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    “My Writings Will Constantly Speak”

    That Mrs. White had no forebodings in regard to the future is made clear by a statement she penned in 1907:ASM 2.2

    “Abundant light has been given to our people in these last days. Whether or not my life is spared, my writings will constantly speak, and their work will go forward as long as time shall last. My writings are kept on file in the office, and even though I should not live, these words that have been given to me by the Lord will still have life and will speak to the people.”—Selected Messages 1:55.

    In this same line of thought Elder W. C. White, writing in 1922, reported that when questions would arise as to the future, Mrs. White would point to her published works and manuscript books, and state:ASM 2.3

    “Here are my writings. When I am gone they will testify for me.”—W. C. White Letter, July 9, 1922.

    This testimony is also in full harmony with that which has come to us from others of our workers who heard Mrs. White make statements concerning the future. One of these was M. M. Campbell. Of this he wrote on February 3, 1943:ASM 2.4

    “Not many months before Sister White had her accident, Elder Montgomery and I, and one other brother, visited her at Elmshaven. Elder W. C. White and Sister McEnterfer were present at the interview. In the course of our conversation I asked Sister White if she had any light as to whether she would live until Jesus returned. She replied that she had no light as to whether she would or would not live till then.

    “I expressed the earnest hope that the Lord would spare her to see the great controversy on the earth clear through to the second coming, for I said, ‘If you are laid away we shall be pestered with all sorts of fanatics arising, claiming to be your successor.’

    “Her quiet reply was, ‘The Lord is perfectly able to take care of His cause.’

    “Then I asked if, in the event of the Lord’s calling her to her rest, another person was likely to be raised up to take her place. Several of her books were lying on the writing table attached to her chair. She spread her hands over them and said that in those books was outlined the information needed by our people for the rest of the journey. That is as far as she felt free to go in answering my question.”

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