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    Other Clarifying Statements

    Do They Leave Baleful Influences Behind?—Nothing should be put into the human system that will leave a baleful influence behind.—Medical Ministry, 228 (Manuscript 162, “How to Conduct Sanitariums,” 1897).2SM 280.3

    The simplest remedies may assist nature, and leave no baleful effects after their use.—Letter 82, 1897 (To Dr. J.H. Kellogg).2SM 280.4

    Substances Which Poison the Blood—In our sanitariums, we advocate the use of simple remedies. We discourage the use of drugs, for they poison the current of the blood. In these institutions sensible instruction should be given how to eat, how to drink, how to dress, and how to live so that the health may be preserved.—Counsels on Diet and Foods, 303 (Sermon at Lodi, California, May 9, 1908).2SM 280.5

    Do not endeavor to adjust the difficulties by adding a burden of poisonous medicines.—The Ministry of Healing, 235 (1905).2SM 280.6

    Every Pernicious Drug—Every pernicious drug placed in the human stomach, whether by prescription of physicians or by man himself, doing violence to the human organism, injures the whole machinery.—Manuscript 3, 1897 (General Manuscript).2SM 280.7

    Break Down Vital ForcesDrugs always have a tendency to break down and destroy vital forces.—Medical Ministry, 223 (General Manuscript entitled “Sanitarium,” 1887).2SM 281.1

    Poisonous Preparations Which Leave Injurious Effects—God's servants should not administer medicines which they know will leave behind injurious effects upon the system, even if they do relieve present suffering. Every poisonous preparation in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms, taken into the system, will leave its wretched influence, affecting the liver and lungs, and deranging the system generally.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:140 (1864).2SM 281.2

    Deadly Aftereffects of Poisonous Drugs—Nature's simple remedies will aid in recovery without leaving the deadly aftereffects so often felt by those who use poisonous drugs. They destroy the power of the patient to help himself. This power the patients are to be taught to exercise by learning to eat simple, healthful foods, by refusing to overload the stomach with a variety of foods at one meal. All these things should come into the education of the sick. Talks should be given showing how to preserve health, how to shun sickness, how to rest when rest is needed.—Letter 82, 1908 (To physicians and manager at Loma Linda).2SM 281.3

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