As it was known to many friends that I was present at this discussion between Elder M. E. Cornell and Elder Miles Grant, on the Sabbath question, and that I had taken quite copious notes of said discussion, I have been earnestly requested by these friends to give a report for publication.DSQ63 3.1
If I had thought it would be necessary to publish this discussion, I should have given as near as possible a verbatim report. Elder Grant has given a one-sided report in the World’s Crisis. This fact alone makes it duty to present before the public both sides, as far as it is in my power so to do. My object was to take the principal arguments advanced, and the scriptures used on both sides, and to state the propositions and arguments as far as I went, in the words of the speakers; and where authors were quoted, to state in the words of the authors the real point for which they were quoted. Many of the authors quoted by Elder Grant I have not access to in making the report, and could only give in the report of these authors such statements as were taken at the time he was speaking. But in each case I have taken the statements that were [original illegible] as having a direct bearing on the question. The authors quoted by Elder Cornell I have access to, and their statements are generally in full.DSQ63 3.2
I have endeavored to avoid repetition as much as possible, although there was, as is usual in discussions, much repetition. I have only repeated wherethe arguments were repeated for the sake of advancing some new ideas upon them. These facts, with theconsideration that Elder Cornell is a more rapid speaker than Elder Grant, will explain why some of ElderGrant’s speeches appear in the report much shorter than his opponent’s. I have labored, however, to state all his arguments, scriptures, and proofs accurately.DSQ63 3.3
I have seen some remarks by Elder Grant in the World’s Crisis, to the effect that a “bold challenge had been made” for a discussion. 1 think there must be a misunderstanding by the Elder on this point. We didnot make a challenge for a discussion, but when holding a tent-meeting at Manchester, N. H., last summer,requested any one that wished to oppose our views onthe Sabbath question to come and preach on the subject in the tent. After this, Elder Bishop sent achallenge for a discussion. Several of the Adventbrethren in Manchester told me that they thought adiscussion with him would not be satisfactory, as butfew of them sympathized with him. We said to them, if they were anxious to have a discussion they had better get Elder Grant, a man in whom they all had confidence. Accordingly they held a correspondence with Elder Grant, which resulted in a discussion.
J. N. Loughborough.
Topsham, Maine, Feb., 1864.DSQ63 4.1