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    HYMN 24. 8 & 6

    1 O land of rest, for thee I sigh!
    When will the moment come When I shall lay my armor by,
    And dwell with Christ at home?
    MIM 34.6

    2 No tranquil joys on earth I know,
    No peaceful, sheltering dome;
    This world’s a wilderness of wo,
    This world is not my home.
    MIM 35.1

    3 To Jesus Christ I sought for rest;
    He bade me cease to roam,
    And fly for succor to his breast.
    And he’d conduct me home.
    MIM 35.2

    4 I would at once have quit this place,
    Where foes in fury roam,
    But, ah! my passport was not sealed,
    I could not yet go home.
    MIM 35.3

    5 When, by afflictions sharply tried,
    I view the gaping tomb,
    Although I dread death’s chilling flood,
    Yet still I sigh for home.
    MIM 35.4

    6 Weary of wandering round and round
    This vale of sin and gloom,
    I long to leave the unhallowed ground,
    And dwell with Christ at home.
    MIM 35.5

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