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    Remarks of Mrs. E. G. White Regarding Aggressive Moves at Loma Linda

    (Thursday afternoon, April 20, 1911, there was held in the Loma Linda chapel a council meeting to consider the opportunity that had just been presented to purchase from Mr. Kelly a tract of land west of pepper drive and south of colton avenue, consisting of about eighty-seven acres. After very brief remarks about the vine and the branches, and the benefits resulting from the disciplinary process of pruning, sister White spoke of various phases of the work.)SpTB17b 8.1

    “Today with Sister McEnterfer, and again with my son, I rode around the Loma Linda grounds.... As I looked over the place more thoroughly than ever before, and saw the grounds, the drives, and the cottages that were standing before we came here, I felt gratitude in my heart toward God, that through His providence we had been brought into possession of Loma Linda. I felt thankful also to see the improvements that have been made since we have had the place. And I thought how important it is that we make every move in accordance with the will of God.SpTB17b 8.2

    “As the Lord prospers us, we should manifest our gratitude by a willingness to advance. We should see the advantage of adding to that which we already have. I feel a burden regarding the danger of letting anybody come into the neighborhood to spoil the place.SpTB17b 8.3

    “There is a piece of land across the railroad, lying next to a piece already purchased, which should be secured. One day we drove over it, and all around it. We wanted to see all about it. And I am sure from the representations that have been made to me, that this piece of land ought to come into our possession. If you are wise, the next time I come here, you will have that land. I will try to help you all I can. Let us work intelligently.SpTB17b 8.4

    “There are several reasons why you should have this land. You need the produce from it for your cattle to subsist upon; this piece is close at hand, and joins that which you already have.SpTB17b 9.1

    “Here we have our school, and here many important interests are centered. We must not permit elements to come in that will tend to hinder and retard the work. It will be pleasing to the Lord if we keep our eyes wide open, and are fully awake, ready to take advantage of every circumstance that will place us in right relation to the work we have to do. It would be a grievous error for us to allow to pass an opportunity to secure this property, for we might never again have such an opportunity. I advise you to secure it before it becomes so expensive that you could not afford to buy it.SpTB17b 9.2

    “There is danger of our becoming too narrow. These many little houses close together across the railroad do not look well. If we can get land, and have room, so as not to build any more in that way, it will be better.SpTB17b 9.3

    “You need the land, and it will be a matter of regret by and by if it is not secured. Do not make any delay to take steps that will prevent its being taken up by those who would plan for unbelievers to crowd into it. We should keep them out. If we do this, we shall have reason to rejoice.SpTB17b 9.4

    “The Lord is well pleased with what you have already done here at Loma Linda. When one sees the prosperity that has attended the work, and the spirit of consecration that prevails, the conviction deepens that you are working in harmony with God.SpTB17b 9.5

    “I desire that all the work of this place shall be a correct representation of what our health institutions should be. Let everything that we lay our hands to, show the result of the moving of the Spirit of God upon the human heart. This will be evidence that we have the higher education. Workers whose hearts are in obedience to the movings of the Spirit of God, will make this place what God desires it to be. I am surprised, happily surprised, to see everything looking so well. It is beyond my expectations. And now let everyone strive to keep it so, and labor for improvement.SpTB17b 10.1

    “I am highly gratified as I look upon the land we already have. This will be one of the greatest blessings to us in the future—one that we do not fully appreciate now, but which we shall appreciate by and by. I hope that you will get the other land that I have spoken of, and join it to that which you already have. It will pay you to do this. As I have carried the burden of this place from the very beginning, I wanted to say this much to you. Now I leave the matter with you; and let us work in harmony.SpTB17b 10.2

    “If your will is united with Jesus Christ, we shall see the work of God advance steadily in this place. It will reach to Riverside; it will reach to other places that are all around. There is a work to be done in many little settlements round about here. There is no virtue in settling down in one place, and spending all your time and energies there. There are many towns and settlements where earnest work needs to be done for the saving of souls. You are to have an arm of strength in all these places. The word comes to you: Be wise; be vigilant.SpTB17b 10.3

    “We should feel a deep interest in those souls who are brought into connection with us. We are to labor for them, leaving unused no means that God has put in His world for our use in the behalf of others. It was thus that Christ labored. Going from place to place, He preached the precious gospel, sowing the seeds of truth in the hearts of the men and women who would listen to His testimony. And He wants every soul of us to appreciate the work that He has given us, and the example He has set.SpTB17b 11.1

    “I am glad there are sensible men and women here. I am pleased that there is a strong force of physicians and teachers. And I want to say to you all: Work in harmony. ‘I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.’ The Lord wants you to do this, and I believe you will.... We need to draw steadily with Christ, and to labor to glorify His holy name. And the responsible men and women in this place should give thanks to God for His manifold mercies. But do not complain or indulge in criticism, because this is all out of place. It will spoil the work.SpTB17b 11.2

