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    God's people are to be distinguished as a people who serve Him fully, whole-heartedly, taking no honor to themselves, and remembering that by a most solemn covenant they have bound themselves to serve the Lord, and Him only.—Testimonies for the Church 9:17.ChS 236.1

    It is whole-hearted, thoroughly decided men and women who will stand now. Christ sifted His followers again and again, until, at one time, there remained only eleven and a few faithful women, to lay the foundation of the Christian church. There are those who will stand back when burdens are to be borne, but when the church is all aglow, they catch the enthusiasm, sing and shout, and become rapturous; but watch them. When the fervor is gone, only a few faithful Calebs will come to the front and display unwavering principle. These are salt that retains the savor. It is when the work moves hard that the churches develop the true helpers.—Testimonies for the Church 5:130.ChS 236.2

    No man can succeed in the service of God unless his whole heart is in the work, and he counts all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. No man who makes any reserve can be the disciple of Christ, much less can he be His colaborer.—The Desire of Ages, 273.ChS 236.3

    They are not to engage in speculation, neither are they to enter into business enterprises with unbelievers; for this would hinder them in their God-given work.—Testimonies for the Church 9:19.ChS 236.4

    The Redeemer will not accept divided service. Daily the worker for God must learn the meaning of self-surrender.—Gospel Workers, 113.ChS 236.5

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