a Felix. Tell the Deist of the Second Coming. Press the doctrine upon the Atheist, and see if God does not accompany it by his Spirit, and more effect be produced than if death was only preached. The fact is, the doctrine of Christ’s Second Coming necessarily involves the idea of a fearful doom for the wicked, beyond the limits of this life. But the doctrine of death does not to the sceptic, the Universalist, Deist, or Atheist, involve any such thing. Is it then surprising that the Spirit of God dictated the apostles to allude to Christ’s Second Coming as a motive to a holy life, in a dozen instances where death is referred to once?HST February 15, 1843, page 171.6
How to be ready for Christ’s Second Coming—Addressed to believers in the Second Advent near
Beloved Brethren and Sisters—Please allow your close and prayerful attention to be called to a consideration of most vital consequence; and do bear with a weak fellow mortal if he presses it upon you. Tbe Holy Ghost by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:2, teaches us that “though we have all knowledge and have not charity we are nothing” Now although in God’s gracious providence you may have been called to learn and even teach the truth of the Second Advent near, yet as sure as God’s word cannot fail, unless you secure and cultivate the living Spirit of Christ in your heart, unless you have charity, you will lose your soul; after all your warning of others, yourself become a castaway in the day of the Lord. My heart has bled as it were, under the bitter fear that many dear Second Advent brethren and sisters may be shut out with the foolish virgins, for the want of loving those well meaning brethren who have not yet come to the truth—for drawing uncharitable conclusions about those who do not come speedily to the light—for indulging hard feelings of the fallen heart towards those who oppose the truth. If we really knew that their opposition arose from willfullness or wickedness of heart, it would still not be our place to indulge in feelings of indignation. Leave them before God. “Vengeance belongeth unto me,” saith the Lord. Christ and his apostles laid more stress, far more, on possessing love, not only to the brethren, (all children of God whether they now believe the Second Advent near or not,) bu even to our enemies, than on anything else; and think you it is enough to have the knowledge of Christ’s Second Advent near in your head, without a preparation for it in your heart? No verily. “Though I understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and have not charity, I am nothing.” O, dear brethren and sisters, be wise. Be ready, and watch every moment. I have warned you. (See Ezekiel 33:5.) A Watchman.HST February 15, 1843, page 171.7
Letter from Bro. A. Clapp
Bro. Bliss—I rejoice to learn through the Signs of the Times, and otherwise, of the powerful and glorious results which are following the labors of the servants of God who are going forth sounding the midnight cry. The Lord is blessing their labors abundantly to the salvation of immortal souls, and thousands have been thus plucked as brands from the burning.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.1
The Rev. Mr. Stoddard has been lecturing in this region for several months, and the Lord has blessed his labors. In almost every place where he has been, powerful revivals have been the result. In Litchfield, he found the professors of religion in a very low state, and the people scoffing and ridiculing this doctrine. But in two or three days after he commenced preaching, the Lord poured out his Spirit, and sinners were made to cry for mercy, Christians were revived, backsliders were reclaimed, and infidels and Universalists were converted to the truth. From Wednesday to the following Saturday, there were upwards of fifty hopeful conversions, and four of them were professed infidels, one of whom has since been lecturing upon the second coming of Christ. The house was continually thronged, and when Bro. S. left, the work was still going on with increased power, and a large number came out strong believers in this doctrine. A young lady who was in good health when he went to the place, but was a scoffer, said to her friends, “We shall have sport enough in laughing at the Millerites in 1844.” Suddenly she was taken sick, and died before he left the place. In another town, a stout looking man one evening after lecture, came up to Bro. S., seized him, and threatened to flog him, but he was protected by the friends. This man was immediately taken very sick, and died in two or three days.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.2
Last evening Bro. S. closed a course of lectures at Farmington, where the Lord has blessed his labors, and many have come into the belief of this doctrine. There have been about seventy hopeful conversions there in a little more than one week. In one day there were twenty. The work is still very powerful, and is spreading. May God have all the glory.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.3
In Middletown, the Methodist and Baptist churches are open to receive him, and he will go there next week. He is now in New Britain. Yours, in the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.4
Hartford, Jan. 14th, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.5
Bro Clapp also writes that Bro. H. A. Chittenden has been laboring with much success in many of the towns in Conn., and that he has been instrumental of much good, for which we bless God, and adds,HST February 15, 1843, page 172.6
“O, that our ministers and churches would no longer thrust the solemn subject from the minds of the people, and trample it under foot, and shut it out entirely from the churches. But may they receive it in the churches, and follow the example of the noble Bereans, and sit down together like little children, and examine and study the Scriptures, and see if these things are even so. Our churches, Sabbath-schools, and Bible-classes, are willing to study all about what took place more than eighteen centuries ago, but not one single portion of the prophecies and passages of Scripture which tells us what is coming upon the inhabitants of this ungodly, wicked, perishing world, this year. It is well, and interesting to study what took place in Christ’s and the apostles days, but it certainly interests all of us what is soon coming upon this wicked world. It is a glorious subject to the Christian, but alarming to the ungodly. O, that the virgins may continue to arise and trim their lamps, and get oil in their vessels, and be waiting for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and not be overtaken unawares, and finally be shut out of the kingdom.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.7
The Second Advent believers have hired a new and very pleasant Hall, in this place, where from three to five hundred second advent believers meet constantly to comfort each other upon those things which appertain to Christ’s second coming. Yours, in the blessed hope.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.8
Hartford, Jan. 16th, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.9
Central New York—Letter from Bro. L C Collins
