The world's need of the last gospel message calls for thousands of well-trained evangelists. And a study of the prophecies shows that the time to work is short. Therefore we have a double reason for prayer that the Lord of the harvest shall send forth many laborers into the harvest.SpTB08 2.1
A study of the following pages containing selections from the many messages of encouragement and counsel sent to individuals, churches, and conferences during recent years will lead, we trust, to a clearer sense of our responsibility in the matter of strengthening the institutions which are to be largely instrumental in the training of workers.SpTB08 2.2
We are mailing this tract to all Seventh-day Adventist ministers whose addresses we have. Any one who is overlooked or missed may secure a copy by writing to his conference secretary.SpTB08 2.3
Others who desire copies will be supplied from our publishing houses or state book depositories. Prices, five cents each; three cents each in lots of twenty-five.SpTB08 2.4