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    HYMN 10. 8s

    1 A city appears to our view,
    Where pilgrims will ever reside;
    If faithful they prove and are true,
    Will dwell with the Lamb as his bride.
    From heaven this city descends,
    Above the ethereal blue;
    The saints will inhabit it when
    To earth they have all bade adieu
    MIM 17.1

    2 No sun shall illumine that land,
    Nor stars in its galaxy shine;
    But order and harmony grand
    Will be in each portion sublime.
    No darkness shall ever prevail,
    But light inexpressible reign;
    No demon our rights shall assail,
    To mar in that heavenly plain.
    MIM 17.2

    3 The walls of this city are high,
    Her light’s like a jasper most clear; When she falls from the azure blue sky,
    She will dwell with the holy who fear.
    Its streets are pellucid, fine gold;
    No temple, but God and the Lamb,
    Our eyes shall there ever behold,
    For they are the light of that land.
    MIM 17.3

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