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The History and Use of the Tithe - Contents
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    Chapter 4—The Tithe That Was Entrusted to Mrs. White

    In the letter to the conference president, quoted above, Mrs. White, on the basis of the special instruction God had given to her, stated that “If there are any persons that shall say to me, ‘Sister White, will you appropriate my tithe where you know it is the most needed,’ I should say, ‘I will do this,’ and I have done it .... I have taken the money, given a receipt for it, and reported how it was appropriated.” She did not make a practice of gathering up tithe funds; she never requested that tithe be placed in her hands.HUT 32.7

    There was a veteran colporteur who at times sent a portion of his tithe to Mrs. White to be used properly in the Lord’s work. How she handled such tithe is reflected in a letter she wrote to our workers in the South, in which she explained the source of some $500, which she was hastening on to them in response to an urgent need made known to her. She related how a large part of this was money given by the general public as she made an appeal at a large gathering. A part of it was tithe money placed in her hands by this colporteur. Of this portion she wrote:HUT 32.8

    “I have $75 from Brother R, tithe money, and we thought that it would be best to send it along to the Southern field to help colored ministers.... I want it specially applied to the colored ministers to help them in their salaries.”—Letter 262, 1902.

    But writing to this man at another time, she revealed not only her course of action but her attitude toward such matters, urging confidence in his brethren and the regular manner of handling the tithe:HUT 33.1

    “You ask if I will accept tithe from you and use it in the cause of God where most needed. In reply I will say that I shall not refuse to do this, but at the same time I will tell you that there is a better way. It is better to put confidence in the ministers of the conference where you live, and in the officers of the church where you worship. Draw nigh to your brethren. Love them with a true heart fervently, and encourage them to bear their responsibilities faithfully in the fear of God. ‘Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.’”—Letter 96, 1911.

    Great changes have come into our work since the days when Mrs. White made use of tithe funds entrusted to her.HUT 33.2

    The Retirement Fund has been established, and through this blessed agency money is wisely distributed to workers who were formerly neglected.HUT 33.3

    Furthermore, plans have been adopted by which tithe is sent out of the conferences that are strong for the support of the work in conferences and missions that are needy.HUT 33.4

    Much will be found in the Testimonies for the Church regarding tithe paying and systematic benevolence, but nothing to sustain the idea that it is right for ministers or other workers, either authorized or self-appointed, to receive and use the tithe to support themselves in independent work.HUT 33.5

    Surely no honest-hearted person will find in these experiences a justification for the withholding of tithe funds, or for appropriating them as he thinks best. Unless he can qualify as one to whom God has through special instruction guided a course divergent from that so clearly set forth in the many E. G. White published counsels, is he not duty-bound to adhere to those counsels?HUT 33.6