- Preface
- Ambassadors for Christ
- Consecration to the Work
- The Need of Preaching Christ
- Labor in New Fields
- Pastoral Labor
- Faithfulness in Reproving Sin
- Compassion for the Erring
- Decision and Promptness in the Work of God
- Thoroughness in the Work
- Division of Labor
- A Personal Faith in Christ Our Greatest Need
- Meditation and Prayer
- Answers to Prayer
- The Cause of Doubts
- Danger in Cherishing Doubts
- The Importance of Bible Study
- How Shall We Search the Scriptures?
- Examination for the Ministry
- Young Ministers
- Manner of Speaking
- Danger in Overwork
- Order and Discipline
- Carefulness in Dress
- Physical Labor and Mental Activity
- Our Duty to Preserve Health
- Discussions Not to be Sought
- Engaging in Secular Business
- Proper Remuneration for Ministers
- Danger in Self-Confidence
- Respect for the Sabbath
- The Minister's Wife
- Labor at Camp-Meetings
- Popular Holiness Meetings
- Business Meetings
- Co-Operation Among the Churches
- Education for the Missionary Work
- Young Men as Missionaries
- Methods of Labor
- Christ Our Source of Strength
- Love is Power
- No Respect of Persons With God
- Christ's Example a Rebuke to Bigotry and Exclusiveness
- The Danger of Formalism
- Personal Effort
- Bible Readings with Families
- The Work of the Colporteur
- Importance of the Canvassing Work
- Cautions to Canvassers
- Economy in Mission Work
- Encouraging Words to the Workers
- Christ Our Righteousness
- Christian Deportment and Influence
- Trust in God
- Effectual Prayer
- Are We in the Faith?
- Christ's Followers the Light of the World
- Courage in the Lord
- Love Among Brethren
- Humility and Faithfulness in Laborers
- Diligence and Consecration Needed
- Our Mighty Helper
- Consistency in the Christian Life
- Duties and Privileges of the Christian Laborer
“Come, O my soul, to Calvary.”
Mark the humble life of the Son of God. He was a “man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Behold his ignominy, his agony in Gethsemane, and learn what self-denial is. Are we suffering want? so was Christ, the Majesty of heaven; but his poverty was for our sake. Are we ranked among the rich? so was he; but he consented for our sake to become poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich. In Christ we have self-denial exemplified. His sacrifice consisted not merely in leaving the royal courts of heaven, in being tried by wicked men as a criminal and pronounced guilty, and in being delivered up to die as a malefactor; but in bearing the weight of the sins of the world. The life of Christ rebukes our indifference and coldness. We are near the close of time, when Satan has come down, having great wrath, knowing that his time is short. He is working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. The warfare has been left in our hands by our great Leader for us to carry forward with vigor. We are not doing a twentieth part of what we might do if we were awake. The work is retarded by love of ease, and a lack of the self-denying spirit of which our Saviour has given us an example in his life,—Testimonies for the Church 3:406.GW92 69.2