- A Word to the Reader
- Introduction
- The Danger of Speculative Ideas
- The Charm of New Theories
- The Need for Clear Discernment
- Fanaticism to Appear in Our Midst
- Feeling Not to Master Judgment
- Obedience Versus Emotion or Rapture
- A Call for Old-fashioned Sermons
- Cold Formalism or Fanaticism
- False Ideas of God's Blessing
- All is Quiet, Calm, Unpretending
- The Example of Christ
- A Desire to Change the Present Order
- No Oddities or Eccentricities
- God's Word to Be Uncontaminated by Fallacies
- Seek not for Miraculous Manifestations
- When the Miracle Worker Disregards God's Law
- None Need be Deceived
- Will Sweep in the Whole World
- Miracles not a Test
- Wonderful Miracles Will Deceive
- How Satan and His Agents Work
- Ellen G. White Worked No Miracles
- Why Miracles are Less Important Today
- Miracles in the Closing Conflict
- Introduction
- Chapter 19—An Object Lesson
- Satisfaction and Blessing in Sacrificial Labor
- Not to Demand a Stipulated Sum
- Do the Work and Accept Wages Offered
- Pay to Be According to Labor
- Privilege of Working Versus Wages
- “An Expensive Family”
- An Appeal for Equality
- The Toll of Large Wages
- Higher Wages Proposed for Superior Men
- The Necessities and Comforts of Life
- Free From Worldly Enterprises and Conflicting Duties
- Avoid Cultivating Expensive Tastes
- Spirit of Self-Denial of Early Days Required Now
- Procuring the Very Best Talent
- Wages for Institutional Workers
- A View of Threatening Dangers in 1890
- The Importance of Self-Denial
- A Threat to All Our Institutions
- A Characteristic Feature of the Work Imperiled
- Physicians and Ministers Called to Self-Denial
- Counsel to a Physician Regarding a Fixed Salary
- A Percentage Proposition Counseled Against
- “Do Not Exact a High Salary”
- Extravagance and Influence
- An Important Interview Regarding Physicians’ Wages
- Meeting an Emergency
- Chapter 23—Counsel to One Who for Financial Reasons Was Planning to Leave the Work of God
- Introduction
- Bereavement Softens and Subdues
- We Shall See Our Children Again
- Children In the Resurrection
- Jesus Says, “Lean on Me”
- Blessed Are the Dead Who Die in the Lord
- Look to the Happy Family Reunion
- Will Be Called in Special Resurrection
- No Sin in Weeping
- He Sleeps in Jesus
- The Lord to Be Your Comfort
- Ellen White in Her Hour of Bereavement
- The Glorious Resurrection Morning
- Introduction
- Chapter 32—Proper Attitude in Prayer
- Chapter 34—Useful Occupation Better Than Games
- Chapter 37—The Aged Who Have No Homes
- Chapter 39—Counsel on Voting
- Chapter 40—Hops, Tobacco, and Swine
- Appendix 2—Important Factors in Choosing a Life Companion
How to Be Preserved From Deceptive Influences
[Appeared in Notebook Leaflets, Christian Experience, No. 5.]
Satan often finds a powerful agency for evil in the power which one human mind is capable of exerting on another human mind. This influence is so seductive that the person who is being molded by it is often unconscious of its power. God has bidden me speak warning against this evil, that His servants may not come under the deceptive power of Satan. The enemy is a master worker, and if God's people are not constantly led by the Spirit of God, they will be snared and taken.2SM 352.2
For thousands of years Satan has been experimenting upon the properties of the human mind, and he has learned to know it well. By his subtle workings in these last days, he is linking the human mind with his own, imbuing it with his thoughts; and he is doing this work in so deceptive a manner that those who accept his guidance know not that they are being led by him at his will. The great deceiver hopes so to confuse the minds of men and women, that none but his voice will be heard.2SM 352.3
When Christ revealed to Peter the time of trial and suffering that was just before Him, and Peter replied, “Be it far from Thee, Lord: this shall not be unto Thee” (Matthew 16:22), the Saviour commanded, “Get thee behind me, Satan” (Matthew 16:23). Satan was speaking through Peter, making him act the part of the tempter. Satan's presence was unsuspected by Peter, but Christ could detect the presence of the deceiver, and in His rebuke to Peter He addressed the real foe.2SM 353.1
On one occasion, speaking to the twelve, and referring to Judas, Christ declared, “One of you is a devil” (John 6:70). Often in the days of His earthly ministry the Saviour met His adversary in human form, when Satan as an unclean spirit took possession of men. Satan takes possession of the minds of men today. In my labors in the cause of God, I have again and again met those who have been thus possessed, and in the name of the Lord I have rebuked the evil spirit.2SM 353.2
It is not by force that Satan takes possession of the human mind. While men sleep, the enemy sows tares in the church. While men are spiritually sleeping, the enemy accomplishes his work of iniquity. It is when his subject “understandeth it not” (Matthew 13:19) that he catcheth away the good seed sown in the heart. When men and women are in this condition, when their spiritual life is not being constantly fed by the Spirit of God, Satan can imbue them with his spirit, and lead them to work his works.…2SM 353.3
I entreat that there may be a putting away from the life every action which does not bear the approval of God. We are drawing near to the close of earth's history; the battle is growing daily more fierce.—Letter 244, 1907.2SM 353.4