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    Practical Demonstration of Missionary Methods

    By engaging in work at the camp-meeting, all may be learning how to work successfully in their home churches.—Testimonies for the Church 6:49.ChS 195.4

    At some of our camp-meetings, strong companies of workers have been organized to go out into the city and its suburbs to distribute literature and invite people to the meetings. By this means hundreds of persons were secured as regular attendants during the last half of the meeting who otherwise might have thought little about it.—Testimonies for the Church 6:36.ChS 195.5

    We can go to the camp-meeting, not merely to receive, but to impart. Every one who is a partaker of Christ's pardoning love, every one who has been enlightened by the Spirit of God and converted to the truth, will feel that for these precious blessings he owes a debt to every soul with whom he comes in contact. Those who are humble in heart the Lord will use to reach souls whom the ordained ministers cannot reach. They will be moved to speak words which reveal the saving grace of Christ.—Testimonies for the Church 6:43.ChS 196.1

    When we follow plans of the Lord's devising, we are “laborers together with God.” Whatever our position,—whether presidents of conferences, ministers, teachers, students, or lay members,—we are held accountable by the Lord for making the most of our opportunities to enlighten those in need of present truth. And one of the principal agencies He has ordained for our use is the printed page. In our schools and sanitariums, in our home churches, and particularly in our annual camp-meetings, we must learn to make a wise use of this precious agency. With patient diligence, chosen workers must instruct our people how to approach unbelievers in a kindly, winning way, and how to place in their hands literature in which the truth for this time is presented with clearness and power.—Testimonies for the Church 9:86, 87.ChS 196.2

    The work at our camp-meetings should be conducted, not according to man's devising, but after the manner of Christ's working. The church members should be drawn out to labor.—Testimonies for the Church 9:120.ChS 196.3

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