Dear Bro. Bliss—I soad you a hasty sketch to inform you of the state of the Second Advent cause in this valley. When I came here I found the wise and foolish virgins all slumbering upon this great question. But the alarm is now sounding, and the whole region around is being moved. Wherever lectures have been given, revivals have resulted, and a goodly number of souls have been converted to God. The good Lord is raising up laborers among us, and thrusting them out to spread wider the glad news that Jesus is soon to come. Every thing this way now indicates a speedy and glorious triumph in effectually sounding the midnight cry. We have, it is true, to meet with opposition; but thus far it has most decidedly turned to our own advantage. A great cry has been made here by some of the Methodists, about dividing the church. A Second Advent conference and prayer meeting had been established by those who felt an interest in this subject, and so as not to interfere with any regular meetings of the church. But the least motion is sufficient for a dog that wants to bite. Schism is the cry; and these meetings must be broken up, and division checked in the bud. The house before opened is forthwith closed against Second Advent lecturers, and even the basement, which is used by the thoughtless young men of the place, for weekly debate, is shut, regardless of the earnest entreaties of a father in the church, a trustee of the house, and among the first in building and sustaining it, besides a number of its most faithful members, when asked only for a few evenings, and when wanted for no other purposes.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.10
The following resolution was passed at a “special meeting of the Board of Trustees,” and we give it verbatim to aid them in its more extensive circulation, and for the special information of our Methodist churches in New England. “Resolved, that we cannot, as Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Oxford, encourage, by opening the doors of our church, or in any other way, directly or indirectly, to Millerism—that is, the idea that our Lord Jesus Christ will come in 1843, to judge the quick and dead, and to destroy the world in which we live.” Signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and published in the Oxford Times. We are heartily glad that the above resolution explains itself, so that we cannot mistake its meaning. The common reader will at once see that the framers of this resolution cannot, as Trustees of the M. E. church, “encourage in any way, directly or indirectly,” even the “idea” that Jesus will come this year. Should he come, then he will have to come without any of their influence. For they, declare that they “cannot,” “either directly or indirectly,” even “encourage” the “idea.”HST February 15, 1843, page 172.11
Alas! so it is. But blessed be God, that Jesus comes in King by virtue of his own right, and not by the voice of the people; otherwise I should forever despair of seeing our King. For I am persuaded that a large majority of his professed people would vote against his coming to reign. At any rate, some would not “directly or indirectly” even “encourage” the “idea.”HST February 15, 1843, page 172.12
And what has been the result of this opposition? Why it has done the most essential service to the cause. A noble little band have come right out decided, and are ready to go with the advocates anywhere, and stay up their hands. One of the best of young men, has just disengaged himself from a school, and gone out to sound the midnight cry. The Second Advent meetings are kept up still, and God is daily converting souls. A glorious revival is now in progress in one of the school districts, under the labors of Sister Rice; and another also, under the labors of Bro. House, of Hartford, Ct. I was with Bro. House last evening, and found there had been a great breaking down. Some twenty of the little company came to the altar for prayers, among whom were some of three score years. A number professed to find pardon.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.13
I have just returned from Norwich, where I have been giving a course of lectures. I found the churches shut against me, and so hired a hall on my own responsibility, and commenced laboring. The prejudice was almost overwhelming. But soon as they came to hear for themselves, it was gone. Our congregation increased rapidly until the place was crowded almost to suffocation. God met us in melting power, and we soon had an altar crowded with weeping penitents. Some thirty have already obtained pardon, among which are some of the most interesting cases. Last Sabbath evening a great crowd of people gathered around, that could not get admittance, and our Baptist friends kindly opened their church and bid us welcome. We then repaired to the church, a few rods distant, and in a few minutes it was crowded almost to overflowing. We continued our meetings on Monday afternoon and evening, and God was with us of a truth. I have engaged to return to-morrow, and go through the visions of Daniel again, as there are multitudes who want to hear now, that at first were kept away by prejudice.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.14
Norwich is a county town, and will give an important influence to the cause. I never was where it seemed to be taking a deeper hold upon the mass of the people. Doors are opening all around us, and constant calls are coming in for lecturers. Help is here much needed. Let more of our friends east “come over and help us.” My health is good; and blessed be God, my faith is strong that this year I shall see my blessed Savior coming in the clouds of heaven.HST February 15, 1843, page 172.15
L. C. Collins.
Oxford, Jan. 13th, 1843.
J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors
Editorial Correspondence
Brother Bliss:—It is quite amusing to see our opponents “humbugging” one another, in relation to our views and operations. About ten days since, the following notorious hoax was palmed off upon the secular and religious papers of the country, by the Journal of Commerce of this city.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.1
“The Time Prolonged.—It is understood that Miller and his associates have recently carefully reviewed the calculation upon which they found the prophecy of the near approach of the end of the world, when an error was discovered in the footing of one of the columns, of a thousand years. This is a very important discovery just now. It will dispel the unea iness about so sudden a go-off, and give promise that we are yet to witness the fullfiling of many a bubble, and realize the enjoyment of many a panic before the end of all things. The ‘ascension robes’ with which many of the Millerites on Long Island have provided themselves, are not likely to be wanted.”—Journal of Commerce.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.2
I called upon the editor, (Mr. D. Hale) to-day, who assured us that it was published in the evening edition of his paper without the knowledge or consent of the Editors, and that it was written by one of the clerks of the office, as a hoax!!HST February 15, 1843, page 173.3
While our opponents refuse to publish the truth on a single “reason for our hope,” they are ready to humbug themselves and others, by every foolish story of unprincipled men. Why is this? Do they wish to divert attention from the great subject of duty and destiny at this crisis?HST February 15, 1843, page 173.4
I lectured twice in this city yesterday. The cause is prospering here beyond example.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.5
Yours, J. V. HIMES.
