- Chapter 1—Our Bodies, Temples of the Holy Ghost
- Chapter 2—Duty to Study the Laws of Life
- Chapter 3—The Great Decalogue
- Chapter 4—Natural Law Part of the Law of God
- Chapter 5—Blessings from Obeying Natural Law
- Chapter 6—The Consequence of Violating Natural Law
- Chapter 7—Natural Law; How Violated
- Chapter 8—Health
- Chapter 11—Disease and Providence
- Chapter 12—The Influence of Disease Upon the Mind and Morals
- Chapter 13—Heredity
- Chapter 15—Resistance Against Disease
- Chapter 16—Ventilation
- Chapter 17—Appetite
- Chapter 20—Stimulants
- Chapter 23—Manual Training
- Chapter 30—Auto-Intoxication, or Self-Poisoning
- Chapter 31—Colds
- Chapter 35—Prayer for the Sick
- Chapter 36—Drugs
- Chapter 37—The Missionary Nurse
- Chapter 38—Medical Students
- Chapter 39—The Missionary Physician
- Chapter 40—Medical Missionary Work
- Chapter 41—Christian Help Work
- Chapter 42—Lessons from the Experience of the Children of Israel
- Chapter 43—God in Nature
- Chapter 44—The Spirit-Filled Life
Chapter 31—Colds
Causes of Colds
892. Many labor under the mistaken idea that if they have taken cold, they must carefully exclude the outside air, and increase the temperature of their room until it is excessively hot. The system may be deranged, the pores closed by waste matter, and the internal organs suffering more or less inflammation, because the blood has been chilled back from the surface and thrown upon them.—Testimonies for the Church 2:530.HL 208.1
893. The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: ... The body becomes relaxed; the skin becomes sallow; digestion is retarded, and the system is peculiarly sensitive to the influence of cold. A slight exposure produces serious diseases. Great care should be exercised not to sit in a draught or in a cold room when weary, or when in a perspiration.—Testimonies for the Church 1:702.HL 208.2
894. If the child has taken cold, it is generally due to the wrong management of the mother. If its head is covered as well as its body while sleeping, in a short time it will be in a perspiration, caused by labored breathing, because of the lack of pure, vital air. When it is taken from beneath the covering, it is almost sure to take cold. The arms’ being naked exposes the infant to constant cold, and congestion of the lungs or brain. These exposures prepare the way for the infant to become sickly and dwarfed.—How to Live 5:71.HL 208.3
895. When we overtax our strength, and become exhausted, we are liable to take cold, and at such times there is danger of disease's assuming a dangerous form.—Testimonies for the Church 3:13.HL 209.1
896. When the extremities, which are remote from the vital organs, are not properly clad, the blood is driven to the head, causing headache or nosebleed; or there is a sense of fulness about the chest, producing cough or palpitation of the heart, on account of too much blood in that locality.—Testimonies for the Church 2:531.HL 209.2
897. An abundance of clothing about the chest, where is the great wheel of life, induces the blood to the lungs and brain, and produces congestion.—The Health Reformer, April 1, 1872.HL 209.3
898. A dress thus long gathers dew from the grass, ... and in its bedraggled condition it comes in contact with the sensitive ankles, which are not sufficiently protected, quickly chilling them, and is one of the greatest causes of catarrh and of scrofulous swelling, and endangers of health and life.—How to Live 6:62.HL 209.4
899. Drug takers are never well. They are always taking cold, which causes extreme suffering, because of the poison all through their system.—Spiritual Gifts Volume 4a, 137.HL 209.5
Helpful Hints Concerning Colds
900. At this time, of all others, the lungs should not be deprived of pure, fresh air. If pure air is ever necessary, it is when any part of the system, as the lungs or stomach, is diseased. Judicious exercise would induce the blood to the surface, and thus relieve the internal organs. Brisk, yet not violent, exercise in the open air, with cheerfulness of spirits, will promote the circulation, giving a healthy glow to the skin, and sending the blood, vitalized by the pure air, to the extremities.—Testimonies for the Church 2:530.HL 209.6
901. Bring to your aid the power of the will, which will resist cold, and will give energy to the nervous system.—Testimonies for the Church 2:533.HL 210.1
902. Instead of increasing the liability to cold, a bath, properly taken, fortifies against cold, because the circulation is improved, ... for the blood is brought to the surface, and a more easy and regular flow of blood through all the blood-vessels is obtained.—Testimonies for the Church 3:71.HL 210.2
903. Morning exercise, in walking in the free invigorating air of heaven, ... is the surest safe-guard against colds, coughs, congestions of the brain and lungs, ... and a hundred other diseases.—The Health Reformer, May 1, 1872.HL 210.3
904. Twice a week she should take a general bath, as cool as will be agreeable, a little cooler every time, until the skin is toned up.—Testimonies for the Church 1:702.HL 210.4