Chapter 9—The Treasure with Which to Store the Mind
- Note to the Reader
- Chapter 1—Proper Education
- Chapter 2—Our College
- Chapter 3—Pure Education
- Chapter 4—Our College
- Chapter 5—Proper Education of the Young
- Chapter 6—A Knowledge of God
- Chapter 7—The Schools of the Prophets
- Chapter 8—The Teacher of Truth the Only Safe Educator
- Chapter 9—The Treasure with Which to Store the Mind
- Chapter 10—The Science of Salvation the First of Sciences
- Chapter 11—Christian Character Exemplified in Teachers and Students
- Chapter 12—The World by Wisdom Knew not God
- Chapter 13—Books in Our Schools
- Chapter 14—The Book of Books
- Chapter 15—The Value of Bible Study
- Chapter 16—The Necessity of Doing Our Best
- Chapter 17—Formality, Not Organization, An Evil
- Chapter 18—The Education Most Essential For Gospel Workers
- Chapter 19—To Teachers
- Chapter 20—Home Education
- Chapter 21—Parental Responsibility
- Chapter 22—Education And Health
- Chapter 23—Mental Inebriates
- Chapter 24—The Literal Week
- Chapter 25—Fragments
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Chapter 9—The Treasure with Which to Store the Mind
Jesus beheld the human race, ignorant, apostate from God, standing under the penalty of the broken law; and he came to bring deliverance, to offer a complete pardon, signed by the Majesty of heaven. If man will accept this pardon, he may be saved; if he rejects it, he will be lost. The wisdom of God alone can unfold the mysteries of the plan of salvation. The wisdom of men may or may not be valuable, as experience shall prove, but the wisdom of God is indispensable; and yet many who profess to be wise are willingly ignorant of the things that pertain to eternal life. Miss what you may in the line of human attainments, but you must have faith in the pardon brought to you at infinite cost, or all of wisdom attained in earth, will perish with you.CE 78.1
Were the Sun of Righteousness to withdraw his beams of light from the world, we should be left in the darkness of eternal night. Jesus spake as never man spake. He poured out to men the whole treasure of heaven in wisdom and knowledge. He is the light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world. Every phase of truth was evident to him. He did not come to utter uncertain sentiments and opinions; but only to speak truth established upon eternal principles. Then why take the unstable words of men as exalted wisdom, when a greater and certain wisdom is at your command? Men take the writings of scientists, falsely so-called, and seek to make their deductions harmonize with the statements of the Bible. But where there is no agreement, there can be no harmony. Christ declares, “No man can serve two masters.” [Matthew 6:24.] Their interests are sure to clash. Again and again men have attempted to put the Bible and the writings of men upon a common basis; but the attempt has proved a failure; for we cannot serve God and mammon.CE 78.2
We are in the world, but we are not to be of the world. Jesus entreats that those for whom he died, may not lose their eternal reward by lavishing their affections on the things of this perishing earth, and so cheat themselves out of unending happiness. An enlightened judgment compels us to acknowledge that heavenly things are superior to the things of earth, and yet the depraved heart of man leads him to give precedence to the things of the world. The opinions of great men, the theories of science, falsely so-called, are blended with the truths of Holy Writ.CE 79.1
But the heart that is surrendered to God, loves the truth of God's word; for through the truth the soul is regenerated. The carnal mind finds no pleasure in contemplating the word of God, but he who is renewed in the spirit of his mind, sees new charms in the living oracles; for divine beauty and celestial light seem to shine in every passage. That which was to the carnal mind a desolate wilderness, to the spiritual mind becomes a land of living streams. That which to the unrenewed heart appeared a barren waste, to the converted soul becomes the garden of God, covered with fragrant buds and blooming flowers.CE 79.2
The Bible has been placed in the background, while the sayings of great men, so-called, have been taken in its stead. May the Lord forgive us the slight we have put upon his word. Though inestimable treasures are in the Bible, and it is like a mine full of precious ore, it is not valued, it is not searched, and its riches are not discovered. Mercy and truth and love are valuable beyond our power to calculate; we cannot have too great a supply of these treasures, and it is in the word of God we find out how we may become possessors of these heavenly riches, and yet why is it that the word of God is uninteresting to many professed Christians? Is it because the word of God is not spirit and is not life? Has Jesus put upon us an uninteresting task, when he commands us to “search the Scriptures”? [John 5:39.] Jesus says, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” [John 6:63.] But spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and the reason of your lack of interest is that you lack the Spirit of God. When the heart is brought into harmony with the word, a new life will spring up within you, a new light will shine upon every line of the word, and it will become the voice of God to your soul. In this way you will take celestial observations, and know whither you are going, and be able to make the most of your privileges today.CE 80.1