    “There are some who feel that if there is prosperity here it will be necessary to get up some amusement. Let us not cherish such thoughts as this. Rather let the people see that you have a mind for usefulness and duty, and that to the saving of the soul. The amusements that consume time, just to gratify self, do not pay.SpTB17b 11.3

    “I have felt so thankful regarding the improvements that I see here. God has prospered you, and He will continue to prosper. And we must give ourselves to the education of those who do not appreciate these things. We must keep it before them in the living light. Regarding the securing of means for the development of the work, you must exercise that living faith that takes hold from above. Some here know what a battle we had in order to secure harmonious action; and we thank the Lord that when the enemy comes in like a flood, then the Spirit of the Lord lifts up for us a standard against the enemy.”SpTB17b 12.1


    In a letter written April 30, 1911, Sister White wrote regarding the purchase of the land at Loma Linda as follows:SpTB17b 13.1

    “My mind is settled in regard to the purchase of the land in front of the Loma Linda Sanitarium. We must have that piece of land. I will pledge myself to be depended on for one thousand dollars. I hope to be favored with an opportunity to hire some money soon; but I shall not worry in regard to this, or I shall not be able to do anything. The effort of speaking on Sabbath and of reading my letters today is all that I have been able to do to the present time. But as soon as I can I will make some movement concerning the raising of the one thousand dollars. The piece of land we must have; for it will never do to have buildings crowded in there. Do not fail to carry through the purchase of it. Do your best, and I will do my best. The money from me you may depend upon. We shall be able to send it soon.”SpTB17b 13.2

    And again:SpTB17b 14.1

    “Sanitarium, Cal.,

    “May 18, 1911.

    “Dear Brother,

    “The money which I pledged to help purchase the eighty-five acres will be sent without fail. Please let me know if a couple of weeks’ delay will trouble you seriously. I am truly glad that I gave my promise to help to purchase this land, under the influence of the Spirit of God. I felt that the land must be secured; otherwise that we should have reason to regret that we did not obtain it.”SpTB17b 14.2

    Still later, on June 7, she wrote:SpTB17b 14.3

    “Dear Brother and Sister Burden,

    “I want to say to you both that I am thankful I was moved to speak as I did concerning the piece of land in front of the Loma Linda Sanitarium. I was urged by the Spirit of God to make the pledge of one thousand dollars; and I did so, hoping that others, who were better able to advance means than I, would follow my example. I dared not leave the meeting without following the conviction I had; and now I feel that I have done my duty, showing my faith by my works.SpTB17b 14.4

    “I am glad that we were able to send you my part of the first payment a few days ago.SpTB17b 14.5

    “I would like to inquire what progress has been made in the raising of the means for the purchase of the land. My investment was not made in order to lessen the responsibility of others who should help. Do what you can to encourage those who have money that they can use in the cause, to use it wisely and not let it slip away into speculation. Secure pledges from those who have not the money in sight. We need special wisdom to move out at the right time. I thank the Lord that He encouraged me to walk by faith, and I pray that He will help you to show others their privilege in this matter.SpTB17b 14.6

    “True faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Thus far the Lord has led us as we have moved under the guidance of His Spirit. He will continue to work for us if we are careful to follow the counsel He gives.”SpTB17b 15.1

    “Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. Let us seek to understand the scope of the work to be done in our sanitariums for the saving of the souls and the healing of the bodies of those who come to us for relief. My soul is drawn out to encourage men and women to see in Christ the great Physician. If they will be drawn to Him, He will be their Helper. He understands their every need. He stands ready to heal both body and soul. Let physicians and nurses learn to tell of the One who has power and who is willing to do a marvelous work for human beings. Talk of His love; tell of His power to save every sinful soul who will cast himself upon Christ's merits. His power will save to the uttermost all who truly accept Him.SpTB17b 15.2

    “I am glad that your wife is whole-heartedly united with you in the work. Let her stand by you to give help and encouragement.SpTB17b 15.3

    “I have written to you the instruction that has been given me regarding the special work to be done by the lady physicians in our sanitariums. It is the Lord's plan that men shall be trained to treat men, and women trained to treat women. In the confinement of women, midwives should take the responsibility of the case. In Bible times it was not considered a proper thing for men to act in this capacity; and it is not the will of God that men should do this work today. Very much evil has resulted from the practice of men treating women, and women treating men. It is a practice according to human devising, and not according to God's plan. Long has the evil been left to grow, but now we lift our voice in protest against that which is displeasing to God.”SpTB17b 15.4


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