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Manuscript Releases, vol. 13 [Nos. 1000-1080] - Contents
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    MR No. 1054—Need of Time for Rest and Prayer

    (Written June 3, 1902, from Elmshaven, Sanitarium, California, to G. I. Butler and “the Burden-bearers in the Southern Field)

    Workers for God will meet with turmoil, discomfort, and weariness. At times, uncertain and distracted, the heart is almost in despair. When this restless nervousness comes, the worker should stop and rest. Christ invites him, “Come ... apart, ... and rest awhile” [Mark 6:31]. “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.... They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” [Isaiah 40:29, 31].13MR 305.1

    Those who are associated together in a work such as is being done in Nashville should have much patience; and they should take time to rest. My son Edson and Brother Palmer and all others who put all there is of them into the work, should remember that they are to sit together in heavenly places in Christ. This is not merely a momentary pause in Christ's presence, but a sitting down in companionship with Him.13MR 305.2

    A worker cannot gain success while he hurries through his prayers to God, and rushes away to look after something that he fears may be neglected or forgotten. He takes time to give only a few hurried thoughts to God, that is all. He does not give himself time to think, to pray, to wait upon the Lord for a renewal of spiritual and physical strength. He soon becomes jaded. He does not feel the uplifting, inspiring influence of God's Spirit. He is not quickened by fresh life. His jaded frame and tired brain are not soothed by personal contact with Christ.—Letter 83, 1902, p. 9.13MR 305.3

    White Estate

    Washington, D. C.,

    April 12, 1984.

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