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An Address to the Public, and Especially the Clergy - Contents
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    We have a sure word of prophecy, whereunto we do well that we take heed, as unto a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in our hearts. This word of prophecy relates to things past, present, and future, but all centre in Christ, his sufferings, and the glory which shall follow.APEC 5.1

    That both these events are the subject of prediction, must be conceded by all who acknowledge the divine authenticity of the Bible. That all which was predicted of Christ’s sufferings, both of manner and time, has been fulfilled to the letter, is acknowledged by all Christians: but the manner and times of his sufferings were no more plainly taught than those of the following glory. If so, then it becomes the solemn and imperious duty of all believers in the Bible, to examine the word of God carefully for themselves in reference to these things. True, many at the present day think it useless labor, if not worse than useless, to attempt an investigation; but not so the apostle: “Ye do well that ye take heed.APEC 5.2

    Although the following pages were originally addressed to the clergy, yet they were not designed exclusively for them, but for the public generally.APEC 5.3

    The object of the writer in giving this work to the public, was to present, in a condensed and consecutive from, the great and grand subjects of scripture prophecy, and the times of their fulfilment; and to present the whole so briefly and distinctly that everybody, of common capacity and any disposition to inquire for light on the subject, might understand the theory in its various bearings.APEC 5.4

    There are very many persons who have but small means, and hardly feel themselves able or willing to expend much in the investigation of this subject, who are furnished in this work with a full view for a trifling expense, and are thus left without excuse for their ignorance on the subject.APEC 5.5

    The same, also, may be remarked in relation to those who complain of a want of time; the work is so brief, and yet full, that no one who has any disposition to investigate the subject at all, but can find time for going through with the book at least once. But is believed that one careful perusal will not be all that the attentive reader will be disposed to give it; but he will feel that it will amply repay him for a more full and extended investigation of the prophecies.APEC 6.1

    More than one year has now passed since this work was first given to the public, daring which time the writer has been a diligent and careful observer of the Signs of the Times, and student of the Holy Scriptures. But, on reviewing the work, he finds very few words, except typographical errors, which he wishes to change. But, on the other hand, he has found much to convince him of the correctness of his positions as expressed in this book; especially the affairs of the East, in the departure of the Ottoman supremacy and independence in Constantinople, corresponding so exactly as it does with the calculations made in reference to it in this work. (See Section VI.) To that calculation is now added a history of the accomplishment of the calculation.APEC 6.2

    That this humble production, with all its imperfections, has been the instrument of good to some, the writer has strong reasons for believing; and therefore the more cheerfully sends forth the second edition, praying that God may make it a blessing to the church and the world.APEC 6.3

    Reader, lay aside prejudice, examine carefully, weigh candidly, and decide with an enlightened judgment and good conscience, laying to heart, and acting in reference to the truths herein disclosed, that you may meet God in peace, and enter into his glory.APEC 6.4

    Boston, July, 1841.APEC 6.5

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