New York, Jan. 20, 1843.
Dear Brother Bliss:—I came to this place on Monday, and commenced a course of lectures in the Church of the United Brethren. There is a most intense interest awakened all through this region of country. The house is literally jamed every lecture, and multitudes have to go away for want of room. The word is taking effect and progressing wonderfully. The way is now opening for a course of lectures in Baltimore, and I sent on about sixty or seventy dollars worth of books and papers, for gratuitous distribution in that city, and they have produced a great interest and desire to hear lectures. Brother Hale has been in Harrisburg about two weeks, lecturing to crowds of people, and I hear, immediately, that he is this week in Carlisle.—Philadelphia is shaken to the centre; and the influence is felt around in the vicinity, in every direction. We have had to dispute the ground inch by inch, but have, at length gained the point, and have as large a congregation as there is in the city. The ministers are out upon us, and determined to pat us down but they can make Second Advent men much faster than we can. God is in the work, and sinners tremble and turn to him; christians are waking up to new zeal, and the flame of reformation spreads. We have a Second Advent Book Room in Philadelphia, and the light is going forth, east, west, north and south. Our little paper, the Philadelphia Alarm, goes well. We have got out three numbers. Yours, in that blessed hope.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.6
York, Pa. Jan. 25, 1843.
“Miller’s Theory.—Methuselah was not the oldest man according to Miller’s theory. For his theory teaches that a day means a year in the Scriptures, and that ‘seven times’ means seven years of such days. Hence there are twenty-five hundred and fifty-five years in the ‘seven times’ of Scripture. The prophet Daniel tells us that Nebuchadnezzar was doomed to eat grass as oxen for the space of ‘seven times’—which, according to Miller, would be twenty-five hundred and fifty-five years. This would make Nebuchadnezzar’s life exceed Methuselah’s by fifteen hundred and fifty-six years. Nor does this tell the whole story. For it Mr. Miller’s theory be true, Nebuchadnezzar is yet alive, and the decree by which he was doomed to eat grass for the space of ‘seven times,’ will not be fulfilled until A. D. 1935, long before which time we are gravely told that all the grass will be burnt up. O Tempora! O Mores!—Bulletin.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.7
The “Bulletin” is not so great a logician as he imagines, for if one day is to be taken as a year in all cases, then it does not prove that Nebuchadnezzar was older than Methusalah; for the years of Methuselah’s age multiplied by 365 days in a year would still make the product greater than that of Nebuchadnezzar’s! To what lame subterfuges are our opponents driven! They are verily at their wits end!! O Temporn! O Mores!HST February 15, 1843, page 173.8
Dr. West.—The inquiry of Brother Harrison, in our last, relating to statements made by this individual, affords me an opportunity to say, that I do not wish any person, under any circumstances, to receive him on my commendation, directly or indirectly, as a minister or lecturer on any moral or religious subject. J. V. HIMES.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.9
Boston, Jan. 18, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.10
The brethren at Willimantic write us that the result of their conference was most beneficial. Many precious souls were awakened and converted; the professed followers of Christ were aroused to a sense of their duty, and the importance of being prepared for the coming of the bridegroom. The work there is still progressing.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.11
“Faithful Watchman.”—We have received the first No. of this paper, published in Sherbrooke, Canada East, by L. Caldwell, and edited by H. B. Skinner, for the advancement of the Second Advent cause. Any assistance which can be furnished for this enterprise, judging from their first paper, will be judiciously applied.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.12
Liar’s Department.—The New Hampshire Sentinel says of our Tabernacle, that “they were required to tear down the too frail walls and build stronger.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.13
Letter from Wm. Miller
Dear Brother Himes:—At the request of numerous friends, I herein transmit to them, through you a brief statement of facts, relative to the many stories with which the public are humbugged, by the pulpit, press, and bar-room declamation, concerning the principles I advocate, and the management of my worldly concerns.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.14
My principles, in brief, are, that Jesus Christ will come again to this earth, cleanse, purify, and take possession of the same, with all his saints, some time between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. I have never for the space of more than twenty-three years, had any other time, preached or published by me; I have never fixed on any month, day, or hour between that time; I have never found any mistake in reckoning, summing up, or miscalculation; I have made no provision for any other time; I am perfectly satisfied that the Bible is true, and is the word of God, and I am confident, I rely wholly on the blessed book for my faith in this matter. I am not a prophet, I am not sent to prophecy, but to read, believe, and publish, what God has inspired the ancient prophets to administer unto us, in the prophecies of the Old and New Testament. These have been, and now are my principles, and I hope I shall never be ashamed of them.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.15
As to worldly cares, I have had but very few for twelve years past. I have a wife, and eight children; I have great reason to believe they are all the children of God, and believers in the some doctrine with myself. I own a small farm in Low Hampton, N. Y., my family support themselves upon it, and I believe they are esteemed, frugal, temperate, and industrious. They use hospitality without grudging, and never turn a pilgrim from the house, nor the needy from their door. I bless God my family are benevolent and kind to all men who need their sympathy or aid; I have no cares to manage, except my own individual wants; I have no funds or debts due me of any amount; “I owe no man any thing;” I have expended more than 2000 dollars of my property in twelve years, besides what God has given me through the dear friends, in this cause. Yours, respeetfully,HST February 15, 1843, page 173.16
Wm. Miller.
Philadelphia, Feb. 4th, 1844.
