- A Word to the Reader
- Introduction
- The Danger of Speculative Ideas
- The Charm of New Theories
- The Need for Clear Discernment
- Fanaticism to Appear in Our Midst
- Feeling Not to Master Judgment
- Obedience Versus Emotion or Rapture
- A Call for Old-fashioned Sermons
- Cold Formalism or Fanaticism
- False Ideas of God's Blessing
- All is Quiet, Calm, Unpretending
- The Example of Christ
- A Desire to Change the Present Order
- No Oddities or Eccentricities
- God's Word to Be Uncontaminated by Fallacies
- Seek not for Miraculous Manifestations
- When the Miracle Worker Disregards God's Law
- None Need be Deceived
- Will Sweep in the Whole World
- Miracles not a Test
- Wonderful Miracles Will Deceive
- How Satan and His Agents Work
- Ellen G. White Worked No Miracles
- Why Miracles are Less Important Today
- Miracles in the Closing Conflict
- Introduction
- Chapter 19—An Object Lesson
- Satisfaction and Blessing in Sacrificial Labor
- Not to Demand a Stipulated Sum
- Do the Work and Accept Wages Offered
- Pay to Be According to Labor
- Privilege of Working Versus Wages
- “An Expensive Family”
- An Appeal for Equality
- The Toll of Large Wages
- Higher Wages Proposed for Superior Men
- The Necessities and Comforts of Life
- Free From Worldly Enterprises and Conflicting Duties
- Avoid Cultivating Expensive Tastes
- Spirit of Self-Denial of Early Days Required Now
- Procuring the Very Best Talent
- Wages for Institutional Workers
- A View of Threatening Dangers in 1890
- The Importance of Self-Denial
- A Threat to All Our Institutions
- A Characteristic Feature of the Work Imperiled
- Physicians and Ministers Called to Self-Denial
- Counsel to a Physician Regarding a Fixed Salary
- A Percentage Proposition Counseled Against
- “Do Not Exact a High Salary”
- Extravagance and Influence
- An Important Interview Regarding Physicians’ Wages
- Meeting an Emergency
- Chapter 23—Counsel to One Who for Financial Reasons Was Planning to Leave the Work of God
- Introduction
- Bereavement Softens and Subdues
- We Shall See Our Children Again
- Children In the Resurrection
- Jesus Says, “Lean on Me”
- Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord
- Look to the Happy Family Reunion
- Will Be Called in Special Resurrection
- No Sin in Weeping
- He Sleeps in Jesus
- The Lord to Be Your Comfort
- Ellen White in Her Hour of Bereavement
- The Glorious Resurrection Morning
- Introduction
- Chapter 32—Proper Attitude in Prayer
- Chapter 34—Useful Occupation Better Than Games
- Chapter 37—The Aged Who Have No Homes
- Chapter 39—Counsel on Voting
- Chapter 40—Hops, Tobacco, and Swine
- Appendix 2—Important Factors in Choosing a Life Companion
Chapter 31—Personal Experiences
Early Experience In Treating Pneumonia
In the winter of 1864, my Willie was suddenly and violently brought down with lung fever. We had just buried our oldest son with this disease, and were very anxious in regard to Willie, fearing that he, too, might die. We decided that we would not send for a physician, but do the best we could with him ourselves by the use of water, and entreat the Lord in behalf of the child. We called in a few who had faith to unite their prayers with ours. We had a sweet assurance of God's presence and blessing.2SM 304.1
The next day Willie was very sick. He was wandering. He did not seem to see or hear me when I spoke to him. His heart had no regular beat, but was in a constant agitated flutter. We continued to look to God in his behalf, and to use water freely upon his head, and a compress constantly upon his lungs, and soon he seemed rational as ever. He suffered severe pain in his right side, and could not lie upon it for a moment. This pain we subdued with cold water compresses, varying the temperature of the water according to the degree of the fever. We were very careful to keep his hands and feet warm.2SM 304.2
We expected the crisis would come the seventh day. We had but little rest during his sickness, and were obliged to give him up into others’ care the fourth and fifth nights. My husband and myself the fifth day felt very anxious. The child raised fresh blood, and coughed considerably. My husband spent much time in prayer. We left our child in careful hands that night. Before retiring my husband prayed long and earnestly. Suddenly his burden of prayer left him, and it seemed as though a voice spoke to him, and said, “Go lie down, I will take care of the child.”2SM 304.3
I had retired sick, and could not sleep for anxiety for several hours. I felt pressed for breath. Although sleeping in a large chamber, I arose and opened the door into a large hall, and was at once relieved, and soon slept. I dreamed that an experienced physician was standing by my child, watching every breath, with one hand over his heart, and with the other feeling his pulse. He turned to us and said, “The crisis has passed. He has seen his worst night. He will now come up speedily, for he has not the injurious influence of drugs to recover from. Nature has nobly done her work to rid the system of impurities.” I related to him my worn-out condition, my pressure for breath, and the relief obtained by opening the door.2SM 305.1
Said he, “That which gave you relief, will also relieve your child. He needs air. You have kept him too warm. The heated air coming from a stove is injurious, and were it not for the air coming in at the crevices of the windows, would be poisonous and destroy life. Stove heat destroys the vitality of the air, and weakens the lungs. The child's lungs have been weakened by the room being kept too warm. Sick persons are debilitated by disease, and need all the invigorating air that they can bear to strengthen the vital organs to resist disease. And yet in most cases air and light are excluded from the sickroom at the very time when most needed, as though dangerous enemies.”2SM 305.2
This dream and my husband's experience was a consolation to us both. We found in the morning that our boy had passed a restless night. He seemed to be in a high fever until noon. Then the fever left him, and he appeared quite well, except weak. He had eaten but one small cracker through his five-days’ sickness. He came up rapidly, and has had better health than he has had for several years before. This experience is valuable to us.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:151-153, (1864), (first section).2SM 305.3