We should ask the Lord to open our understanding, that we may comprehend divine truth. If we humble our hearts before God, empty them of vanity and pride and selfishness, through the grace abundantly bestowed upon us; if we sincerely desire and unwaveringly believe, the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into our minds, and illuminate our darkened understanding. Jesus is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He is the light of the world, and he bids us come unto him, and learn of him. Jesus was the great Teacher. He could have made disclosures on the sciences that would have placed the discoveries of the greatest men in the background as utter littleness; but this was not his mission or his work. He had come to seek and to save that which was lost, and he could not permit himself to be turned from his one object. He allowed nothing to divert him. This work he has given into our hands. Shall we do it?CE 80.2
In the days of Christ the established teachers instructed men in the traditions of the fathers, in childish fables, mingled with the opinions of those who they thought were high authorities. Yet neither high nor low could discern any ray of light in their teaching. What wonder was it that crowds followed in the footsteps of the Lord, and gave him homage as they listened to his words! He revealed truths that had been buried under the rubbish of error, and he freed them from the exactions and traditions of men, and bade them stand fast forever. He rescued truth from its obscurity, and set it in its proper framework, to shine in its original luster. He addressed men in his own name; for authority was vested in himself, and why should men, professing to be his followers, not speak with authority concerning subjects on which he has given light? Why take inferior sources of instruction when Christ is the great Teacher who knows all things? Why present inferior authors to the attention of students, when he whose words are spirit and life invites, “Come, ... and learn of me”? [Matthew 11:28, 29.]CE 81.1
Shall we not be intensely interested in the lessons of Christ? Shall we not be charmed with the new and glorious light of heavenly truth? This light is above everything that man can present. We can receive light only as we come to the cross and present ourselves at the altar of sacrifice. Here man's weakness is made manifest; here his strength is revealed. Here men see there is power in Christ to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him.CE 81.2
Shall we not be doers of the words of him who knows all things? Shall we not make the Bible the man of our counsel in the education and training of our youth? The word of God is the foundation of all true knowledge, and Christ teaches what men must do in order to be saved. Hitherto the designs of the enemy have been carried out in bringing before our students such books as have taught specious errors, and presented fables that have tempted their carnal appetites. Shall we bring into our schools the sower of tares? Shall we permit men who are called great, and yet who have been taught by the enemy of all truth, to have the education of our youth? Or shall we take the word of God as our guide, and have our schools conducted more after the order of the ancient schools of the prophets?CE 82.1
If the Bible was studied and obeyed; if we had the spirit of Christ, we should make determined efforts to be laborers together with God. We should better appreciate the worth of the soul; for every soul converted to God means a vessel dedicated to a holy use, a depositary of truth, a bearer of light to others. God expects more of the schools than has yet been brought forth. Christ has said, “Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life; which the Son of man shall give unto you; for him hath God the Father sealed.” [John 6:27.]CE 82.2
Then we shall rightly understand the teaching of God's word, and esteem the truth as the most valuable treasure with which to store the mind. We shall have a constant well-spring of the waters of life. We shall pray as did the psalmist, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law,” [Psalm 119:18.] and shall find as he did that “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is they servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” [Psalm 119:9-11.]—The Review and Herald, November 24, 1891.CE 83.1