The Second Advent.—The N. Y. Journal of Commerce recently announced that Miller had discovered a mistake in his calulation of 1000 years. Having some little knowledge of Wm. Miller, we disbelieved the story, as we know he is not an insane driveller, nor an impostor. We regarded the story of his mistake as a new coined lie, and this impression was correct—the last Signs of the Times publishes the Journal’s announcement under the significant head of “Liars’ Department.”HST February 15, 1843, page 173.17
We would suggest to the editorial scoffers at Miller’s exposition, that they rather overshoot when they manifest so much joy at these reputed errors. They act as tho’ a lie afforded them some relief, and that the discovery of a real mistake would make them half mad for joy! We have not the slightest faith in the Second Advent this year, nor this century, but we would not treat those who profess to have that faith as hypocrites and mad fanatics; nor would we meet their story with falsehood. The date of the Second Advent, if it ever occurs, is undoubtedly hidden from humanity. But to those who regard the Bible as an inspired volume, we would ask, Is not some definite purpose of Deity shadowed forth in those Prophecies with regard to man’s destiny, which is yet unfulfilled?—Will humanity multiply in crime and misery through eternity? The Deity has already interferred in the affairs of the race, and has that interference ceased forever? What is to be the ultimate result of this present species? Taking Nature and the Bible for our premises, we see no way to escape the conclusion that either by natural or supernatural means, some check, suspension, or modification of the race will ultimately occur. Who then shall say when this will or will not occur? Not we.—Granite State Democrat.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.18
Obituary.—Bro. William Rice, of Hartford, Ct. writes that his wife, Mrs. Martha Rice, aged 65, has fallen asleep in Jesus, with the glorious prospect of awakenig on the morning of the resurrection. We have been personally acquainted with her, and have known her a devoted follower of her Master. She was one of the first who embraced the doctrine of the Advent, as taught by Mr. Miller, and will doubtless be remembered by him as one of the first to greet him on his arrival at Hartford, to lecture in that city. She fell asleep firm in the belief that she should slumber in the grave but a little while, and shonld awake in the likeness of her Redeemer, with all the saints. We sympathize with her bereaved husband, but he can truly mourn, yet not as those who are without hope.HST February 15, 1843, page 173.19
From Br. J. S. White
Brother Bliss:—I am somewhat weary in the cause, but not weary of it. I have been trying to preach and lecture, for more than two years, upon the subject of the Second Advent of our Lord, and my soul has been blessed in the work.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.1
According to the notice given in the Times, we commenced a Conference on Dec. 9th, in the Baptist meeting-house, West Wrentham; after two or three days, brethren Billings and Stetson came to our help. The Lord was in our midst. An increase of interest was very manifest every day during the meeting. The church humbled themselves before God—manifested a willingness to hear and believe the whole truth, and labored together for the salvation of souls. Before the meeting closed, their pastor, Br. Boomer, expressed a conviction that the Lord will come this year. This added greatly to the interest of the conference, and before it closed several gave evidence of a change of heart. The work is still going on, to the praise of God, who has abundantly helped this people. This being the church over which I was ordained pastor, and with which I labored in the gospel about four years, it is with no small degree of interest that I contemplate the fact, that not one among about one hundred and fifty is to be found who is opposed to the preaching of the Second Advent. Most of the church believe that the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, to set up his everlasting kingdom, is now nigh at hand; and quite a number of them believe he will come this year. Bless the Lord.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.2
Since the conference, I have lectured in Dover, North Attleboro’, Wrentham Centre, continuing a week in each place, and the Lord has been with us. Br. Billings has been with me, and afforded no small amount of assistance.—We go this week to Cumberland, R. I.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.3
The whole vicinity in this region is moved; some are rejoicing in the Savior, while others are scoffing, and many are inquiring.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.4
Though I devote all my time, I am unable to supply more than one place out of three or four, from which urgent requests came for lectures May the Lord of the harvest raise up and send forth laborers into his harvest: truly, the harvest is great, but the laborers are few.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.5
Truly yours,
North Wrentham, Jan. 16.
