- Preface
- Young Men in the Ministry
- Canvassing as an Education For the Ministry
- Bible Study Necessary to Efficiency
- Young Ministers to Labor with Older Ministers
- For Further Study
- The Good Shepherd
- The Shepherd's Work
- Bible-Readings with Families
- The Minister's Wife
- Teaching the People to Be Liberal
- The Influence of Diet Upon Health
- Ministers to Teach Health Reform
- How to Present the Principles of Health Reform
- The Minister and Manual Work
- Danger from Overwork
- For Further Study
- The City Mission Training-School
- Thoroughness
- Discussions not to be Sought
- Defective Methods
- Religious Liberty
- Work for the Jews
- Less Preaching, More Teaching
- Sowing and Reaping
- For Further Study
For Further Study
The Danger of Rejecting Light
Testimonies for the Church 2:694, 695.
Testimonies for the Church 5:144.
Testimonies for the Church 8:192-194.
The Desire of Ages, 322, 489, 490, 580-588.
Early Writings, 61-64.
A Warning Against False Teaching
Testimonies for the Church 9:67-68.
Early Writings, 100-102, 123-125, 258-261.
Education, 230, 231.
Christ's Object Lessons, 39-40.
The Ministry of Healing, 427-438.
The Acts of the Apostles, 319-321, 383-388, 473-475, 502, 503, 535, 536, 553-556, 580, 581.
Sound Doctrine
Testimonies for the Church 8:279, 290-304, 309-311.
Testimonies for the Church 9:67-69.
The Desire of Ages, 827.
The Acts of the Apostles, 473-475, 502-508, 553-556.
Testimonies for the Church 1:228-232.
Testimonies for the Church 2:553, 557.
Testimonies for the Church 3:315-316.
Testimonies for the Church 5:305, 306, 647, 649.
Testimonies for the Church 8:292, 293.
The Acts of the Apostles, 347-348.
Testimonies for the Church 1:661-628.
Testimonies for the Church 2:307, 308, 320-327, 449-459, 464.
Testimonies for the Church 4:608.
Testimonies for the Church 5:214, 219.
The Ministry of Healing, 150, 151.
Christ's Object Lessons, 150-163.
Words of Caution
Testimonies for the Church 2:134, 220.
Testimonies for the Church 3:424-428, 461-463, 570, 575.
Testimonies for the Church 4:262, 263.
Testimonies for the Church 6:120-123.
Testimonies for the Church 7:150-158.
Testimonies for the Church 9:147-149.
No Respect of Persons with God
Testimonies for the Church 9:116-124, 204-226.
The Ministry of Healing, 17-50, 150-160.
The Desire of Ages, 497-505.
Christ's Object Lessons, 376-389.
Testimonies for the Church 8:308.
The Desire of Ages, 144-153.
Ministers and Commercial Business
Testimonies for the Church 2:507, 541, 549, 621-627, 645, 646.
Testimonies for the Church 5:530, 532.