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    The Divine Presence in the Operating Room

    [The assurances of this chapter will remove any question as to the propriety of surgery with its attendant anesthetic.]

    Christ in the Operating Room—Before performing a critical operation, let the physician ask for the aid of the Great Physician. Let him assure the suffering one that God can bring him safely through the ordeal, that in all times of distress He is a sure refuge for those who trust in Him.—The Ministry of Healing, 118 (1905).2SM 284.2

    The Saviour is present in the sickroom, in the operating room; and His power for His name's glory accomplishes great things.—Manuscript 159, 1899 (Manuscript, “The Privileges and Duties of a Christian Physician”).2SM 284.3

    Surgery Not a Denial of Faith—It is our privilege to use every God-appointed means in correspondence with our faith, and then trust in God, when we have urged the promise. If there is need of a surgical operation, and the physician is willing to undertake the case, it is not a denial of faith to have the operation performed. After the patient has committed his will to the will of God, let him trust, drawing nigh to the Great Physician, the Mighty Healer, and giving himself up in perfect trust. The Lord will honor his faith in the very manner He sees is for His own name's glory. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:3, 4).—Manuscript 67, 1899 (General Manuscript).2SM 284.4

    Jesus Guided Your Hands—Who has been by your side as you have performed these critical operations? Who has kept you calm and self-possessed in the crisis, giving you quick, sharp discernment, clear eyesight, steady nerves, and skillful precision? The Lord Jesus has sent His angel to your side to tell you what to do. A hand has been laid upon your hand. Jesus, and not you, has guided the movements of your instrument. At times you have realized this, and a wonderful calmness has come over you. You dared not hurry, and yet you worked rapidly, knowing that there was not a moment to lose. The Lord has greatly blessed you.—Testimonies for the Church 8:187, 188 (To the medical superintendent of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, 1899).2SM 285.1

    As you looked to God in your critical operations, angels of God were standing by your side, and their hands were seen as your hand performing the work with an accuracy that made the beholders surprised.—Letter 73, 1899 (To the physician addressed in the preceding item).2SM 285.2

    The Divine Watcher by the Side of the PhysicianChrist is the greatest medical missionary that ever lived. He never lost a case. He understands how to give strength and guidance to the physicians in this institution. He stands beside them as they perform their difficult surgical operations. We know that this is so. He has saved lives that might have been lost had the knife swerved a hair's breadth. Angels of God are constantly ministering to those for whom Christ has given His life.2SM 285.3

    God gives the physicians of this institution skill and efficiency because they are serving Him. They know that their skill is not their own, that it comes from above. They realize that there is beside them a divine Watcher, who gives wisdom to His physicians, enabling them to move intelligently in their work.—Manuscript 28, 1901 (Words addressed to workers at the St. Helena Sanitarium).2SM 285.4

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