Another Case of Insanity Cured
Dear Brother Himes:—I have been informed, by a good and pious person, that more than thirty persons had been made insane at Springfield during the meeting, and taken to the Insane Hospital at Worcester. I inquired after their names and places of residence, as is my practice when I hear such things, but I have not learned the names of any. I have a case near me directly the reverse. I also having noticed in your paper a case, etc.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.6
I send you the account of the case of an individual whose derangement was dissipated under the influence of Second Advent preaching. A gentleman, a friend of mine, had been more than a year in a very gloomy state, lost all interest in business and society, shut up his shop, and, although a member of the church and a devoted christian, gave up almost entirety going to church, and confined himself to his bed for days together; although not wholly incapacitated from going out, his mind was gloomy and desponding; when brother French came here he attended some of his lectures, but was not convinced of the truth of the Second Advent; but when the Tent Meeting was here he attended, and became a believer in the doctrine. Soon after, he opened his store and attended to his business—his despondency all gone—and he confesses the Second Advent doctrine has cured him, and is rejoicing in the hope of the Glory of God, and the speedy appearing of Christ, to take his people home. S.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.7
Albany, Jan. 16, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.8
Will the Rev. N. Colver give us the name and residence of a single person made insane by preaching the Coming of Christ?—He has attempted once, and failed! Is he willing to stand before the world unable to prove his assertions?HST February 15, 1843, page 174.9
Remarks on Revelation 13:11
In reading Mr. Litch upon the prophecies, it appeared to me that he was wrong, in his explanation of Revelation 13:11. “And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake like a dragon.” He thinks this beast applies to Bonaparte, but I send, for his consideration, the opinions of an old man, who died a few years since. As he was not a believer in a temporal millennium, he thought the prophecies were fullfilled, and that we had reason, in his day, to expect the Savior. He said two horns like a lamb had the appearance of true churches, which could be no other than the followers of Luther ond Calvin, as they held to good doctrine; but as the beast spake like a dragon, and exercised all the power of the first beast, it must be all who lord it over the consciences of their fellow-men, claiming power which belongs to Christ alone. The Lutheran princes of Germany, and kings of England, each, claim to be head of the church and every association of men must be anti-christion who pretend to have any authority to make men look up to them, and are called rabbi, when Christ is our only master in religion. Surely these churches, as much as the Roman, have required their mark to sell and buy, and have done great miracles, that is, come so near the truth as to deceive, if possible, the very elect. But as Christ has foretold us all things, we shall escape only by taking heed to his word, aside from the word of man. Again, it is said, Revelation 19:20: “Those who worshipped the image of the beast were cast into the lake of fire.” No man worshipped Bonaparte in religion, but how many have been deceived by the great men of these churches, and though Mr. Miller, in his lectures, advised the people to continue in them, I think he must now see what power they have over men’s consciences, to lull them to sleep, in this alarming hour, and must consider them a part of that Babylon of which the call now is, “Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” It is said, Revelation 16:19: “The great city was divided into three parts.” The christian world is now divided into Roman Catholic, Greek Church and Protestant. The Protestants have been instrumental in spreading the Scriptures, yet it cannot be that a church, which is so honored and respected by man, can be His, “whose kingdom is not of this world.” The inquiry still is, “Have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed on him?” “The common people heard him gladly,” but “not many wise men after the flesh are called.” A.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.10
The Apostles Wisdom vs. Modern Wisdom
“We learn, from the Bangor Whig, that Miller’s doctrine is spreading in that part of Maine rapidly. We cannot conceive what practical benefit Mr. Miller and his disciples expect will result to society from the prevalence of such views. There would seem to be arguments enough in favor of holy living, without resorting to the possibility of the speedy end of the world for motives with which to address men.”—Aurora.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.11
“The eminent Apostle Peter, who learned wisdom of Christ, said, by inspiration, “Seeing, then, THAT ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE DISSOLVED, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?” The Apostle Paul, who finished his education in the third heavens, “reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and a JUDGMENT TO COME.” The same chief apostle wrote to the first church he ever established in Europe, “Our conversation is in heaven, from whence also WE LOOK FOR THE SAVIOR, the Lord Jesus Christ, ... THEREFORE, my brethren, dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, SO STAND FAST IN THE LORD.” See Philippians 3rd and 4th chapters.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.12
To the Thessalonians he writes: The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God.” He continues the subject a few verses, and says: “THEREFORE, let us not sleep as do others, but watch and be sober.”HST February 15, 1843, page 174.13
We come to the conclusion that the inspired apostles had a wisdom not of this world. O that we might have more of it in these last days.—Midnight Cry.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.14
The Great Question
Seems to be rapidly resolving itself into the following inquiry: “Is there a God? ’,HST February 15, 1843, page 174.15
Christians believe there is, and that the Bible is a true and faithful revelation of his will to man.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.16
Worldlings deny this, and take the position that the Bible is a fable, its prophecies moonshine, and Christianity a humbug, got up by designing priests for purposes of self aggrandizement and popular favor.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.17
Christians, including all who are such only by profession, compared with the entire race of men, are few in number, and, owing to the vast multitude of trials, temptations, persecutions and perplexities by which they are surrounded, are, the most devoted of them, but weak in faith, and indifferent laborers in the vineyard of the Lord.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.18
Worldlings, numerically, are as “the sands upon the sea shore, innumerable,” and in adherence to the principles of their faith, and zeal in the cause they advocate, viz: “self” they are unwearied and never tiring. “The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light”HST February 15, 1843, page 174.19
Christians find the fashions, faith, frisndship, maxims, principles, creed and customs of the world all setting, like the current of a resistless, mighty stream, against God and holiness; and so swiftly do these dark-rolling waters rush along, that only those who are so exceedingly happy as to keep their feet firmly placed upon THE ROCK, are preserved from being swept away.HST February 15, 1843, page 174.20
Worldlings do not believe that shipwreck and destruction await them at the end of their voyage. They sail so pleasantly upon the bosom of that deceitful stream, and are so deeply engrossed in the passing objects and incidents, that the warning voice of those they meet, breasting its power with all their might, and who assure them, in the most solemn manner, that destruction is at the end, is totally unheeded, and regarded as an idle tale.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.1
Many Christians who have been swept so far down in that stream that they have become convinced that the Bible chart of its dangers is a true one, are now tacking ship instantly, and making signals for the GREAT PILOT, without whose aid they would forever despair of reaching the haven of rest.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.2
World ngs are weak enough to say in their hearts with the fool, “There is no God!” They affect to despise the idea of danger; and because judgment is not speedily executed upon them, “therefore their hearts are fully set in them to do evil.”HST February 15, 1843, page 175.3
Worldlings say the earth will never be destroyed, for they can prove the eternal duration of matter.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.4
Christians admit the future eternal existence of the earth; but that is to be beautified and made glorious, and become the everlasting habitation of the righteous; and there are not a few who believe that the wicked will be rooted out of it THIS YEAR.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.5
Worldlings disbelieve this momentous truth, because they have not, and will not, study the chart which describes the inevitable perils to which they are exposed.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.6
Christians can do nothing more than to keep on their course up stream, and point every one they meet to that experienced and Almighty Pilot, who never lost a snip entrusted to his care, and to whom, we have the strongest reasons to believe, every seaman upon the waters of Time must render a strict account of both his craft and cargo in 1843!—Midnight Cry.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.7
Extract from Letter of Eli W. Goff
Dear Brother Himes:—Brother Prosper Powell, from Palmer, Mass., has been lecturing here for about ten days. It is thought, on inquiry, that when he commenced there were not to exceed five Second Advent believers, in the sense we use the term in this large and intelligent town. The meeting was in the large Meeting-house. Their pastor, Br. Alvah Sabine, returned home from Montpelier after the meeting had been held about one week; on stepping out of the stage, and learning what the Lord was doing in the place, among the people of his charge, he came immediately into the meeting, and commenced with the exercises of the forenoon; and although all was silent as the house of death, yet when he arose it seemed to us, while we gazed, first upon him, and then upon the large assembly, the man was perfectly overwhelmed, to see the great change in the expression of every countenance—so much so, it was with difficulty that he spoke at all; and it was truly affecting to us all, to see venerable fathers confessing to their minister—children confessing to parents, and parents to children; and, finally, I believe it is universally acknowledge that Georgia has not witnessed such a scene for these many years, and all acknowledged the Midnight Cry to be instrumental in producing this mighty work; and we are all looking for many Second Advent believers, from the labors of Br. Powell in this place. In conclusion, permit me to say, I enrol myself as a firm Second Advent believer in 1843—and the Lord of Hosts be my helper. I am determined to sound, “Behold he cometh,” to the extent of my ability.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.8
Respectfully yours, in Gospel bonds,HST February 15, 1843, page 175.9
Georgia, Vt., Jan. 16, 1843.
Letter from Br. George Peirce
Brother Himes:—Thinking it would be gratifying to the friends of the Second Advent to hear of the blessed result of the Camp Meeting in Salem, I send you an account of the same. The meeting was held from the 6th to the 14th of October, and it being a novel thing, thousands were induced to go, that were opposed to the doctrine there taught; but the Lord sent home the truth to the hearts of many, that are now rejoicing in the Lord. Immediately after the meeting, a. revival commenced in the two Baptist and Methodist churches, and I should think one half the converts, at least, dated their awakening from something they heard on the camp ground.—The Methodist minister became a convert to the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming, and, as soon as the meetings were over, had his meeting-house open for lectures, and a weekly Advent prayer meeting established. Rev. Silas Hawley, of New-Bedford, commenced a course of lectures in the Mechanics’ Hall, on the 10th of January, which were listened to with intense interest. It was judged that about twenty-five hundred had the privilege of hearing, and many that were anxious to hear were obliged to go away for want of room. These lectures have had a powerful effect upon the minds of the people. The whole community are awake upon the subject, and the prospect is, that a glorious harvest will be the result of the preaching Christ’s coming, and a preparation for that event.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.10
The blessed effects of the Camp Meeting was not confined to Salem, but was felt in Danvers, Marblehead, and all the region round about.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.11
N. B.—Br. Hawley preached, while here, twice in the 2nd Baptist house; also in Howard street, (orthodox); Herbert street, (seaman); and the Methodist housesHST February 15, 1843, page 175.12
Yours, in hope of Christ’s speedy coming.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.13
Salem, Mass. Jan. 27, 1843.
The Scoffer At The Ark
Brother Himes,—The following extract is taken from an old Magazine. Should you think it calculated to benefit the numerous readers of your invaluable little sheet, you will confer a favor on one, who, like the builder of the ark, in olden times, is making ready to step on board of Zion’s ship, and launch away to the port of eternal blessedness. S. S. Brewer.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.14
Brooklyn, December 6, 1842.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.15
A short time since, little else was talked of but the late destructive flood. When two friends happened to meet, instead of the usual remark upon the mildness or roughness of the weather, the first observation was,—“The river was still rising, or beginning to subside.” I happened to be in company at a friend’s house, when the waters were still out, and questions, and anecdotes, and arguments, and exclamations of wonder and pity were echoing from all corners of the room.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.16
After retiring to rest, I dreamed—and it will not be though surprising that my dream took its form and color from those sad events of which I had been listening the instant before. I saw before me an ancient man, who hardly looked like an inhabitant of this world. The undressed skin of some wild animal was his only garment, while his shaggy beard and locks were so drenched and dripping that he might well be taken for a type of those departed ones whom the sea will deliver up at the sound of the last trumpet. His countenance was not pleasing, and there was a ghastly expression in his sunken eye that looked like the index to some fearful tale of guilt and punishment. As he gazed upon the waters, which had now overspread the low country, and were risen nearly to a level with the tops of several houses, I observed a slight convulsion of his frame, and could distinguish a suppressed groan, which seemed to imply that some terrible recollections were brought up by the sight. My curiosity now overcame the alarm which I felt at the first appearance of this strange visitor, and I ventured to ask who he was? Fixing upon me a look which chilled my very soul, he began as follows: “I am one of those unhappy beings who perished above four thousand years ago in the general deluge. Of the cause of that deluge, and the principal circumstances attending it, those who have read the Bible cannot be ignorant. You are aware, doubtless, that the wickedness of men had become so great that the Lord repented of having made him, and resolved to destroy him from the earth; only pious Noah was excepted from the sentence of destruction I hardly need remind you that he was commanded to build an ark—a large covered vessel, which had rooms in it, in which he and his family were to be preserved when the flood was upon the earth. He was employed a hundred years in making this vessel, and during all this time he never ceased declaring to us the purpose for which it was building, and beseeching us, even with tears, to ‘flee from the wrath to come.’ You will readily suppose that so strange an undertaking could not but engage our attention; indeed, numbers of us were hired to assist in the work. Yet, instead of giving heed to the great man’s councel, and forsaking our evil ways, we reckoned him no better than a crack-brained enthusiast, and laughed at the idea of a flood. Time stole on, and the ark, which had been so long in hand, was now finished. I can well rememder going up to the venerable prophet, along with a troop of roaring reprobates like myself, and begging, with an insolent sneer, to fix an early day for launching his ark, as I was tired of waiting. ‘Alas,’ he replied, with a look of serious compassion that abashed me, hardened as I was, ‘the day will come too soon, as you will discover too late.’ We returned home, and spent n the evening in riotous feasting, and making game of the crazy preacher, and thanking our stars that we were not going to be cooped up in this dismal ark.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.17
About the middle of that very night a heavy rain came on, but we thought nothing of it. It continued though the next day pouring down in torrents. The rivers were already swollen almost to overflowing, and some uneasy suspicious forced themselves into my mind. But I was ashamed to own them even to myself, and rallied my wife with some tartness, when she exclaimed with an affrighted look, as if anxious to get at my thoughts, ‘What if the threatened flood be coming?’ Nevertheless, when the rain continued with unabated violence—when the channels of the rivers were no longer to be seen, and the very sea seemed rolling itself from out of its deep bed upon the land, my heart sank within me. Our dwelling stood on high ground, and by that advantage continued dry long after a number of houses about me were under water. Yet I could mark the progress of the deluge as it gained upon us, foot after foot, I felt an anguish which it was no longer in my power to conceal. Every minute our ears were assailed with the groans and shrieks of drowning neighbors, and their corpses were seen floating before our door. At length the increasing waters washed us out of our house, and, followed by my weeping family, I mounted the hill near the top of which our house was built. There I stood, one moment with my eyes fixed and hands closed, motionless as the dead—the next moment, crying like a child, or raving like a mad-man. Then again I tried to persuade myself that the waters would retreat before they had overflowed my last shelter. Wretch that I was, not to spend this last remnant of my days, imploring grace and mercy of that God who can give repentance at the latest hour. Before another morning, my wife and children had been swept away, one after another, and perished before my eyes.HST February 15, 1843, page 175.18
At a last effort for life—for though I no longer valued life, yet I feared to die—I climbed a lofty tree, and now, as I gazed wildly on the waters, there caught my eye something of an uncommon shape floating upon them at some distance. It glided gently on, and as it came full in sight, I perceived it to be that very ark at which I had so often scoffed. Oh, what would I have given for a place within it: It continued to approach, and I beckoned and shouted and wrung my hands, conjuring Noah to open the door and let me in. Alas, I knew not that the door had been shut by God himself; and could be opened by him only. The ark was now within a few yards of the tree on which I was, and I could distinguish the venerable prophet at the window mournfully shaking his head, with a tear trickled down his cheek, and pointing upward with his finger. The agony of my soul would not allow me to understand those signs, and I ventured a desperate leap, in hopes of clinging to the side of the ark, but failing in the attempt, I sunk into the great deep, never to rise again. And then I remembered—‘to late.” Such a dismal groan seemed to break from him, as awoke me with a sudden start.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.1
Special Notice
Our Patrons and Correspondents, will be particular hereafter in all their communications for the Signs of the Times, or Second Advent publications, to direct to Joshua V. Himes, Boston, Ms. All remittances for publications should also be sent to the same direction. We make this request because some communications have been sent to other persons, who are not connected with my office, and have thereby been lost.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.2
Faithful and Christian men are placed in the office, who will attend to all letters and communications, for the “Signs of the Times,” and publicatious in general.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.3
Bro. Sylvester Bliss, has the charge of the paper in my absence, and will be in attendance at the office, to answer questions, and impart any instruction desired by strangers, on the subject of the Advent.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.4
Brother John Kilton, has the charge of the Office and publications, in my absence, to whom remittances may be made, or publications obtained.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.5
Persons sending money by mail, or any communication for us, will direct as above, to J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass. Persons calling at the office in my absence, will inquire for Mr. Kilton, or Bliss, as above, who alone are authorized to receive money, or transact the business of the office in my absence.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.6
I have also recalled all travelling agents, and from this date, wish those who are indebted to me, to settle their accounts at the office in Boston. This will save much expense.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.7
What I have in outstanding debts, belongs to the cause of God; I wish therefore to appropriate it in the wisest and best manner for the advancement of this cause.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.8
My opponents have accused me of wasting my Lord’s goods, by extravagance in living, etc. If this were true, I should be the vilest man living. But I have aimed at economy, and made the best use of all that has been placed in my hands by my own industry, or otherwise. The charge of extravagance, is utterly false, as all who are acquainted with me know. But I will not defend myself against those who for the want of argument, accuse me of “bad motives,” “speculation,” etc.—I expect in a short time, to answer to the “Judge of all the earth, who will do right.” To that judgment, I make my appeal once for all. Joshua V. Himes.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.9
Boston, 14 Devonshire St. Jan. 26, 1843.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.10
from post masters
Rec’d up to Feb. 11, 1843. Danville, N H; So Strafford, Vt; Geneseo, N Y; No Springfield, Vt; New Ipswich, N H; Prospect, Me; Kennebunk, Me; Gardiner, Me; Monroe, Me; Richmond, R I; New Bedford, Ms; Mendon, N Y; P M Perrington; Orleans, Ms (all right); Port Washington; Williamsburgh, Ms; Gardner, S C; Laneville, III; Colerain, Ms; Ticonderoga, N Y; Nolensville, Tenn; Perry, Wyoming Co N Y; Willoughby Lake, O.—books sent; No Situate, R I; Racine, Wisconsin Ter; Johnstown, N Y; Williamantic, Ct; Charlotte, Vt; E Medway, Ms; E Falmouth, Ms; Falmouth, Ms; Burlington, Vt; Massena, N Y; Bath, N H; Orleans, Ms; Westford, Ct; Wadleys Falls, N H; Bennington, O; umberland Hill, R I; Huntsville, Pa; Hermon, Me: No Marlboro, Vt; Lincolnsville, Me; Jonesboro, Va; Brooklyn, Vt; Hodgedons Mills; Mason, N H; E Whateley, Vt; W Northwood, N H; Morristown, Vt; Blooming Valley, Pa; Coles Mills, la; Northfield, Ms; S Westerloo, N Y; Haleysburg, Va; Steuben, Me; Sandwich Hinckley, $2; Sandy Hill, N Y; Royslton, Vt; Bethany, Va; Litchfield, Mich; Guy Mills, Va; Woodstock, Vt; E Greenwich, R I; Strafford Corner, N H; Springfield, Ms; Palmer Depot, Me; W Springfield, N H; Claremont, N H $2; Pembroke, Ms $1; Wales, Me; S Newmarket. N H; Exeter, Me $2, C. Miss.; Braintree, Vt; Z R Hanover; Manchester, N H; Morvern, N C; Westerville, O; Hudson, N Y; Providence, R I; Mattapeisett, Ms; Three Rivers, Ms; Detroit, Mich; Claremont, N H $1; Norwich, Ct; Weybridge, Vt; Braintree, Vt; Ballston, N Y; Warsaw, N Y; Salisbury, N H; (Rev. of Colver not ready when you sent,) Hartford, Ct; Augusta, N J $1; Mansfield, Ct.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.11
L B Colles; J D Johnson, $50 Jan. 4, $25 now; Jacob Western; G S Miles, $25; A subscriber, Providence, R I; D Small; H Roby; S P Bickford; T M Preble; T D Marsh, $15; Amos Fox: Jacob Weston; T L Tullock; E T W Ison; E Ellis, $30, (credited in Oct. account about balanced,) R. E. B. Ware, Ms; Lewis Wiswell, $10; A B Huntington; H Burr; “Truth;” N Ipswich; R E Ladd, $20; J King; C D Hampton, (send by mail $1) J P Jewett, $2; W F W Owen; C E Spring; J Goodwing; G D Stacey; B H Carter; J W Person; L Lovewell; Henry Flagg, $1; H K Griggs; T L Tullock; N Mason; Sub S T; D Willis; A Kidder; G Atkinson; H Adams; R Thayer; I H Shipman, $50; A Clapp, (too late!) J Turner, E G Allen, (too late!) W W Buck; J B Hathaway; A M Averill; W Glenson; E H Pratt; W H Ireland; J Hamilton; L B Ricker; J Weston, (chart sent;) E Andrews; G May; A Friend, $5, (Leominster;) S Palmer, $28; W Rice; J H Race; Wm Bannon; L Perry, Perry’s Mills, ($2 before paid;) W M Ingham; J L Pratt; J W Mardin; A R Brown, (bundle;) C Wines, check; R Renfrew; H Shipman, $10; J S White; Safford & Prall; D Burgess, check, $34; L Thummelshine. W D Tuller, T K Rawson.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.12
Bundles Sent
Box W D Tuller, care Patten & Co. Utica, N Y; D Burgess, Hartford, Ct; L B Colles, Lowell, Ms; A Lyman, P M, Braintree, Vt; A M Averill, Mattapoisett, Ms; J Weston, N Ipswich, N H; S Whitney, Woodstock, Vt; G S Miles, Albany, N Y: E Hale, Jr., Haverhill, Mass; Duren & Thatcher, Bangor, Me; E T Willson, Nantucket, Ms; J V Himes, 36, Park Row, N Y; E Hale, Jr., care of J Litch, 40 Arcade, Philad. box and bundle; H Thorne, Albany, N Y; box Rev J Litch, 40 Arcade, Philad. R Roberts, W Newfield, Me? 1 box I H Shipman, Linden Centre, Vt; Amos Kidder, N Alslead, N H; B Irish, N Bedford, Ms; W Gleason, Barnet, Vt; Barber, So Hadley canal, Ms; L B Ricker, Bangor; D Willis, Clarence, N Y; E Andrews, Canaan Depot, Ct; 36 Park Row, N Y; I H Race, Berlin, Ct.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.13
Notice. All orders executed promptly, when we have the books on hand. Office Agent.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.14
The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.15
The following Nos. comprise the Library.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.16
1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.17
2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 l-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.18
3. Exposition of 24th of Matt, and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.19
4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.20
5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.21
6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.22
7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.23
8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.24
9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.25
10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.26
11. Refutation of “Dowing’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.27
23. The “Midnight Cry.” By L. D. Fleming. 12 1-2HST February 15, 1843, page 176.28
11. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End noi Yet.”—10 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.29
14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.30
15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.31
16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.32
17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.33
18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.34
19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol I. 31 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.35
20, “ ” “ ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.36
21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.37
22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.38
Notice is hereby given that WM. H. PEYTON is no longer an Agent of mine, and no money will be paid to him on my account for Second Advent Publications, or the Signs of the Times, after this date, & all commission given him to collect is hereby revokedHST February 15, 1843, page 176.39
Boston, Jan. 27th, 1843. J. V. HIMES.HST February 15, 1843, page 176.40